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1、本科毕业论文(设计) ( 2013届 )题 目:General Features of English Lexicon in Postmodernism Culture 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 学生姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 职称(学位): 合作导师: 职称(学位): 完成时间: 2013 年 月 日 成 绩: 13AcknowledgmentsIn writing this paper, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. They generously helped me

2、collect materials I needed and made many invaluable suggestions. I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is. Particularly, I am deeply indebted to Professor Huang, my supervisor, who guided me throughout my writing of this t

3、hesis. He carefully read the whole draft and offered painstaking and precious criticism. His standards of academic excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience. I also wish to sincerely thank my classmates and friends Mina and Sophia, whose brilliant ideas and perceptive ob

4、servations have proved immensely constructive. My parents took good care of my life and gave me a lot of encouragement when I was working at this thesis. They always share my weal and woe. I feel much grateful and heartily owe my achievement to them. Furthermore, none of this would have been possibl

5、e without the help of those individuals and the library of Huangshan University and its staff. AbstractThe postmodern culture is affecting the theory thinking and practical reformation of our language pattern in its own way. However, the mixture of blur narration and views hinders its permeability i

6、nto the study of modern language system. Only through grasping its clear logic and ideological quintessence, can postmodern culture benefit the innovation of modern language system. In this paper, I will analyze the general features of modern English lexicon in the atmosphere of postmodernism from t

7、he following four aspects: more brief, new meaning for old words, foreign words, coinage so as to offer enlightenments for English learners to know the relationship between language and culture and the essence of the English language.Key Words: postmodernism;language;influence;society development摘要后

8、现代主义文化正在以自己独特的方式影响人们的思维方式和语言的形成。然而叙述和观点的模糊性阻碍了对语言系统研究的渗透性。只有真正抓住后现代文化的本质逻辑,后现代文化才能真正有利于语言系统的创新。本文将从后现代文化的角度出发,从四个方面总结现代英语词汇的基本特征:英语词汇的简洁性,旧词新意,外来词及新造词。本文的目的是希望可以启发英语学习者,帮助听他们了解语言与文化的关系,从而更好得把我英语语言的精髓。关键词:后现代文化主义;语言;影响;社会发展CONTENTSAcknowledgementsiAbstractii摘要iii1. Introduction11.1 A brief introducti

9、on to the postmodern culture11.2 Research motives22. Relationship between language and culture32.1 The influence of culture on language32.2 Influence exerted by language on culture42.3 Shaping each other53. General features of the English lexicon in postmodern culture53.1 More brief53.2 New meanings

10、 for old words63.3 Foreign words63.4 Coinage74. Causes for the features74.1 Rapid development in science and technology74.1.1 Scientific development74.1.2 Advancement in technique84.2 Change in economy and politics94.2.1 Economic change94.2.2 Political influence95. Conclusion11Bibliography12General

11、Futures of English Lexicon in Postmodernism Culture1. Introduction1.1 A brief introduction to the postmodern cultureCurrently, due to the swarming of globalization trend and the expansion of multi-culture, the postmodern culture is widely known by more and more people in a wider field. Nevertheless,

12、 in the process of application, postmodern culture is either misunderstood or too generalized. Not all people can grasp the authentic meaning of postmodern culture. Some of them just follow the trend, not really understanding what postmodern culture implies and how it affects us, our thought pattern

13、, our interpersonal relationship, and our moral values, etc. Some explanation for postmodern culture is ambiguous and confusing. This situation can be attributed to two facts as following. On the one hand, the postmodern culture itself does not have a fixed theme. Its casual expression, paradoxical

14、viewpoint and extensive arguments all result in peoples misunderstanding in postmodern culture(陶水平,1995). On the other hand, as it is a comparatively new concept, peoples understanding level, viewpoint angle and subjectivity and casualness in application all contribute to the inappropriate understan

15、ding of postmodern culture(凯尔纳.贝斯特,1999). Consequently, never will we reveal its influence in other field, like language, until we authentically understand the essence of postmodern culture. Postmodern culture is a term describing large-scale changes in intellectual thought, cultural production, and global societies arising in the


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