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1、冀教版八年级英语上册37课说课稿3篇八年级英语上册说课稿全英范文下面是我分享的冀教版八年级英语上册37课说课稿3篇 八年级英语上册说课稿全英范文,供大家参考。冀教版八年级英语上册37课说课稿1一单项选择 class _ fifty s cousin arrives from the _ like playing _ violin but I dislike playing _ ;the ;anC./;the;/ m not isnt scared, _. want to buy _. piece of paper pieces of papers piece of papers pieces

2、of paper 6.Your coat looks very nice._.re welcome you re right 7.Your sweater looks it _ wool? its _ of, made by of, made in by, made for by, made from _ a boy and two girls in the classroom is _ comes from 9.How long has your uncle lived in this city? _. year six years year 2023 has two children, o

3、ne is a boy, _ is a other m very tired, but I still have _ to of much homework many homework lot of homeworks 12.What _ do you like best? 13.Whats the time now? _.s winters eight oclock s Sundays October are so do you want me _ for you? do parents often make me _ up early on get will have dinner in

4、this restaurant this evening, _ ? they they t theyt they 17.Where can people borrow books?From the _. 18.Is this your dictionary? No._ is in the Day is re all very _. 20.The green dress looks so nice! If you like it, you can _. on it it on them on on them 21.Happy birthday to you! _. you same to you

5、 s all right have _ to tell something something interesting interested 23.How far is your school from here? Not very s about fifteen _s father _ to go to work every bus a bus a bus bus()25.Who taught Sally Chinese? _.She learned it by() is a _ does everything _.;careful ;carefully ;carefully ;carefu

6、l() Mei wants to _ a singer when she grows() dont know _. does she live she lives she live lives where()29.Sam is an English boy._. is Bob Bob is is so so is() hopes _ the film with us this see ()31.Where are you going next week?Im going to the Great Wall, because China is famous _() my classmates w

7、ant _ something for our do()33.Why do you look tired today?_ I went to bed too late last() was there _ Jim yesterday, because he was() Ming is a famous basketball player _ is playing in() _ think Miss Li _ help you with your t;can;cantC./;cantt;cant() teachers always tell us _ more English in and ou

8、t of speak () is _ taller than() it _, we will have a picnic(野餐) rain t raint rain()40.Does Bob like playing football?_.He likes playing , he doesnt, he does , he does, he doesnt()41._ he could do it the next be is()42.Would you like to come to my house tomorrow? would like, I would like, Id love to

9、, Id love to() new classmates is a girl _ called named () _ some advice for () Lei is _ excellent is good at hisC./()46.Hello!May I speak to Jim, please?_.m her is Jim speaking m Jim speaking name is Jim()47.May I use your computer this afternoon? OK._. problemm not sure same to you me try()48.You s

10、peak French very well._., please d love to you doesnt matter()49._? I did not understand what you said.Ok!Ill speak more m Ok ()50._ is fun and I love()51.How many people are there in your city?Its hard to say._ people, I of millions million million of() translated the Chinese sentences _ ()53.When

11、did you come to China?_. two months two months months ago two months() often helps me _ my ()55.Do you know the man _ is sitting behind Grace?Oh, he is my()56.Thank you for giving me _ I wanted.You are information information informations ()57.Whats your mothers _?She is a()58.You look very _.Why?Di

12、dnt you hear(听到)the _ news?;exciting;excited;excited;exciting() want to _ some new words in the at up for after() stopped _ his clothes and went out for a washing ()61. found it hard to _ well with her daughter.Thats really a big() teacher encourage us _ English as much as speak () Wang asked me to write _ article on how to learnC./() shouldnt _ these poor children and we should help after of about at()s not easy _ everyone to keep 二正确词形填空 1.How is the weather today?Its _(rain)and s feet are _(big)than Li Ming classmates laughed _(loud)in the help people to keep _(health). is my


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