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1、高考英语中,写作是展现学生语言运用能力和思维逻辑的重要部分。通过写作,考生不仅能展现对词汇、语法的掌握,更能展现对文章结构、观点表达的驾驭能力。因此,备考高考英语时,提升写作能力至关重要。高考英语真题作文范文一:找笔友Dear Peter,I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am writing to ask for your help in finding an English pen pal.My ideal pen palwouldbe around my age, with a passion for traveling an

2、d sports. I believe sharing stories about our adventures and discussing the thrill of competitions would be exciting. Additionally, I would prefer someone who enjoys pets, as I am a pet lover myself.By communicating with such a pen pal, I hope toimprovemy English while also fostering ameaningfulfrie

3、ndship. Your assistance in finding such a pen pal would be greatly appreciated.Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your reply.Best regards,Li Hua亲爱的彼得:希望你看到这封信时心情不错。我写这封信是想请你帮忙找一个英语笔友。我理想的笔友应该和我年龄相仿,对旅行和运动充满热情。我相信分享我们的冒险故事,讨论比赛的刺激感会很有趣。此外,我也希望笔友喜欢宠物,因为我自己也是个宠物爱好者。通过与这样的笔友交流,我希望能够

4、提高自己的英语水平,同时培养一段有意义的友谊。如果你能帮我找到这样的笔友,我将不胜感激。感谢你的考虑。期待你的回复。祝好!李华高考英语真题作文范文二:一封信Dear Staff,I am Li Hua, a Chinese panda enthusiast. Ive been following Su Lin and her mother Baiyuns journey since Su Lins birth in San Diego Zoo three years ago.As Su Lins third birthday is approaching, I want toexpressmy

5、 heartfelt congratulations and gratitude for your exceptional care of thesepreciouspandas. Your dedication ensures their well-being and brings us joy.To commemorate thisspecialoccasion, I kindlyrequesta photo of Su Lin on her birthday. It would mean a lot to me as a panda lover.Thank you for your co

6、ntinuous efforts in conserving these endangered animals. Looking forward to your reply.Best regards,Li Hua亲爱的工作人员:我是李华,一名来自中国的熊猫爱好者。自从苏琳在美国圣地亚哥动物园出生以来,我就一直在关注她和她的母亲白云的旅程,至今已有三年时间。随着苏琳三岁生日的临近,我想向你们表达我衷心的祝贺,并对你们对这些珍贵熊猫无微不至的照顾表示衷心的感谢。你们的奉献精神确保了它们的健康,也给我们带来了欢乐。为了纪念这个特殊的日子,我恳请贵方提供一张苏琳生日的照片。作为一名熊猫爱好者,这张照片

7、对我来说意义非凡。感谢你们为保护这些濒危动物所做出的不懈努力。期待你们的回复。祝好!李华高考英语真题作文范文三:中国文化工作坊Dear Organizers,I am writing to express my keen interest in participating in the Chinese Workshop, aimed at promoting Sino-British cultural exchange. Thiseventis a brilliantopportunityto showcase the richness of Chinese culturethroughcui

8、sine, handicrafts, and calligraphy.I am particularlyeagerto teach Chinese knotting, atraditionalhandicraftthatembodies elegance and wisdom. Knotting not only demonstrates intricate craftsmanship but also carries profound cultural meanings. By teaching this skill, I hope to foster a deeper understand

9、ing and appreciation of Chinese culture among our peers.I believe this workshop will greatly enhance cross-cultural understanding and friendship between China and the UK. I am eager tocontributeto this meaningful initiative and share the beauty of Chinese culture with everyone.Thank you for consider

10、ing my application. I look forward to being a part of this enriching experience.Sincerely,尊敬的组织者:我写这封信是为了表达我对参加“中国文化工作坊”的浓厚兴趣,该活动旨在促进中英文化交流。这次活动是一个极好的机会,可以通过美食、手工艺品和书法来展示中国文化的丰富性。我特别想教授中国结这门传统手工艺,它体现了优雅和智慧。打结不仅展示了精湛的手艺,还蕴含着深厚的文化内涵。通过教授这门技艺,我希望能够在同学们中间培养对中国文化的更深理解和欣赏。我相信这次工作坊将极大地增进中英两国之间的文化理解和友谊。我渴望为

11、这项有意义的活动做出贡献,与大家分享中国文化的魅力。感谢您考虑我的申请。我期待能够成为这次丰富体验的一部分。此致敬礼高考英语真题作文范文四:快乐童年As a student of Mingqi High School, I am thrilled toparticipatein our English Festivalsexhibitionthemed Happy Childhood. Mycontributionis a teddy bear, a soft and cuddly companion from my early years. This bear, with its brown

12、 fur and button eyes, embodies the innocence and joy of childhood.I chose this teddy bear because it represents a preciousmemoryof myhappychildhood. It was a gift from my grandparents on my fifth birthday, and ever since then, it has been myconstantcompanion. It reminds me of the simple pleasures of

13、 playing, dreaming, and laughing heartily. By exhibiting it, I hope to share a glimpse of my joyful childhood with my classmates and visitors, evokingsimilarwarmmemories in them.作为明启中学的一名学生,我很高兴能够参加我们学校英语节以“快乐童年”为主题的展览。我的展品是一只泰迪熊,这是我早年时期的一个柔软可爱的伙伴。这只熊有着棕色的毛发和纽扣般的眼睛,象征着童年的纯真和快乐。我选择这只泰迪熊作为展品,是因为它代表了我童

14、年时期的美好回忆。这是我五岁生日时爷爷奶奶送给我的礼物,从那以后,它一直陪伴着我。它让我想起了玩耍、做梦和开怀大笑的简单快乐。展出它,我希望能够和同学们以及参观者分享我快乐的童年时光,唤起他们心中相似的温暖回忆。高考英语真题作文范文五:绿色北京Dear Jim,Im thrilled to hear about your plans for the Green Beijing club activity. Here are my suggestions for the format and content.Firstly, we couldorganizea hiking trip toexp

15、loreBeijings natural beauty andpromoteenvironmental awareness. This would be a great way for members toappreciatethe citys green spaces while also getting some exercise.As for content, we couldinviteexperts to give talks on sustainable development and environmental protection. Additionally, we could

16、 set up a workshop where members can learn about recycling and composting techniques toreducewaste.I believe these ideas would make theactivityinformative, engaging, andbeneficialfor all involved. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and workingtogetherto make it a success.Best regards,Li Hua亲爱的吉姆:听说你正在策划



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