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1、牛栏江一中“40+5三步五过程”学案、导学案 八 年级 科目 英语 课 题题Unit 4 HHow do youu geet tto sschoool?第 1 课时课型New主备教师李武凤教学资源选用教材二次备课教教师学习目标1, 复习本单元元secctioon AA 单词词及短语语: 反复复操练HHow dodoees ssb. gett too scchoool?句句型及答答语掌握重点句句型 HHow lonng ddoess itt taake? 及答答语。2,用目标标语言完完成听力力任务学习重点掌握:Hoow ddoddoess sbb. gget to schhooll?How ll

2、ongg dooes it takke?重、难点的的落实与与突破措措施简述述引导学生相相互问候候,促进进学生间间的交流流合作,加大口口语训练练,学习难点教学内容设设计教师导学案案设计(学学生笔记记)学生预习平行训练1. geet tto sschoool - 2. geet hhomee - 3. hoow aabouut=wwhatt abboutt - 4. taake thee suubwaay- 5. 骑自自行车- 6. taake thee buus 77. takke tthe traain- 7. 乘坐坐出租车车- 8. goo inn a parrentts carr -词汇1

3、. Myy hoome is neaar. I _(步行)to schhooll.2.Li Leii _ tthe subbwayy (乘乘地铁)to schhooll evveryy daay.3.Hiss faatheer oofteen ggoess too Shhangghaii _ _(坐飞飞机).教师学前导导入自主探究单项选择1.Hoow ddoess hee goo too Hoong Konng?_.A. Taake thee pllaneeB. By thee pllaneeC. By thee aiir2._ ddo yyou livve ffromm scchoool?8

4、 miiless.A. Hoow llonggB. Howw faarC. Wheere3.I uusuaallyy goo too scchoool _.A. riide thee biikeB. oon bbikeeC. on thee biike4._ dooes it takke hher to gett too scchoool?A. Hoow mmanyy tiimeB. Howw loongC. Howw faar5. Iff thhey livve aarouund thee riiverr, ttheyy caan ggo ssomeewheere _.A. byy trra

5、innB. by taxxiC. by boaat6. Itt taakess thhem hallf _houur bby ttaxii.A. a B. aanC. thhe D. /合作交流单项选择7._ yyourr faatheer uusuaallyy goo too woork by carr?A. Doo B. IsC. Dooes D. Aree8.Tomm offtenn _ a kkitee inn thhe pparkk.A. flly B. fliiesC. iss fllyinng D. flyys9._ LLucyy annd KKatee goo too scch

6、oool?A. Hoow B. Howw dooesC. Hoow ddo D. Howw arre根据汉语意意思完成成下列句句子1.杯子里里有多少少水?_ _ _ iss thheree inn thhe ccup?2.没关系系,我喜喜欢走路路._ _ _ , I llikee waalkiing.3.你通常常怎么回回家?_ _ yyou _ _ hoome?师生互动精讲点拨动词填空I havve aa goood friiendd. HHis namme iis JJohnn Brrownn. HHe iis aa scchoool bboy. Hiis sschoool is farr

7、frrom hiss hoome. Evveryy daay iit 1 a loot oof ttimee too geet ttherre. Thee rooad 22 nott fllat, soo hee caantt 3 to schhooll byy biike. Hee offtenn 4 thheree byy buus oor oon ffoott. IIt 55 himm twwentty mminuutess too geet ttherre bby bbus andd ann hoour on fooot. He musst 6 upp veery earrly eve

8、ery morrninng. He 77 no timme ffor breeakffastt att hoome. Hee offtenn 8 ssomeethiing forr brreakkfasst oon tthe wayy orr onn thhe bbus. Hee dooesnnt wannt tto 9 latte ffor schhooll, sso ssomeetimmes he 11 too scchoool. 完成对话An Ammeriicann giirl callledd Heelenn iss innterrvieewinng yyou. Plleasse ww

9、ritte ddownn yoour ansswerrs.H: Exxcusse mme, whaatss yoour namme, pleeasee?Y: Myy naame is _.H: Whhichh scchoool aare youu inn? IIs iit ffar froom yyourr hoome?Y: Im iin _.My homme iis _.H: Hoow ddo yyou usuuallly ggo tto sschoool?Y:I _ to schhooll.H: Hoow llongg dooes it takke yyou?Y: Itt taakess

10、mee _.H: Hoow mmanyy daays do youu goo too scchoool eeverry dday?Y:I ggo tto sschoool froom _ to _.H: Doo yoou llikee yoour schhooll? WWhy?Y:_.H: Weell, itts nicce ttalkkingg too yoou. Thaank youu veery mucch.巩固训练句型转换1.Mr.Smiith oftten fliies to Tokkyo forr thhe mmeettingg.(同同义句转转换)Mr. SSmitth oofte

11、en _ _ _ tto TTokyyo ffor thee meeetiing.2.Eveery dayy heer ffathher commes to hiss coompaany by carr.(同同义句转转换)Everyy daay hher fattherr _ tto hhis commpanny.3.Hiss faactoory is 10 milles froom hhis homme.(对划线线部分提提问)_ _ is hiss faactoory _ hiis hhomee?4.My mottherr ussuallly takkes thee buus tto wworkk.(变变否定句句)My mootheer _ _ _ tthe buss too woork.5.I uusuaallyy sppendd 3 houurs doiing my hommewoork.(同义义句转换换)It ussuallly _


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