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1、一、 模块分析: 通过学生们在动物园的游览中比较动物的大小、高矮、长短来呈现了询问动物、说明动物、介绍动物特点的语言结构,学习内容将会引起学生的学习兴趣.Unit1的主要学习内容是句型 Whats this? Its a Its 及 What are they? Theyre 在上期中学生已经在 How many 一课中已经学习了复数的表示方法, 但可能仍有一部分同学对单复数的用法分不清楚。因此,本模块还是需要进一步强化复数的概念, 这对扩大学生的词汇量和语言的使用空间有一定的积极意义。 教师应充分利用教辅让学生看、听、说并模仿书中的对话进行表演,让学生在情境中学习语言、使用语言,增强学习的趣

2、味性. Unit 2 中学生会学习更多描述动物外形特点的形容词 tall, short 及 thin 并学习一首有趣的歌曲, 以及二十六个字母中的前三个字母 Aa, Bb, Cc,要求学生能听,说,读,写这三个字母,并分清 大小写字母,初步了解这三个字母在单词中的常见发音,学会运用字母顺序做事情.二、教学目标 (一) 语言知识目标1.语言功能: 识别动物并描述动物的形态. 2 .词汇:tiger, lion, elephant, monkey; tall, short, big, small, fat, thin; baby, zoo, tree, they ,theyre= they are

3、, look at,all3.语音:感知英语拟声词,正确朗读和说出所学词句。4.语法:全体学生会运用This/That is tall/short/big/small. Whats this? Its a / Its an What are they? Theyre (二) 语言技能目标1,能在听的过程中,从语句中辨别出单词:tall, short, big, small, fat, thin; tiger, lion, elephant, monkey; zoo, tree, they, look at 能在句子中正确使用单词:they, monkey, tiger, lion, big,

4、small, fat, thin能跟录音,在语句中正确朗读单词:tiger, monkey, lion,elephant;能在图片提示下,在语句中认读单词:tall, short, big, small, fat, thin 句子:Whats this? Its a / Its anThis/That is tall/short/big/small. What are they? Theyre 语言技能目标:1.听:能听懂动物名称以及描述他们形态的相关表达. Whats this? Its a / Its anThis/That is tall/short/big/small. What ar

5、e they? Theyre 2.说:能够用英语说出动物的名称并描述其形态; Whats this? Its a / Its an This/That is tall/short/big/small. What are they? Theyre tiger, monkey, lion, elephant; tall, short, big, small, fat, thin3.读:能跟录音带模仿唱 Unit 2 的歌曲. 能够看图指认所学动物; 能够模仿录音跟读课文中有关描述动物的句子. 写:能正确书写Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk、Ll、Mm、Nn三、教学重难点:词汇:monkeys,lions ,

6、tiger,elephant,big句型: “What are they? They are / Theyre + 名词复数形式 ”的语言结构。教学难点词汇 lion 的发音。 名词变复数后的不同发音规则/S/和/Z/。(三 )学习策略:运用尝试运用所学英语描述所见动物. (四)文化意识:了解英美国家小朋友饲养宠物,关爱动物的相关信息. (五)情感态度:热爱大自然,保护好我们的动物朋友. (六)活动/任务建议 (可选)1. S1 做动作,让小伙伴来猜猜是哪种动物. 2. Listen and guess . 教师或 S1 模仿动物发音,让学生来猜是哪种动物. 3. Guessing game

7、:S1 先在心里想好一种动物,但不说出来,其他同学用 Is it big/ fat/ short ? 提问猜动物.这个活动也 适合 pair work 或小组竞赛. 4. My favourite animal (画动物) 教师示范后请学生画自己最喜欢的动物,并附简要说明,然后进行展示与介绍.然后教师可鼓励全 体学生将自己的作品贴到班级墙报上供大家互相观看,交流. 七教学用具 : CD、动物园图片, pptModule 2 The first periodUnit 1 Theyre monkeys.Step1:Warm up(1) Greeting each other. (2) Say th

8、e chant. 1. PPT to show the pandas in the zoo, and ask: Who are they? Where are they? Ss: Panda. In the zoo. T: Yes, you are right .This is Panda. Do you want to see their neighbors?They are all in the zoo. Look, they are coming.2.To show the pictures, and ask them to watch and answer what animals t

9、heyve seen.T: What are they? Tell me, please! Ss:. T: Youre great! 3. To teach the new words and patterns in different ways.1 ) Whats this? Its a / Its an 2) This/That is fat. 3) What are they? Theyre 4) tiger, monkey, lion, elephant;4. Practice in different ways: Groups, boys and girls, teams or pa

10、irs.Step3. New content. 1. Let students watch the video and and follow the pronunciation.Ss Practise reading in Groups, boys and girls, teams or pairs.2. let students act the text. Step 4.Homework1.Say the chat in P8 to your friends and parents.2.Draw the animals and tell what they are in groups.3.D

11、o ex.P3 Selfcheck: The second periodStep1. Warm-up.1.Greetings and free talk.2. Say the chant in p8.Step2. Revision1. Show the PPt to go over the important items in the last class.1 ) Whats this? Its a / Its an 2) This/That is fat. 3) What are they? Theyre 4) tiger, monkey, lion, elephant;2. Teacher

12、 tells Ss that we are going to do a game.1) a)Two Ssmime and teacherask: “What are they?” S:Tiger(s)/lion(s)/m(s).(Teacher offers help if necessary.) b)Teacher act as an elephant and ask: “What is it? ”Ss: Its an elephant.(Teacher emphasize the word“ an”. 2) Game: “Who am I?” (1)教师动作以及“Im fat/thin/t

13、all.”的语言结构做示范,学生模仿。 (2)教师再次通过语言进行描述,由学生对教师所描述的动物名 称进行猜测。 (3)教师请学生合作,一个人做动作,一个人进行描述,上台展 示,请其它学生就表演内容进行猜测。 活动:小小导游就是你 3. Check the exercises in P3.-4. 完成练习册第4页。Homework: Recite the text.Selfcheck:Unit 2 That monkey is fat.The third period 第三课时1.语言功能:识别动物,描述动物 2.教学目标: (一)知识目标: (1)学习“This tree is tall.

14、That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat.”语言。 (2)学习单词: look at , tree, tall, short, thin. (二)能力目标: (1) 能听、说、读上述单词,了解含义。 (2) 能就动物进行问答, 能利用句型描述动物的特征。 (3)培养学生的观察、推理能力和语言综合运用能力。 3.教学重点与难点 重难点句型:This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 4.课前准备:CD、,

15、 ppt、动物图片等。5.教学过程与建议 (一)复习导入 教师热情地和学生打招呼,请学生在小组内展示自己画的动物园的图,并相互介绍各种动物。选几名同学在全班展示。 (二)课文导入 出示动物图片,指图提问。如“Whats this ? Its a tiger. Its big. What are they? They are monkeys. They are small. (三)课文教学 出示本课挂图,老师指图中的树提问: Whats this?”学生答不 “ 出, 师教授新单词 “tree” 引导学生说: 。 “Look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short.” 活动:(1).老师指向图中的动物提问,请学生回答并描述其特征。 例如:老师指着大象问: “What are they?”学生回答:They are elephants They are big.”请几个学生到前面指图提问,全班学生回 答。 (2).说韵句 用本课形容词编写成的韵


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