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1、九年级Unit 2同步练习题一单项选择( ) 1.When she was young, she used to _ the violin. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play( ) 2. Jack is good at swimming. He is _ the city swim team. A. at B. on C. of D. with( ) 3.Tina isnt so quiet as she _. Shes quite outgoing. A. did B. used to C. would D. used to be( ) 4. I

2、 used to _ upstairs, but now I am used to _ downstairs. Its cooler in summer. A. sleep; sleep B. sleeping; sleeping C. sleeping; sleep D. sleep; sleeping( ) 5.We need friends to _, or we will feel _. A. chat; alone B. chat with; lonely C. speak; lonely D. talk; alone( ) 6. He _ many books in the las

3、t few years. A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D. was written( ) 7.Yao Ming works hard on his English and _. A. so Liu Xiang does B. so is Liu Xiang C. so does Liu Xiang D. so Liu Xiang is( ) 8.It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if ( ) 9. Whe

4、n I entered the room, _ my surprise, all the students stood up quickly. A. for B. to C. in D. with( ) 10. Shen Xu and Zhao Hongbo won the gold medal for China so were proud _them. A. in B. on C. of D. for( ) 11.My aunt loves kids, and she is very _ with young children. A. patient B. angry C. afraid

5、D. terrified( ) 12. - I find it too difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it. - English is very important in our daily life. Never _. A. A. give up it B. give it up C. give away it D. give it away( ) 13. - Why dont you take the coat, Linda? - I have only $5. I cant _ it. A. afford B. borro

6、w C. sell D. bring( )14. After one years hard work, they worked out a software program with the old machine _. A. at once B. at first C. at last D. at times( ) 15. Even _ he was tired, he helped me with my work. A. although B. though C. when D. /( ) 16.She left the classroom with the light _. A. in

7、B. at C. with D. on( ) 17. All of Chinese take _ Fei Junlong. A. pride of B. proud of C. pride in D. proud in ( ) 18. This week, the weather _ to change every day: One day is hot, The next is cold. A. seems B. to feel C. feeling D. feel( ) 19. Now I have to stay in school_. A. all day B. all the day

8、 C. all day D. all the days( ) 20. My teacher often tells us not to be afraid of _ mistakes. A. do B. doing C. make D. making( ) 21. There _ a swimming pool here. A. used to have B. was used to be C. used to be D. is used to having( ) 22. My aunt doesnt allow her _ son to stay up late at night. A.8

9、years old B. 8-years-old C. 8-year-olds D. 8-year-old( ) 23.- Do you still remember that accident, Dean? - Of course. I never forget it _ it happened many years ago.A. unless B. ever since C. only when D. even though( ) 24. In the past few years, they _ many children find their families. A. help B.

10、will help C. were helping D. have helped( ) 25. The girl said she was terrified of _ . Shed rather go by sea. A. fly B. flew C. flying D. to fly( ) 26. _ my surprise, Li Qing is _ the swim team. A. To; on B. To; for C. For; in D. With;on( )27. The difficult problems make him _. A. studying hard B. s

11、tudy hard C. to study hard D. studies hard( )28. Do you have a partner to speak English _? A. for B. to C. on D. with( )29. She said that he got _ A in this test. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )30. He didnt know the matter. I didnt know it, _. A. too B. also C. either D. neither二请选用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,每空一词used

12、learn change be terrify1. Are you afraid of _ alone?2. You _ to e quiet, didnt you?3. I used to be _ of the dark.4. Our hometown has _ a lot in the last few years.5. My father doesnt want to give up _ English.luck with death like decide6. The girl used to _ playing soccer.7. Its really relaxing to chat _ him.8. He make a _ to work hard from now on.9. The _ of the dog made him sad.10. _, his mother was patient to him.change play city worry close 11.I used to spend a lot of time_ computer games.12.Our school _


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