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1、初一上册基础题一、单项选择( )1.There _some food and drinks on the table. A. be B .are C .is( )2.-_ there _vegetables in the fridge? -No, there is _juice in it. A. Is ,some ,some B. Are, any, some C. Is any ,any ( )3._she _any bananas? A .Is there B. Have ,got C. Has got ( )4.Would you like _ a football match? A.

2、 watch B. to see C. to watch ( )5.Can you _ Lingling _us? A. ask, to help B. to ask ,help C. ask, help ( )6.They dont have Chinese _ maths on Tuesday. A. and B. but C. or ( )7.-_are they? - Theyre very well. A. When B. Where C. How ( )8.-_is her music lesson?- Its at two oclock. A. When B. Where C.

3、How ( )9.-_,Please? -Its about five twenty. A. What day is it? B. What time is it? C. Whats the weather like? ( )10.She often _his mother _after school. A. help , cook B. helps ,cooking C. helps ,cook ( )11.His father often _TV in the evening. A. watch B. watches C. watchs ( )12.Her jeans _old. A. h

4、as B are C. is ( )13.She often studies English _TV _Sunday. A. at ,on B. in ,in C. on ,on ( )14.Milk and water are _. A. drink B. drinks C. food ( )15.She likes eating _. A. fishes B. fish C .many fish ( )16.Jack and Tom are _. A. good friend B. a good friend C good friends ( )17-.Would you like to

5、go fishing with me? -_, but I have to do my homework. A. Yes ,please B. Thats right C. Yes ,Id like to ( )18.Lets _table tennis in the afternoon. A. play B .to play C. playing ( )19.What about _in the morning? A. swim B. swimming C. swimming ( )20.They are in different _. A. class B. school C. class

6、es. ( )21.There is _onion under the chair. A. a B. an C. some ( )22.Lets invite Tony _the party. A. come B. to come C to come to ( )23.What about _to the cinema. A. go B. to go C. going ( )24.We have a break _ talk _our friends. A and , in B. but , of C. and ,to ( )25.There are _ pictures In the roo

7、m. A. a lot B a lot of C .a lots of五、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Juice and milk _(be) healthy drinks, but Coke _(not be )a healthy drink. 2.He usually _ _(finish) his homework at school. 3.What about _(go) shopping. 4.Those are _ (they)books. 5.Would you like _ (have ) some fruit? 6.Li Ming often _ (go ) to s

8、chool by bike. 7.Lets _ ( close ) the door. 8.There are two football _(match) at school today. 9.My brother _(have got ) some ice cream. 10 The camel is from _. It is _. (Africa)11.Does she want _(buy) some apples?12.Eating _(health)food is important for everyone.13.What _ Rick _ (look) at now ?14.T

9、hey _ always _ _ (not play) Football with others .15.Daming doesnt _(use) a computer to do his homework .16.Look , the bus _(come) .17.Jason _(write) a song at the moment .18.Thank you for _(send) me the beautiful postcard.19._ your sister _(do) her homework now ?20.She _ (teacher) us English .七.写出下

10、列动词的现在分词形式。(10分)1.cook 2.happen 3. help 4. clean 5. put 6.get 7.sweep 8. learn 9.speak 10.make 三、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )31Is she _ English student? A. an B. a C. the D /( )32. _ name is Tony. A. My friend B. His friends C. His friend D. His friends( )33.-Can Tony swim? -_ A. Yes, he cant. B. No, she can

11、t. C. No, he cant. D. Yes, she can.( )34. - I like Coke very much, _ its bad for my health. A. and B. but C. or D. some( ) 35. -Which class are you in?- I am in _.A. Class one B. class 1 C. Class One D. One Class ( ) 36.- David, whats your _? - D. A. telephone number B. e-mail address C. address D.

12、QQ number( ) 37. After a long walk, we get(到达)here .A. first B. then C. next D. finally( ) 38. My pens _black. A. is B. are C. am D. be( ) 39.- _book is your brothers? -The one on the desk.A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where( ) 40.-Would you like to go to the cinema with me on Sunday? - _.A. Thats right. B. Thats all right.C. Yes, Id love to. D. You are right.( ) 41.-_students are there in the classroom?-Forty.A. How many B. How much


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