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1、 出国旅游常用英语:机场送行Dialogue 1Announcer: Passengers are reminded not to leave luggage unattended.机场播送:请各位旅客当心看管自己的行李。Lok: Oh, the queue is very long.洛克:噢,排队的人真多呀。Harvey: You can check in at Business Class over there.哈维:你们可以在那边的商务舱登机柜台办理手续。Lok: Oh, of course, thank you.洛克:哦,我都遗忘这一点了。感谢你。Attendant F: Hello.

2、 How are you? Could I see your tickets and passports please? Thank you.地勤人员:您好。请出示您的机票和护照。,感谢。Attendant F: How many pieces?地勤人员:请问您有几件行李?Lok: Four.洛克:四件。Attendant F: Place them on the scales please.地勤人员:请将它们放到磅秤上。Attendant F: This one could go on as carry on luggage if you like.地勤人员:假如您情愿的话,这件行李可以做为

3、手提行李携带。Lian: No, its fine, thanks.丽安:不,不用了。感谢。Attendant F: Your boarding passes. And your departure card. Please fill it out and hand it in at the Immigration desk.地勤人员: 这是您的登机牌。这是您的出境卡。请将填好的出境卡交给移民局出入境检查台。Attendant F: Your flight will be boarding at Gate 15 from 12.10. Please pass through security

4、no later than 11.30.地勤人员:您的航班定于十二点非常从十五号门登机。请务必在十一点半之前通过安全检查。Attendant F: And make sure there are no sharp objects in your hand luggage.地勤人员:请确认您的手提行李中没有任何锐利的物品。Attendant F: Enjoy your trip.地勤人员:祝您旅途开心。Lian:Thank you.丽安:感谢。Attendant F: Next in line please!地勤人员:下一位! Dialogue 2Lian: Well, goodbye Harv

5、ey. Goodbye Victoria. Thanks for all your help this week.丽安:哈维,维多利亚,那我们就再见了。感谢你们这一周来对我们的帮助。Victoria:Its been lovely meeting you.维多利亚:能够和你们见面是一件很令人开心的Lok:Same here. And if youre ever in our neclook us up. I”ll show you some freshwate洛克:我们也是这样感受的。假如你们今后去,请肯定要和我们联系。我会带你Harvey:Thank you. I”ll remember t

6、hat.哈维:感谢你,我记住了。Victoria: Safe flight.维多利亚: 祝你们一路平安。Lok:Bye.洛克:再见.Harvey: You”ll be hearing from us!哈维:我们会很快给你们来信的。Lian: Bye.丽安:再见。Attendant: Place your hand luggage on the belt please.安检人员:请将您的手提行李放在传送带上。Attendant: Put your watch and keys in the tray.安检人员:您的手表和钥匙请放在这个小筐内。Attendant: Could you remove your shoes please sir?安检人员:先生,请您把鞋子脱掉好吗?俗话说投桃报李,礼尚往来。让我们来听听洛克在与哈维道别时是如何向哈维表示谢意的。Lok: And if youre ever in our neck of the woods, please look us up.Ill show you some freshwater fishing!洛克:假如你们今后有时机到我们那里去,请肯定要和我们联系。我会带你们去钓淡水鱼。


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