牛津译林版八年级上册英语 Unit 7 Seasons 单元综合练习

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1、牛津译林版八年级上册英语 Unit 7 Seasons 单元综合练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There was a big fire yesterday. _ no one was hurt.ALuckilyBLoudlyCAngrilyDBadly2 . While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped _ and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _ what was wrong with him.Ato run; to seeBrunning; see

2、ingCrunning; to seeDto run; seeing3 . Flowers in my classroomevery week.AwaterBwateredCare wateredDwere watered4 . _ is necessary for us _ our own dreams.AThat; have B. It; haveBThat; having D. It; to have5 . We should avoid _ others bad words.AtalkingBsayCspeakDsaying6 . -How are you doing?-_.AI is

3、 watching TV.BI am watching TV.CI am fine.DI am good.7 . Old Henry lives _.He often feels _.Aalone;aloneBalone;lonelyClonely;lonelyDlonely;alone8 . There are so many new words in the passage. I cant understand it well.You can them in the dictionary.Acall; upBtake; upClook; up9 . I have a bad_. You s

4、hould see a dentist.AthroatBtoothacheCcoldDfever10 . Please write _ me soon!AforBwithCtoDon11 . Boys and girls, attention, please. Now let me tell you to the Bird Island.Ahow to getBwhat to getCwhom to getDwhere to get12 . Where is Lucy, Ann? She _ went shopping with her friend.AmaybeBcanCprobablyDm

5、ay13 . Lets meet the shopping center seven thirty.Ain; atBat; inCon; atDin; on14 . These days my classmates are busy _ ready for the final exam.Ato getBgetCgettingDgot二、完型填空Early Writing and Alphabets (字母)When people first began to write, they did not use an alphabet._, they drew small pictures to s

6、how the objects they were writing about. This was very_because there was a different picture for every word.The ancient Egyptians had a_of picture writing that was called hieroglyphics (象形文字). The meaning of this writing had been forgotten for a very long time, but in 1799 some scientists discovered

7、 a stone near Alexandria, in Egypt. The stone had been there for over a thousand years. It had both Greek and hieroglyphics on it and researchers were_able to understand what the hieroglyphics meant.An alphabet is quite_picture writing. It consists of letters or symbols that represent (代表) a sound a

8、nd each sound is just part of one word. The Phoenicians, who lived about 3,000 years ago,_the ancient alphabet. It was later improved by the Romans and this alphabet is now used widely throughout the world.15 . AHoweverBInsteadCAlsoDThen16 . AamazingBpowerfulCstrangeDslow17 . AwallBpieceCsystemDcoll

9、ection18 . AfinallyBseldomCnearlyDespecially19 . Asimilar toBdifferent fromCfull ofDclose to20 . AnoticedBarrangedCdevelopedDdiscovered三、阅读单选One day,an 11-year-old girl asked her dad,“What are you going to get me for my 15th birthday?”The father replied,“Dont worry about that We still have plenty of

10、 time.”But on a day after her 14th birthday, she passed out (昏倒)and was rushed to the hospital.The family learned that the girl had a serious heart disease and that she might die.At night, she asked her dad, Daddy, have they told you that I am going to die? The father replied,“No,you will live as lo

11、ng as anyone else.”She wondered and asked, “How can you be sure?”He smiled to her and said,“I just know it.”After the girl turned 15, she had a heart transplant(心脏移植手术) .After she came back from the hospital, she found a letter on her bed.It said,“My dearest daughter, one day you asked me what I wou

12、ld give you for your 15th birthday.I wasnt sure then.But now you know that my present to you is my heart.The father had given his heart to his daughter.Parents are selfless(无私的).They even make great sacrifices to make their children grow up happily.Keep this in mind when you feel angry toward your p

13、arents.Always, they re just doing what they think best for you.21 . The girl had a heart disease when she wasAllB14C15D1622 . Why did the father say that the girl would live as long as anyone else?ABecause he was a doctor.BBecause he lied to his daughter.CBecause the girls disease was not serious.DB

14、ecause he would try his best to save his daughter.23 . What gift did the father give to his daughter for her 15th birthday?AHis heart.BA letter.CLots of money.DA birthday party.24 . The underlined word “sacrifices”meansin Chinese.A限制B交易C供给D牺牲25 . Whats the best title for the passage?AHow to deal with a heart disease.BDont be afraid of death.CA spec


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