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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新概念英语第二册第十课教案Lesson 10 Not for jazzLesson 10 Not for jazz1. jazz: 爵士乐 Jazz has never really turned me on.我从未对爵士乐真正产生过兴趣。 Does jazz hold any appeal for you? 你对爵士乐有兴趣吗? Im really getting

2、into jazz these days. 近来我喜爱上爵士乐了。 Shes potty about jazz.她迷上了爵士音乐。 I dont dig modern jazz. 我不喜欢现代爵士乐。 I was surprised to see him at the jazz club; I always thought of him as a rather staid old gentleman. 我在爵士舞俱乐部见到他时很感意外, 我还一直以为他是个挺古板的绅士呢。2. musical: (1) 音乐的 The mother found that her son had a musica

3、l talent.母亲发现儿子有音乐天赋。 They are preparing for the presentation of a new musical. 他们正准备上演新的歌舞喜剧。 Since he can play many musical instruments, he may well be called a man of accomplishments. 他能演奏许多乐器,当然称得上是个多才多艺的人。 The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。(2) 音乐似的, 和谐的; 悦耳的 a musical spe

4、aking voice 悦耳的说话声 A musical bell softly sounded somewhere in the passageway.走廊的某处响起轻柔悦耳的铃声。(3) 爱好音乐的, 音乐爱好者的 Shes not at all musical. 她根本不喜欢音乐。3. instrument: 工具;仪器; 傀儡 an instrument for writing 书写工具 musical instrument 乐器 optical instrument 光学仪器 surgical instrument 外科器械 The hospital imported some su

5、rgical instruments.医院进口了一些外科器械。 The viola is a stringed instrument.中提琴是一种弦乐器。经典用法:act as sb.s instrument 做别人的傀儡联想: apparatus: n. 设备;装置;仪器 chemical apparatus 化学仪器 There is sports apparatus in the gym. 体育馆里有体育器材。 equipment: equip装备+ -ment名词后缀n. 必需品;设备; 装备 office equipment 办公室设备 Our school has been giv

6、en some new equipment. 我们学校有了一些赠送的新设备。 tool: n. 器具;用具; (做事情需要的)工具 Words are his tools. 语言是他的工具。 utensil: n. 用具;器具 cooking utensils 烹饪用具4. damage: v./n. (1) 损坏,毁坏,破坏,损失 Take care not to damage the clock. 当心别弄坏了钟。 Ive damaged a knee ligament. 我拉伤了膝盖的韧带。 An earthquake sometimes causes great damage. 地震有

7、时造成重大损失。 The flood did a lot of damage to the crops.洪水毁坏了大量农作物。 They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty. 他们要他付损害赔偿金, 但他藉口贫穷而不偿还。(2) 对有不好的影响 Taylor felt her reputation had been damaged by the newspaper article. 泰勒觉得她的名誉已经因为报纸上的这篇报答而受到了损害。经典用语:do damage to损害, 破坏 cause damage to 损害,

8、 破坏比较:damage, break, spoil, destroy, ruin(1) damage: 侧重强调把弄坏,但是可以修复 Their houses were damaged by the enemys shellfire. 他们的房屋为敌人的炮火所击毁。 The accident did a lot of damage to the car. 这一事故把汽车损坏得很厉害。(2) break: 强调弄坏,弄断,破裂 Two of the strings were broken. The window broke into pieces. 窗户碎成碎片。(3) spoil: 强调把事

9、情搅和了或指损坏到不能修补的程度,使物品无用,整个动作过程很慢。 Our holidays were spoilt by bad weather. 我们假日的乐趣被恶劣天气所破坏。 If you touch that drawing, youll spoil it. 要是你触摸那张画,你就会把它毁了。 If you eat too much, youll spoil your appetite. 如果吃得太多,就会坏你的胃口。 (4) destroy: 把凭借某种外力来破坏和摧毁事物,完全摧毁 The earthquake destroyed almost entire city. If th

10、e tree falls that way, it will destroy the house. 这棵树向那边倒下就会把那所房子压坏。(5) ruin 泛指概念,表示毁坏的过程不是一下完成的(spoil ) The rain ruined / spoiled our holiday. The rain ruined my painting. 这场雨把我的画给毁了。 He ruined his prospects by carelessness. 他因疏忽大意而断送了前途。5. shock: (1) 冲击; 使震动 Anyone touching that wire could get bad

11、ly shocked.任何人碰到那根电线都会遭到严重的电击。(2) 使震惊, 使毛骨悚然, 使愤慨(生气) I was very much shocked at the sight. 这情景使我大为震惊。 His death was a great shock to us all.他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。 Just ignore all their bad languagethey only do it to shock. 不要管他们的污言秽语,他们只是想让人生气吧了。经典用语:culture shock 文化冲击(指一旦置身于异国文化的生活方式中, 由于心理或生理上的不习惯而产生的不安情

12、绪) future shock 未来冲击; 未来震憾(指对未来社会的发展, 技术的进步, 价值观念及行为准则的变化, 担心不能适应而产生的不安情绪)6. allow: vt. (1) To permit (the presence of) 允许,允许进入 We allow smoking only in restricted areas. 我们只允许在指定的地点吸烟。 No pets are allowed inside. 宠物不准入内。 Smoking is not allowed here. 此处不准吸烟。 No dogs allowed. 禁止带狗。 How much holiday a

13、re you allowed? 你有多少天假? Allow me to introduce to you my friend Mr. Thomas. 请允许我把我的朋友托马斯先生介绍给你。 We dont allow such things to be done. 我们不容许有这种事情发生。 The manager allowed him one week of vacation in the summer. 夏天经理给他一星期的假期。 He is allowed ten dollars a month for his pocket money. 他每月得到十元零用钱。 She wont al

14、low the children in(to the house) until theyve wiped their shoes. 孩子们不把鞋擦乾净, 她就不让他们进(屋)。(2) 承认 We must allow that he is a good teacher. (We must allow him to be a good teacher.) 我们应当承认他是位好老师。vi. (1) 承认, 容许(of) (2) 原谅, 体谅 (for) The situations allow of no excuse. 形势不容许拖延; 形势刻不容缓。 The facts allow of on

15、ly one explanation. 这些事实只能有一种解释。 allow for the circumstances 体谅某人的处境; 考虑具体情况 We must allow for his youth. 我们应当体谅他年轻。 It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站。 The journey usually takes six weeks but you should allow for delays caused by bad weather. 这段旅程通常需六周时间, 但你应当把 坏天气造成的延误也



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