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1、Module 5Unit 2 导学案【学习目标】1.知识目标:掌握下列重点词汇:advantage, anyone, anywhere, anything, compare, pay, post, product, receive, safe, several, shopping, way, one of, almost, something, later, open, out, go out, over, one day, online2.能力目标:(1)能够读懂有关“网上购物”文章并理解文章大意。(2)能够从文章中获取具体信息,完成表格问题并复述课文。3.情感目标:通过学习网络购物,使学生

2、学会对网购的利与弊进行描述。【重点及难点】1.重点:本单元含新单词的重要短语。2.难点:能用英语正确评价online shopping 的利与弊。【学习过程】Stage 1. Pre-readingStep 1.What do you usually do on the computer ?Do you often do online shopping ?What can you buy?How do you pay for it?How is it changing our lives?Is it good or bad?Stage 2. While-readingStep 2.1. Onl

3、ine shopping is a new way of shopping.2. You pay for online shopping before you receive it.3. Online shopping is very difficult.4. Its very safe to shop over the Internet.5. Our way of life is changing because of online shopping.Step 3.T: Imitate the passage, pay attention to the intonation and pron

4、unciation. Then let us retell according to the mind map.Ss:Step 4.1. Read para 1 and answer.(1)What can you buy on the Internet?(2)How to buy something on the Internet?First, you can choose something and pay for it. Then you receive it a few days later by post.2. Read para 2 and answer.What are the

5、advantages online shopping? Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can_. Second, you only need a computer and a mouse. It doesnt_. Third, you can also_ of the same product. 3. Read para 3 and answer. Some people dont like shopping on the Internet. Why?Because they cant _ or_. Also _ isnt

6、 always safe.4. Read para 4 and answer. How does online shopping change our lives?You will be able to buy anything on the Internet and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world any time.Stage 3. Post-readingStep 5. complete the passage later, out , pay, receiveInternet shopping is easy. Y

7、ou buy something online, you _for it, then a few days_ you_it by post. But going _and shopping with friends is much more fun.Step 6. Discussion达标测试一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. There are many good new ways of _ (learn) a foreign language.2. My mother spent 3000 yuan _ (buy) a new computer.3. What _ (be) the price

8、 of the shoes?4. One of the students _ (like) playing the piano.5. Its important for students _ (study) hard.二、用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空online shopping one of pay for be able to because of not.any more1. The boy is late for school _ the heavy rain.2. I will _ drive a car when I grow up.3. If you lose the book

9、 in the library, you should _ it.4. _ is very easy and we neednt go to the shop.5. Beijing is _ the biggest cities in China.6. You can _ drink _.三、单项选择1.Would you like some more rice?Yes, just _.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little2. It usually _ mum about half an hour to cook supper.A. pays B. tak

10、es C. spends D. costs3. Is there _ in the room?No, there isnt _. A. someone; someone B. someone; anyone C. anyone; someone D. anyone; anyone4. There is _ in the glass. Its empty.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything四、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 你可以在网上买任何东西。You can buy _ _ _ _.2. 你将通过邮局收到你的新书。Youll _ yo

11、ur new book _ _.3. 我们可以比较相同商品的价格。We can compare _ _ _ the same _.4. 网上购物正在改变我们的生活方式。_ _ is changing the way of our life.5. 你怎样付款?_ do you _ _ it?参考答案一、1. learning2. buying3. is4. likes5. to study二、1. because of 2. be able to 3. pay for 4. Online shopping5. one of 6. not; any more三、1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 四、1. anything on the Internet2. receive; by post3. the price of; product 4. Online shopping5. How; pay for


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