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1、 英语口语900句:可靠可信的A: It sounds that you have a high opinion of him. 听起来你对他评价很高呀。 B: He is an all-right guy. I have no bone to pick with him. 他这人不错,我跟他没什么冲突。 A: Birds of feather flock together. 真实物以类聚,人以群分。 B: But he is not a fine wether friend who could sell you down the river. 但她不是那种靠不住的,随时都会出卖你的朋友。 A

2、: You cannot judge a person that way. I have a hunch that he is a sly dog. 你不能这么说,我有预感他是个阴险的人。 B: Depends on with whom. He may be doing things on the sly, but he is honest with me. I trust him. 看对谁呢?他或许办事狡猾,但是对我还是挺诚恳的,我信任他。 A: You can never tell. He might do you in when he sees an angle in doing it.

3、 那可说不准,看什么时候有利可图时,他就会坑害你。 对话精讲 第一、 地道表达 【 核心短语 】all-right 【解词释义】all-right和all right要区分开。All-right做形容词时表示“还不错的,还过得去”。All-right中的all表示“很好,优秀”,各方面都不错的人固然应为“优秀”的人了。引申为“牢靠的”“可信的”或“和善的”的意思。 【 典型范例1 】We will answer for it that the test is all-right. 我们保证这个试验是牢靠的。 【 典型范例2 】The caretaker of the warehouse was

4、 all-right. 那个看管仓库的人是很牢靠的。 【 典型范例3 】The facts have been drawn from all-right sources. 这些材料是从牢靠的来源得来的。 【 典型范例4 】I can assure you that the news is all-right. 我可以向你保证这消息是牢靠的。 其次、 词海拾贝 have a high opinion of something or somebody:高度评价,对.有好的看法,认为.很好 【 典型例句1 】Up to now, the customers have a high opinion o

5、f the quality of our service. 到目前为止,顾客对我们的效劳质量评价甚高。 【典型例句2 】We have a high opinion of his work. 我们对他的工作评价很高。 【典型例句3 】I have a high opinion of that man. 我对那人评价很高。 have a bone to pick with:与.争论 【 典型范例1 】I have a bone to pick with you. You still owe me the fifteen dollars you borrowed. 我有账跟你算。你向我借的十五美金

6、还没还呢! 【典型范例2】 I can”t make out why he seems to have a bone to pick with almost everyone. 我真搞不懂为什么他好象和几乎每个人都有仇似的。 a fair-wether friend:唯利是图的朋友,不能共患难的朋友 【典型范例 1】Bill stayed for lunch but he wouldn”t help me with the yard work. He”s just a fair-weather friend. Bill就知道等着吃中午饭,他不会帮忙我们清理院子的。他是个唯利是图的人。 【典型范

7、例2】 A fair-weather friend isn”t much help in an emergency. 唯利是图的朋友在紧急形式下帮不上忙。 sell sb down the river:出卖某人 【典型范例 】You”ll go or I”ll sell you down the river. You”ll never see your mother again or anybody you know and I”ll sell you for a field hand too. 你得给我立刻走,要不我就卖了你,叫你以后永久也见不到你妈和其他任何一个熟人,我还要把你卖出去当大田

8、的劳工。 have a hunch:有预感 【典型范例1 】I have a hunch that it will snow soon. 我有快要下雪的预感。 【典型范例2】 Did she have a hunch that my business is going on the rocks? 她是不是预感到我的生意要倒台? depend on 【释义1】取决于.依靠.依靠. 【 典型范例1 】All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物靠太阳生长。 【典型范例2】 This is an authentic news rep

9、ort.We can depend on it. 这是篇牢靠的新闻报道,我们信任它。 on the sly:隐秘地,偷偷地 【 典型范例1 】Now they wouldn”t have to socialize on the sly. 现在他们不必偷偷摸摸地进展社交交往了。 【 典型范例2 】Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the companies but still maintained close ties on the sly. 某些干部口称已跟公司脱钩,可暗中仍旧保持联系。 be honest with:对.诚恳 【典型范例1 】I made the mistake of being honest with you. 我错误地和你坦诚相待。 【典型范例2 】I admire your honesty, and so I must be honest with you. 我很观赏你的诚恳,所以我也要对你说实话。 do in:杀害; 搞垮; 损坏; 累垮 【典型范例 】Whoever did him in removed a man who was brave as well as ruthless. 无论谁杀了他,都是除掉了一个既威猛又残忍的人。


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