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1、关于周庄英文的导游词5篇 周庄位于苏州昆山,是江南六大古镇之一,于22X年被评为中国历史文化名镇。周庄历史悠久,是典型的江南水乡风貌,有独特的人文景观,是中国水乡文化和吴地点文化的珍宝。下面是关于周庄英文的导游词5篇,希望对你有所协助。关于周庄英文的导游词() Dar friens hl!Welcom to visit zhzhag. Zuzhuangas eguo, rver reet, present a quiet,composed of riitive smplicity,jannisa ypcal small dge,owi watr, somebod ele, ahoug afer

2、 900yars ofvcissitues f life, stl tacti hergnl instl a attern, le a parl inla inianshala.Beliee ta evryo t hp ut want to gn tsee see! Dnt yso had, h fistbeorewe enterd the ton miattction, let me briefly itroduethehouzhuan. Zouung is ocae in kunshan ity,suzhou,wuing, Snhai qingpu at the bounday ofhre

3、untis, heeast s the famus ianhan lke, ot far fom hreby s to Sangaiad iew en onyned ten mnute. osomeone aid:zhouzhn is a perl o dianhan lake houug, which s angna ne tow wih story etan nine hdred years, tsln tradtio, mple mrals, ncien ulns, clar rier adlenary chacts, beme a vry tractive ort reot Famou

4、sint ahitetre expr Mr. Lu said. houzhuang is ot on a treauein jiangspovnc, an it i a tresue o the untry Taiwan jinwagin calld zhozhuangis ha firs wer own. Ther a lotf peleafter itezhouuag, said: abovethere is heavenandbelowthre areuzho nd hangzhu, there i aloa hozhua in te mddle. o hozhuang hol soma

5、ny building inthe andqi dyases nadmirion, to the xqsit ttern of sall ride, floin water, somebodelse ndzzl,o eywhere can raw, away he oroseings ofthe pem andtoxicaton, feel te beauy f zhouzhung is impssieto remakewatr. 关于周庄英文的导游词(2)Dar rinds hello! Wecoe t jon our busines trvelagenyzhouzhuan y ripI m

6、 yu thehuzhang or uide, mnam is, haze hz. uie alo cn cal m h you ca cll me LAN.W arrangdlikethis is oays cedule, w giepriority o scenic sptin mori,s te mome nto te snic spt, frt plase folwmallbeaiful vsscenic sots o visitI can do for yu in te roces o etesites,bease oday sturday (das), tusts s more,a

7、syto oduceowe, eay o etost, so ma beatiul e agint iht, ple make sur ou hveaten uncwewil freectivities We arefixed-oint ont orderml forlunh. lo plse ot hs phoand writown my phonenumber. If got lost, dn b araidto jus call e Illfindyu the irst ie the oh, i ouldnt get thrug juta w moetime.If anyne s otc

8、lar (n) ecbefre intote cenic spot, we re gig to tak freeht fist, wha se f tisIt is mainyusd for separed from houzhuain residentialares. Tofacitate eck-in.I fnt of me alsoaid thtody pople more,he team is very muhlo,queu, so please ont coded Patec o witfthere s aything ta xiao h heour houghtlesse, ple

9、ase forgive me. od! Hr, I iveyu tointroue ou watfron town, zhuhuang. e vist today hzhung is loat in kunsa cit, suzhu,uian, Shanghi qingp a the bondaryof thee ctie, he estis the famosdiansan lake, ot ar frm eeby bustoShnhi gad ew grdenon need ten mintesSo somoesaid: zhouhugis a er odianshn ake. houzh

10、uan, whch s jngan aciettwn withaitory of more tha ine hudrd ears,iha a ong tadition, smlemoals,anintrhtere,the aus nent artecteeprt who sad; huzuang isot onya treasure in jiangs povince, and it is a tere ofthecountr. Twanjiwmagazine called zhouzhuang is Cias first ate tn. f aot of guests isited zouz

11、huag, sid: above there is aven and blowre are szhouand hgzhou,thee is also zhuzuagn hemid. Tohouuanholds s man uildigs n th Mng and qingdynasts an adiaion, fr sallbidge,fowin water, omebod else exquiite tternzzledZhuzhuangh calle zhouhuan, e just s ts ameimlies is hou family estte. uly, zhouzuain he

12、 arest time tht onc calledzhenfengli, ine undre years ago in h ara oons fmilynames zhoudi lng to dnae the twhundrd muitQunFu tme, the oa eople in orderto coemote im,nc cled zfegli rena in zouzhuang. oday weinlyvsit sceicspots av a hal,hen hal, bld,andso o. This ic shenwas te al oftre housand esta.Wen he Wanan se zhouzhung chanelto dofig trade,foig to zouzhang frapieconomidveoment, als makee rich


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