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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、The lyrics(歌词) “If you care enough for _ living, make it _ better place for you and for

2、 me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me.Athe, a Ba, the Cthe, the Da, a2、Dont be afraid to make mistakes, youll never really make progress.AorBsoCbutDand3、Why didnt you go to the party last night? Because I _.Awasnt invited Bdidnt invite Chavent invited Dam not invited4、 I cant believe

3、 Jim got first in the competition. As you know, God helps those who help _.Ayourself Bhimself Cyourselves Dthemselves5、-Is he _ American or is he_ European?-Neither. In fact, he is from Australia.Aan, anBan, aCa, anDa, a6、I dont think Tik Tok(抖音)_ children, because there are some bad videos in it.Ai

4、s good withBis good atCis good forDis bad for7、I could speak French Chinese, but luckily I could talk with them in English.Aboth; andBneither; norCeither; orDnot only, but also8、-what is Mum cooking in the kitchen? -Fish, I guess. How nice it !AlooksBsoundsCtastesDsmells9、- Which robot do you think

5、is the most useful?- _.AThe robot that are made in JapanBThe robot is designed to help us with our homeworkCThe robot has a lot of memoryDThe robot shown at the exhibition center10、Mom, what does the word “attention”mean?Oh, my dear, you should the dictionary and then you will get the meaning.Alook

6、forBlook upClook atDlook out. 完形填空11、Will you put others needs before your own? What 1 will you get if you do? Here is an experience of mine.It was a wet day and I had a 2 time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood. Whats more,I went out without breakfast and I left my 3 at home. So

7、 I couldnt get lunch and was terribly hungry.When I finished my work,I 4 to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy 5 .Then I quickly made my way home in hope of eating my 6 meal of the day at 5:00 p.m.As I was halfway home,my wife told me by phone that a

8、 friend of ours was in 7 and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said,“I will get him 8 I get the meal.” But my mouth said,“All right, Ill give him a 9 .”He jumped in the car with a smile on his face and repeated how 10 he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his compa

9、ny but that day the 11 stopped him from making that journey. 12 was a mess(混乱). A drive to him normally took 10 minutes, but that day it took 30 minutes.Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a 13 friend of mine. But,in fact,he is a friend of a friend.I wonder if I will ever see this p

10、erson again, but I feel glad I was there when he 14 me.So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you 15 more about others.1AhelpBfeelingCchangeDreward2AfunBquietChardDgood3AkeysBglassesCwalletDnotebook4AcalledBwantedCtriedDremembered5AgiftsBclothesCfruitDdinner6AhotBfirstCsimpleDfreew7Atroub

11、leBdangerCfearDtreatment8AsinceBafterCbeforeDwhen9AchoiceBgreetingCrideDsuggestion10AsorryBgratefulCsurprisedDsatisfied11ArainBtimeCworkDtraffic12AHeBICWeatherDTraffic13AnewBlovelyCcloseDcommon14AchoseBphonedCjoinedDneeded15AlearnBworryCcareDtalk. 语法填空12、C)用所给动词的正确形式完成短文。At 8,844.43 meters high, Mou

12、nt Qomolangma 1 (be) the tallest mountain on Earth. While it is famous for its beautiful views, parts of the mountain are facing a problem: garbage. Every year, thousands of visitors throw away tons of rubbish. So far,over 140 tons of rubbish 2 (leave) on the mountain. 3 (reduce) rubbish, China is l

13、imiting the number of people who 4 (allow) to climb up the north side of the mountain. Now the local government 5 (set up) stations to sort, recycle and break down garbage collected from the mountain. A group of artists will try to turn the rubbish into artwork. They 6 (show) these works of art to r

14、emind people not to leave rubbish when climbing the mountain. 阅读理解A13、If you ever go to the US and eat at a restaurant, theres a very important difference you should know about. US people have a custom to give money to waiters and waitresses as a tip for their work.But why is this? Shouldnt waiters get paid enough by their bosses? Well, many waiters and waitresses get paid below the US minimum wage (最低工资) and work for tips to make up for that. According to the American travel website TripAdvisor, some states pay their servers (服务员) only $2


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