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1、UNIT 1SCIENCE FICTION美 文 导 入素养解读:科幻小说,全称科学幻想小说(英语全称Science Fiction,简称Sci-Fi),是科学与幻想的集体,是具备“逻辑自洽”“科学元素”“人文思考”三要素,以已知的科学知识与科技成就为基础,对未来的科学发展与科技成就进行深入推测的小说类型。对这类文章或小说的阅读可以拓展学生的思维方式,提升学生的思维品质,培养学生热爱科学、勇于探索的文化素养,有利于学生从小树立为科学事业而奋斗的雄心壮志。H.G.威尔斯的小说世界大战写于一百多年前。这部小说开创了科幻小说之先河。通过对本文的阅读,同学们可以对外国文学有一些认识和了解,同时了解世界

2、大战这部小说。主题:科幻小说学科素养:文学艺术难度系数:【语篇导读】地球上的国家联合起来对抗这些可怕的入侵者,但却无济于事。世界各地的城市都成了废墟,幸存者只能靠捡拾食物为生。人类能生存下去吗?叙述者和他的家人能逃脱毁灭吗?The War of the Worlds【1】The War of the Worlds by H.G.Wells was written more than a century ago and went on to become an iconic work in the science fiction field,creating a new kind of lite

3、rature featuring alieninvaders.It was in fact the first book to present the idea of conflict between inhabitants of different planets.The story begins in an observatory in Ottershaw,when scientists note a series of mysterious explosions taking place on Mars.Some days later,the narrator notices a str

4、ange cylindrical(圆柱形的)vehicle that suddenly opens to release a group of terrible creatures who are later discovered to be Martians.The creatures are unable to breathe the earths air and swiftly return to their vehicle.A peace delegation of humans tries to make contact but theyre scorched to death by

5、 Martian heat-ray weapons.Thus begins The War of the Worlds.The British military takes an immediate action,but their arms are defenseless against the sophisticated chemical weapons and heat-rays.People of all races on the earth begin to unite to fight against these fearful invaders,but in vain.More

6、and more humans are killed for lack of food and many cities turn into ruins.Can the human race survive?Will the narrator and his family escape destruction?The author,H.G.Wells was a science teacher in a small village in Somerset,England.However,he was also a gifted writer.A keen student of war and c

7、ombat,he created a set of rules for playing war games with toy soldiers.Wells contribution to our ideas of science fiction remains unparalleled and the book has been widely filmed,staged and televised.【2】The War of the Worlds was immortalised as a Halloween prank in a radio show that aired on CBS on

8、 October 30,1938,causing widespread panic and chaos as listeners across the US tuned in and began fleeing from their homes!课标词汇alien/elin/n外国人;外星人 adj.外国的;相异的invader/nved(r)/n侵略者release/rlis/v释放;放开scorch/skt/vt.烧焦ruins/runz/n遗迹;废墟unparalleled/nprleld/adj.无比的;前所未有的flee/fli/vi.逃走;消失【1】The War of the W

9、orlds by H.G.Wells was written more than a century ago and went on to become an iconic work in the science fiction field,creating a new kind of literature featuring alien invaders.句型精析分析:本句的主语The War of the Worlds后面有两个并列的谓 语:“was written”和“went”。动 词 的-ing形 式 短 语“creating a new kind of.”在句中作伴随状语。译文:H

10、.G.威尔斯的世界大战写于一个多世纪前,后来成为科幻小说领域的标志性作品,创造了一种以外星入侵者为主题的新型文学。【2】The War of the Worlds was immortalised as a Halloween prank in a radio show that aired on CBS on October 30,1938,causing widespread panic and chaos as listeners across the US tuned in and began fleeing from their homes!分析:本句的主句部分是“The War o

11、f the Worlds was immortalised”。“causing widespread panic and chaos”是动词的-ing形式短语,在句中作状语。“as listeners across the US tuned in and began fleeing from their homes”是时间状语从句。译文:在1938年10月30日,世界大战作为万圣节的一个恶作剧在哥伦比亚广播公司的一个广播节目中流传了下来,引起了广泛的恐慌和混乱,美国各地的听众收听后开始逃离他们的家!核心素养目标【语言技能】阅读科幻小说,了解科幻小说及西方文学艺术,并掌握一些与科技相关的词汇。复习并掌握被动语态,在写作中正确使用被动语态。学习科幻小说的写作,并尝试写一篇短篇科幻故事。口语方面,学会如何转换话题。运用所学知识,写一篇关于美术展览的海报。听一则有关科幻故事的对话,提升听力水平。【素养提升】阅读科幻小说,了解西方文学,学会欣赏英语科幻故事。通过科幻小说的阅读,培养学生热爱科学的文化素养,从小立志探索科学奥秘的献身精神。听、说关于机器人及人工智能的话题。尝试写一篇短篇的科幻故事。探索科学与科幻之间的关系。


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