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1、中考八大时态综合练习题1、 Could you tell me what he said just now?Sorry, Iwhat was happening outside.A. had thoughtB. was thinkingC. thoughtD. think2、 Do you love reading Guo Jingmings novels?Of course I do , but Ithem for a long time because Im always busyA. didnt readB . havent readC . hadntreadD . dont read3

2、、You llA. lateB. laterC. arelate4、The teacher said lightmuch faster than sound.A. traveledB. travelsC. will travelD. had traveled5、 I don t think hehere next week.A. comesB. cameC. willcomeD. coming6、I know a little about Thailand, as Ithere three years ago.A. have beenB. have goneC. will goD. went7

3、、 Are you sure if Lucyfor dinner tomorrow?I m not sure . If shewe will ask Lily insteadA.comes,wont come B.will come,wont comeC. will come,doesnt comeD. be late8、 Do you know where Johnny is?一Yes. Heto the supermarket.A.goesB. had goneC. has goneD. would go9、 His familythe latest 3-D TV the other da

4、y.A. buyB. have boughtC. will buyD. bought10 、 What s his father?He is a teacher. He at a mountain village school.A. teachesB. has taughtC. will teachD. taught11 、 How do you go to the zoo tomorrow?If it tomorrow ,I ll go there by car.A. rainingB. rainC. rains D. will rain12 、 I my hometown for a lo

5、ng time. I really miss it!A. leftB. went awayfromC. have left13 、 Imy homework at nine oclock last Sunday morning.A. am doingB. was doing14 、 Betty will ring me up when she in Beijing.A. arriveB. arrivesarrivedD. will arrive15 、 If I, no one will take care of you.A. will dieB. diedyingD. dead16 、 Ma

6、y I speak to Lin Tao? Sorry, he is not in. He to Changsha.C.D. have been away fromC. doC.A. has beenB. has goneC. went17 、There a big earthquake in Japan this March. Yeah. Many Chinese volunteers went there to help the people in trouble.A. wasB. isC. were18 、 I will send you an e-mail as soon as I i

7、n Canada.C. amA. arriveB. arrivedarrivingD. will arrive19 、Mr. Lius a report on our environment when the earthquake happened in Japan.A. gaveB. is givingC. was giving20、Jimin Zhuzhou since he finished his college.A. worksB. is workingC. has worked21、I was very angry with John一he justwhen I spoke to

8、him.A. isnlistent listeningD. wasn t listeningB. hasn t listenedC. didn t22、Paul and Itennis yesterday. He did much better than I.playedA. playB. will playD. are playingC.23、 Therea football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.A. hasB. is going to beC. will haveD. has been24、 My aunt is

9、a writer. She more than ten books since 1980.A. writesB. wroteC. haswritten25、D. will writeWhat were you doing this time yesterday?on the grass and drawing a picture.A. sitB. satC. amsittingD. was sitting26、Many accidentsby careless drivers last years.A. are causedB. were causedC. have causedD. will

10、cause27、you everto Beijing?Yes, I went there last year.A. Have. . beenB. Have. . . goneC. Did. . goD. Are.goingt go.28、 I don t know if it tomorrow. If it, I wonA: will rain; rainsB: will rain; will rainC: rains; rainsD: rains; will rain29 、 Why didn t you go to play football with us yesterday after

11、noon? I my mother with the housework then.A. helpedB. was helpingC. hadhelpedD. have been helping30 、 Tom has made many friends since heto China.A. cameB. comesC. hascomeD. will come参考答案1、 B 2 、 B 3、 D 4、 B 5、 C 6、 D 7、 C8 、 C 9、 D 10、 A 11 、 C 12、 D 13 、 B 14 、 B 15、 B 16、 B17、 A 18 、 A 19 、 C 20 、 C 21 、 D 22 、 C 23、 B 24、 C 25 、 D 26、 B 27、 A 28、 A 29 、 B 30 、 A


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