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1、第十一讲 形容词和副词 姓名: 学校: 年级: 【学习目标】掌握形容词的用法,并对形容词和副词比较级最高级用法的回顾。【知识要点】(一)形容词的用法形容词:用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词,叫形容词。形容词在句中主要用作定语、表语和 宾语补足语。1.用作定语,修饰名词或代词。(1)一般置于它所修饰的名词之前; 例如:he is a tall boy (2)形容词修饰由 some,any,every,no 等构成的复合不定代词时,需后置。例如: Will you please tell us something interesting? 你给我们说一些有趣的事好吗? Theres

2、 nothing special in the box. 盒子里没有什么特别的东西。(3)enough 修饰名词时,既可以放在名词之前,也可以放在名词之后。 例 如: Dont worry, we have enough time/time enough to get there. 别着急,我们有足够的时间赶到那2.用作表语,位于系动词之后。常用 的有 : be, become, get, look, feel, smell, taste, sound, turn, seem, keep, grow 例:The park is very beautiful.这座公园很美。 The soup s

3、mells delicious.汤闻上去真鲜美。 That sounds good.那听上去不错.3.Its + adj. + (of / for) sb to do sth. 译作“(某人)做某事是的”。It 是形式主语,不定式结构是真正主语。of / for后面的sb是不定式的逻辑主语。 (1). 当形容词是可修饰人的形容词,即sb和adj.有主系表关系时,sb前用of。如 Its clever of you to answer the question so quickly. / Its kind of you to help me a lot. 这样的形容词有:kind, nice,

4、rude, clever, silly, foolish等。 (2) 当形容词是不可以修饰人的形容词,即sb和adj.没有主系表关系时,sb前用for。如 Its easy for her to clean the window by herself. / Its important for us to learn English well. 这样的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, important, necessary, dangerous等。(二)形容词、副词比较级和最高级构成:1. 单音节词和少数双音节词比较级和最高级的规则变化:规则原级比较级最高级1.在词尾后直

5、接加-er/esttalltallertallest2.词尾是e,只加-r/stnicenicernicest3.以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变i再加-er/esthappyhappierhappiest4.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加-er/estthinthinnerthinnest2. 其他双音节词或多音节词,在该词前面加-more/mostbeautifulmore beautiful(the) most beautiful3. 由形容词加ly构成的双音节词和多音节词,都是在该词前加-more/most.quicklymore quickly(the) mos

6、t quicklydifficultlymore difficultly(the) most difficultly4. 不规则变化:good/wellbetterbestbad/illworseworstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastoldolder(指新旧)oldestelder(指年龄)eldestfarfarther(指距离)farthestfurther(指程度)furthest(三)形容词、副词比较级和最高级的用法:1. 原级的用法:1)甲=乙:甲beas原级as乙, 用于两者之间对比,意思为“和相同”Tom is as honest as Jac

7、k. Tom 和Jack一样诚实。Her skin is as white as snow.My dog is as old as that one.2)甲不如乙:甲be notas/so原级as乙He is not as(=so)tall as I. 他没我高。The weather here is not as(=so)cool as the weather in Harbin.3)甲是乙的几倍:甲be数词timesas原级as乙This room is four times as large as that one.这间房比那间房大四倍。2. 比较级的用法:1)甲乙或甲乙:甲be比较级t

8、han乙Susan is happier than Jane.His brother is younger than me.Beijing is more beautiful than here.形容词比较级前还可以用much, even, still, a little,far, a lot, a bit, much more来修饰。very, so, too, quite 不能修饰比较级。2)数字+形容词、副词比较级+thanIm two years older than you.3)比较级+and+比较级,表示“越来越”The earth is getting warmer and wa

9、rmer.4)the +比较级,the +比较级结构,表示“越就越”The more I study it, the more I like it.5)which/who +is +比较级Which city is bigger, Beijing or Tianjin?Who is happier, you or me?3. 最高级用法:用于三者及以上的人或事物的比较,最高级前加the,最高级前有物主代词,序数词和名词所有格时,不加定冠词,后面跟带in或of表范围的短语。1)one of the +最高级Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities

10、in China.Our city is one of the safest cities in the world.2)最高级意义的表达方法:例句最高级She is the best in her class. 比较级She is better than any other student in her class.No other student in her class is better than she.原级No other student in her class is as good as she.特殊:1) 形容词最高级前一般都用定冠词,但当形容词最高级前有物主代词时,则不用定

11、冠词。 e.g.:Today is my happiest day.今天是我最高兴的一天。 Give my best regards to your family. 请代我向你们全家问好。2) most 有时与形容词连用,前面用不定冠词或不用冠词,意为“非常,很,极其”,用来加强语气。这时它不表示最高级的概念。e.g.: He is a most friendly fellow. 他是个极其友好的人。【经典例题】: 1) - Are you feeling _? - Yes,Im fine now. A. well B. better C. good D. quite better答案:B.

12、quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better. 2)The experiment was_ easier than we had expected. A. more B. much more C. much D. more much 答案:C. much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案。 【经典练习】1写出下列形容词的变化形式 (1)tall(比较级) _ (2)large(比较级)_ (3)busy(最高级) _ (4)thin(最高级)_ (5)delicious(比较级) _ (6)much(比较级)_ (7)good(

13、最高级) _ (8)far(最高级)_ 2句型转换 (1)Shanghai is the largest city in China.(变同义句) Shanghai is _ than _ _ city in China. (2)This dress is more beautiful than that blouse.(变同义句) That blouse is not _ _ as this dress. 3选择 (1)She always buys _ clothes though she is rich enough. AcheapBgood Cexpensive Dbeautiful

14、(2)Now the air in our town is _ than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it. Avery goodBmuch betterCrather badDeven worse (3)Which is _ , the sun, the moon or the earth? Of course, the moon is. Asmall Bsmaller Csmallest Dthe smallest (4)The more exercise you do, the _you will be. Aweaker B


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