steal的用法总结大全3篇 steal的语法

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《steal的用法总结大全3篇 steal的语法》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《steal的用法总结大全3篇 steal的语法(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、steal的用法总结大全3篇 steal的语法下面是小编收集的steal的用法总结大全3篇 steal的语法,供大家品鉴。steal的用法总结大全1Feifei:大家好,欢迎收听?地道英语。我是冯菲菲Neil: and me Neil. Hello!Feifei:Neil, what a nice mobile phone you have with you! Wow! Very flashy! Gold colour!Neil:Its brilliant! The battery lasts a long time. Its got loads of memory, has plenty o

2、f room for apps, pictures, videos The camera is great too!Feifei:It must have cost you a fortune!Neil:Not at all, it was a steal!Feifei:A steal 偷来的手机Neil! Oh, you shouldnt have done that! You are such a nice guy, why would you do something like that You could have taken out a loan to buy it or somet

3、hing butNeil:What do you mean (Sound of a police car siren)Feifei:They are here, theyve come for you!Neil:No, that was just a sound effect! Im just having a joke with you. Im not going to be arrested. In English, when you say something is a steal you mean its a bargain so cheap that it is almost as

4、if you havent paid anything for it.Feifei:你可真会聊天!原来在英语里,当人们觉得一件东西买得又值又特别廉价的时候就可以说它是个 steal,就好似是白送的。这是个很口语化的叙述,在使用时要注意语境和场合。Neil:Sorry Feifei, it was just a joke. Lets hear examples of how this expression is used.ExamplesI got this designer shirt in the sales at 100 cheaper than the original price. I

5、ts a steal.This is the latest model, sir. You wont find this new computer cheaper in any other shop in the high street. Its a steal!Neil:SeeFeifei:嗯,现在我完全明白这个词的用法了。Neil:So as I was saying my phone was so cheap My phone! Where is it! I had it just here! Where has it goneFeifei:Yeah, where is it It wa

6、s right hereNeil:Yeah! Now I really do need to call the police! (Sound of a police car siren)Feifei:No, you dont. Your phone is here! I hid it when you got distracted.Neil:Nice one, Feifei. Revenge for my joke at the beginning. And for the listeners dont steal anything. Its a steal is just an expres

7、sion.Both:Bye!Steal的用法总结大全steal的用法总结大全2Steal的意思vt. 偷,悄悄地做,悄悄地走,潜行,不正当的获得vi. 偷,偷偷地行动:秘密、不显明地行动、发生或消失,棒球偷垒N. 偷窃,廉价货,廉价货变形:过去式: stole; 现在分词:stealing; 过去分词:stolen;Steal用法Steal可以用作动词Steal的根本意思是“偷,指在未经允许或不为人知的情况下不正当地或非法地拿走本不属于自己的东西。用于比喻也可作“剽窃解,引申指快速地、小心谨慎地做事情或是偷偷摸摸的、秘密的行为,着重强调伎俩和方式的隐秘性。steal还可引申表示“剥夺“获取“博

8、得解,多指用技巧取得。Steal可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接表示被偷物的名词或代词作宾语。steal也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。Steal的过去式是stole,过去分词是stolen。Steal用作动词的用法例句He was sent into prison for stealing.他由于偷窃被送入监狱。He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table.他偷偷地看了一眼桌子对面那个漂亮的女孩。Despite fine acting by several well-known stars,

9、 it was a young newcomer who stole the show.尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。Steal可以用作名词Steal用作名词时意思是“廉价货,多用在美国的非正式口语中。Steal用作名词的用法例句The number of book steal from the library is large.图书馆遗失的书很多。Ladies and gentlemen, its a steal at only $50.女士们、 先生们,这个只卖50美元,太廉价啦.Steal用法例句1、They can steal away at night an

10、d join us.他们可以晚上偷偷溜出来和我们碰面。2、People who are drug addicts come in and steal.瘾君子会进来偷东西。3、During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.在暴乱中成百上千的人纷纷趁机偷窃财物。steal的用法总结大全31、steal ones sth.=steal sth. from sb.偷某人某物如:那小偷偷走了我的手表。The thief stole my watch.=The thief stole a watch from me.2、steal sb. sth.为某人偷窃某物。属于双宾语结构;此处的sb.为间接宾语,sth为直接宾语,指偷东西是为了某人。如:小偷偷了一块手表给她。The thief stole her a watch.=The thief stole a watch for her.再如:他偷了一枚钻石戒指送给了他的女朋友。He stole his girl friend a diamond.=He stole a diamond ring for his girl friend.


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