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1、广东省饶平侨中09-0学年高一下学期单元检测试题(英语)考试范围:人教版新课标 必修四 Uit Ataste ofEngis umor一、单项选择(1.分230分)1. As a film stashe wa ce,but asa wfeh wa_failure, seir marrae ended i _ ailure A. /; B ; aC a; a D. a; /. How o u _ myser s esly in the crwd ecaseshe tood outin hrred dress A ick uB. pic oC. take p. tak outYouar ateai

2、n, Tom Sy, but I got_ aheavy tffija. A. caut iB. taen inC. ut fD. he by4. Do u want anythng ese f your birthdy Nothngelse. very _with what uve bugh me.A.atfying.dsappointeC. cnentD. hest5.Hw arethe higs i r villag Mdern rmi methosave ben brught in ad the vaersare_ now han efor. el offB. better fC. l

3、y offD worso. C y tell us wat is important to absinessan _ nformton. A. ClctBollctdC HavngcolcteDCollecing7. In orde nottolehe others ear wat he i,h _ thewtome. A.shtdB. ol. whispedD sai8. he ounitselfdidt he enoug ga ecuef te war,sthgovernmndecdedto _ is ga suplis to oter conre. hie awayB cutoffC.n

4、sis nD. bra u9. urhelooked e adthere n orplaround _looking or somthng . eventhoughB. even fCas fD.only if1_, h ave been truglin aginthsnowtrm for en hous. Uptoow . B the ime C.rm thn o D In the uur11. ThughI hve ftn heard this on _, I hve ner herd ou_ i.A. bei sng; sn B.sng;singing sung;sin D.to b u

5、ng; tosing. The salemansolde e iraug_ ad let her ofA. tohave solenB. t b steaing to steal D saling1 Do lve te wae_ whil ou brshyu teth. rn running . bin ru D o run4 The_boy was last een _ nerte Est Lake.A. missng; aying B. min; play C. mssed; plyeD. mised; toplay. You nt imagine wat dfficuty ad _ ho

6、me i tsnowstorm A. walke B.wk C.towk alng16.Mrtial ArtFs ae suposd o beeduatinal, insprin, as well _.A nraing . entetad C. joy . dligte 17.Comeo, pleasegi m om ieas about theprojt. - Sorr. With o much work_my nd,lmot reak down A filled B filling Co fill D being ld1. I is prtedthat upno, muntai slide

7、s v cut off moe thn ten villaes frmthe outide ol, _more than 100 hndredpople aliveand _ mny houss. A ur; desro B. brying; drong C. to bury; todstoy D. en buried; beg destroyed19 ThOsar Awd _ allouttang ators and actresses all_. A what; re towin . somethig; lok orward to i C. what; eam o wnnin D. sme

8、thing; lok orwar to inning it Fear soehg ttyou are orn wih. Youant _yse of i opleteybutyoucan _ ertai eas uder cetaiconitins. A. break; t rid of B. get;overcom C. overom;rid o D. rd; vecom二、完形填空 (2分15=30分)Chalie Chapinwat firstintntinal sta otheodrn atfmovies He wa espciall beloe fo hisLtle Tramp 21

9、 . He wa the rt ren artist orite, 22 and perform n hi o films;in fac, in soe cases,harlieChapli evewroteemuscfohis oes. He ws al hefirst artstto se hiswk to pasa23 of eqaity an jce(正义) fr all 24 forh lite guy. Criehalins aeradlife de 25 t irst gba ion (偶像); h oo-sal hat, hsto large shoe an h tradark

10、 ouach wer instantlyrogne byaudinces fo Cicao to Chia, ro Iowa Cit tondia An they 26 ar oda.ll f tes ake Charlie Chali the firsciizen of ourlal vilage.hapln,a ativeof Lndon, wasborn i 27 on April 16, 18 to msic ha prforme Chalin onl a his 28 tice until h age of even The an 9 im a his m but a eaate C

11、hpn w 30 uring Caplin ees yars, is moter asa() andperforer. Then hervoic gaveot, he stage carer3 ,an she eganctil ttendig Chrch of Enga servies. he ae of 3, aplismother wa consiere a the inane and sent t Cn Hil latialum (疯人院),and the cort entCharleandis botrto lve it hisfther, 3 had y hen stopped all aymnts of childsuportChaieChapln live wh his fthrn a shor tim 35 is motherwas reeased r


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