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1、Module 8 Different habits Unit 1I. 根据句意及首字母拼写单词:1. My father doesnt like chicken, and he n_ eats them.2. Li Ling likes Li Yuchun. She goes to all her c_.3. I get some flowers, cakes and candy a_ my birthday gifts. 5. My friend, Jimmy, likes parties. He often i_ me to his parties.6. Lets m_ a cake fo

2、r Tony. He always like it.7. My brother and I have d_ habits.8. Studio Classroom is a good m_ for English learners.9. My favourite book is Harry Potter. I like r_ it.10. Toms birthday p_ is a silk T-shirt.11. He likes films and he often goes to the c_.II. 同义句变化:1. Its time for school now. Its time _

3、 _ to school now.2. Whose yellow shirt is it? _ _ the yellow shirt?3. I want anew ruler. I _ _ a new ruler. 4. Please give me your new book. Please give your new book _ _.5. What time is it, please? _ _ _, please?III. 连词成句:1. glass, watch, a, only, of, I, want _.2. drink, to, like, what, would, you

4、_?3. something, you, hello, like, would, to eat _?4. many, you, how, can, see, pears _?5. is, time, what, the, please _?IV. 用适当的介词和副词填空:1. Please write _ the new words on the blackboard.2. How _ milk do we have at home?3. -_ are you today? -Fine, thanks. 4. The watch is very nice. _ you like it?5. W

5、hats the _, please? -Its four. 6. Its time _ play games. Lets go, Tom. 7. Whats _ you like to have? -A glass of milk. Unit 2I. 根据汉语提示完成下列各句英译:1. 喝杯牛奶怎么样? _ _ a glass of milk?2. 我可以在生日晚会上许个愿吗? Can I make a wish _ _ _ party?3. 实际上,我们没有讨论这个问题。 _ _, we didnt discuss _ _. 4. 昨天他摔了一跤了吗? Did he _ _ _ _?5.

6、这个篮子是手工编制的。 This basket is made up _ _.II. 补全对话Li Lei: Oh, its you, Lucy. (1) _ to see you. Lucy: Nice to (2) _ you, too. Mary. Li Lei: Come in, please, Mum, (3)_ is Lucy, my friend. She (4)_ American. And this is my mother, Lucy. Mum: (5)_ do you do, Lucy?Lucy: (6)_ do you do, Aunt?Mum: Sit down, p

7、lease, Lucy. Li Lei: (7)_ you like (8)_ milk?Mum: I dont like (9)_ very much. Li Lei: (10)_ would you like?Lucy: Id (11)_ a pear. Li Lei: OK. (12)_ you (13)_! What (14)_ something to drink?Lucy: All right. Li Lei: (15)_ it is!Lucy: Thanks!III. .组词成句1. have, too, her friends, a good, all, time _.2. w

8、hat, go, does, every, to school, day, time, she_.3. of, some, the students, watch, the sofa(沙发), TV, in_.4. her, share(分), Millies friends, with, the cake_.5. from, some, books, get, my mother, usually, I_.IV. 阅读填空Look at this picture. The boy is my good friend. His name is Mike. He is thirteen. He

9、isnt tall. His hair is brown. This is Mikes father. He is very tall. That is Mikes mother. She is tall, too. Mikes father and mother are teachers. Who is the girl? She is Mikes sister. Her name is Mary. She is very nice. All of them are English. 根据短文内容用合适的单词填空:1. My good friend is an _ boy. 2. How o

10、ld is Mike? He is _.3. Mikes father and _ are teachers. 4. What colour is Mikes hair? Its _.5. Mary is Mikes _.Unit 3I. 句型转换1. I can get a lot of presents on my birthday. (对画线部分提问) _?2. He lives in a small town.(对画线部分提问) _?3. My father is a doctor. (对画线部分提问) _?4. The bag under the desk is Jims. (对画线

11、部分提问) _?II. 阅读短文并回答问题Lucy: Excuse me, Li Fen. Wheres our school shop? Do you know?Li Fen: Yes. Its over there, behind the teachers room. Lucy: Id like something to drink. Please go with me. OK?Li Fen: OK. Lets go. (At the shop.)Woman: Can I help you, girls?Lucy: Yes. Er, what would you like, Li Fen?

12、Li Fen: I dont know. Lucy: Well, what about a bottle of orange?Li Fen: No, thanks. Id like a cup of tea. What about you?Lucy: Id like a glass of milk. Would you like something to eat?Li Fen: A pear, please. Lucy: But Id like some apples. We would like a cup of tea, a glass of milk, a pear and two ap

13、ples. Woman: OK. Here you are. Lucy: Thank you very much. Woman: Youre welcome. 1. Wheres the school shop? _.2. What would Lucy like to drink? _. 3. What would Li Fen like to drink? _. 4. What would Lucy like to eat? _.5. What about Li Fen? _.III. 书面表达:假设你叫李华,下星期六是中秋节。你准备邀请美国同学Cathy到你家过中秋节。你家住在南京路63号,乘1路或822路公共汽车在SMS超市站下车。你家就在超市对面。你家的楼房是红色的,很容易找到。请根据以上信息,给Cathy打个电话,邀请她来过中秋节,她答应来,告诉她如何到达


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