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1、UNIT 2ICONIC ATTRACTIONS单元词汇预通关.中英互译1adj.政治的_2adj.坦率的;简单的_3vt.给命名(或题名);使享有权利_4vi.&n.潜水;跳水;俯冲_【答案】1political2straightforward3entitle4dive5freedom _6distribution _【答案】5n.自由;不受影响的状态6n.分布;分配;分发.选择合适的词,并用其正确形式填空动词sponsor;license;hatch;vibrate1During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as i

2、f trying to lay or _ eggs.2Every time a train went past,the walls _.【答案】1hatch2vibrated3They had _ the firm to produce the drug.4Could you please _ me for my schools campaign for Help the Aged?【答案】3licensed4sponsor名词foundation;equator;koala;barbecue;bakery1All the planets orbit the sun in roughly th

3、e same plane,round its _2Theres a _ tonight and youre very welcome to come along.【答案】1equator2barbecue3The _ is listed among Australias endangered animals.4The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a _5The explosion shook the _ of the houses nearby.【答案】3Koala4bakery5foundationsjoint;butc

4、her;herb;minister;frog6_ eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.7Her _ ache if she exercises.8The whole _ has a characteristic taste and smell.9She held office as a cabinet _ for ten years.10The _ cut off a large chunk of meat.【答案】6Frogs7joints8herb9minister10butcherarrow;domain;liberty;go

5、lf;strait11This question comes into the _ of philosophy.12The ship passed through the _ between two islands.13After more misses,they finally put two _ into the lions chest.【答案】11Domain12strait13arrows14Theres a waiting list to join the _ club.15He firmly believes _ is inseparable from social justice

6、.【答案】14golf15liberty形容词premier;temporary;grand;located;hollow1The bridge that crosses the bay is a _ structure.2There are _ traffic lights now at the school.3Her stomach felt _ with fear.【答案】1grand2temporary3hollow4He is one of the nations _ scientists.5_ at the mouth of the Mississippi River,this c

7、ity is renowned for its jazz music.【答案】4premier5Located.一词多义匹配练习jointAn.关节Badj.联合的Cadj.共同的1They were joint owners of the house._2She fell and put her knee out of joint._3We wrote a letter in joint names._【答案】1C2A3BpremierAadj.最著名的Badj.第一的;首要的Cn.总理;首相4The premier occupies the foremost place in the wo

8、rld of politics._5Ritz Carlton is one of the worlds premier hotel chains._【答案】4C5A6The company has achieved a premier position in the electronics field._【答案】6 B.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1The house is unsafe since the _(found)was undermined by floods.2It was time now to show more _(politics)realism.3Having small

9、 children tends to restrict your _(free).【答案】1foundation2political3freedom4The young _(dive)is working under the water with a diving suit.5A smell of bread drifted from a distant _(baker).6The Red Cross organised the _(distribute)of food and clothing in the disaster area.7Complaints about the _(freq

10、uent)of trains rose by 201%in the last year.【答案】4diver5bakery6distribution 7frequency8The report documents the shocking amount of domestic _ (violent)against women.9The strangers question surprised me so that I _(temporary)lost my tongue.10The _(prison)attempted to escape but failed.【答案】8violence9te

11、mporarily 10prisoner(s).选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空a flock of,a handful of,at birth,peak season,lead to,along with,play a part in,on the other hand,prime minister,pick up1This disease is usually incurable,but in _ cases the patients have survived.这种疾病通常是无法治愈的,但在少数病例中,病人存活了下来。【答案】1a handful of2The speech was d

12、eliberately designed to embarrass the _这个发言是故意为难首相。3He _ his cap from the floor and stuck it back on his head.他从地板上捡起帽子,重新戴在头上。【答案】2prime minister3picked up4In the fall,we sometimes hear calls as _ geese fly south.在秋天,我们有时听到一群大雁南飞时的叫声。5The twins were separated _ and brought up in entirely different

13、environments.这对双胞胎一出生就被分开,在完全不同的环境中长大。【答案】4a flock of5at birth6The Vatican draws more than five million people each year,and queues can reach four hours during _梵蒂冈每年的游客量超过了五百万人,在旺季,游客排队所花的时间可达到四个小时。7As is known to all,too much work and too little rest often _ illness.众所周知,太多的工作和太少的休息往往会导致疾病。【答案】6pe

14、ak season7lead to8The problem of pollution arises _ the rapid development of industry.随着工业的快速发展,污染问题应运而生。9The books you read as a child can _ the job you have later in life.你小时候读的书可以在你以后的工作中发挥作用。【答案】8along with9play a part in10_,we must guide the youngsters to correctly handle the relations between

15、study and entertainment.另一方面,我们必须引导年轻人正确处理学习和娱乐的关系。【答案】10On the other hand.请从下面方框中选用本单元的重点词汇并以其适当形式补全短文domain;capacity;premier;dive;joint;political;iconic;freedom;located;foundation;phase;getaway;entitle;straightforward;grand;violent;sample;bakery;session;distributionItaly is a country with a long h

16、istory and natural beauty.It is 1._ in southern Europe.The people in Italy are 2._ and passionate.Food plays an important part in their daily life.On the street are coffee shops,3_ and other distinguished restaurants.And the 4_ food in Italy is pizza.With many places of interest,Italy is a popular 5_ destinations for visitors.【答案】1located2straightforward3bakeries4premier5getawayThe Colosseum,is an 6._ building in Italy,was built during the 7._ of the Roman Empire.It is an ancient stadium that wa


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