剑桥国际英语初级1 (2).doc

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1、Power Language Training School剑桥国际英语初级1-5单元综合测试卷一:听写二: 选择题1 A: Whats _name?B: He is Jim.A: he B: her C: his D: him2. Where _ your sister from?A: are B: is C: was D: were3. A: _ is it going? B: Fine, thanks.A: What B: Where C: How D: Which4. I am _ my way home.A: in B: on C: of D: at 5. Why _ parents

2、 give their children unpopular names?A: do B: does C: are D: /6. Thats good news _ you.A: to B: for C: of D: off7. I start work _ five.A: at B: on C: about D: in8. I get _ school at ten.A: to B: up C: on D: off9How many _ are there on the table?A: chicken B: beef C: patatoes D: meat10. It looks _.A:

3、 warmly B: warm C: warming D: warm11. Where _ your father _?A: do, works B: does, works C: does, work D: do, work12. A: What can she do? B: She can _ tennis. She _ it very well.A: play, play B:plays, plays C: play, plays D: plays, play13. A: Would you like to go? B: _A: No, I dont B: Yes, I do C: Ye

4、s, I would like D: Yes, I would like to14. Everyone _ money.A: likes B: like C: favorite D: favorites15. A: Sorry, I am late. B: _.A: No, dont say that B: It doesnt matter. C: Yes, you are late D: You are welcome三: 按要求完成下列句子。1. A: _B: I am from Beijing.2. A: _B: Oh, that is Miss Liu.3. A: _B: They a

5、re shy, but they are friendly.4. A: _B: No, we arent. We are in different classes.5. A: _B: I am a flight attendant.6. A: _B: He works for a big computer company.7. A: _B: She likes her job very much.8. A: _B: I work at seven.9. A: _B: I go to school by bus.10. A: _B: Yes, I am.11. A: _B: They are 2

6、4.5$.12. A: _B: I like the white one better.13. A: _B: Blue.14. A: _B: We need some chicken.15. A: _B: I have eggs and milk for lunch.16. A: _B: There are five in my family.17. A: _B: No, I dont. I live with my parents.18. A: _B: I think her job is difficult.19. A: _B: I am reading books.20. A: _B:

7、Yes, I d love to.四: 简答题1:What is your family name?2: What is the weather like today?3: Where do you live now?4: What is your teacher like?5: What do you like to do after work?6: How many classes do you have?7: What kind of movies do you like?8: How do you spend your holiday?9: Who do you know works

8、for the hospital?10: Why do you need a job?五:改错题1:They are your book. Where is mine?2: She havent a new book.3: How much is your pants?4: Does you wearing a red coat?5: Does he play piano?6: I have to work lately.7: She must to go to school early. 8: A lot families are small these days.9: Bens schoo

9、l dont have English class.10. I want to invite you come to my home.六: 翻译。1: 我和莉莉在同一个班。2: 你的老师人怎么样?3:你这个学期的英语课有趣吗?4:伦敦是我最喜欢的城市。5:我的英语课是在早上的,但是他的英语课在下午。6:名字对女孩子和男孩子来说都很重要。7:为什么父母会给子女起不受欢迎的名字呢?8:因为有名的演员和运动员,有些名字也变得非常得受欢迎。9:你的周末是怎么过的?10:这是我的全职工作,不是兼职的。11:我在CCTV 做天气预报。12:你下班以后和你的家人做什么?13:你经常去健身房吗?14:我周末很

10、晚才起床。15:你早餐吃什么?16:我没有任何工作经验,但是我可以学得很快。17:我需要照顾我的宝宝,所以我需要一份在家工作的工作。18:我喜欢在周末的时候和我的朋友们一起出去吃饭。19:黄色对她来说不适合。20:这是你的生日礼物。21:你更喜欢哪一个?22:你想要试一下吗?23:我有什么可以帮你的吗?24:你喜欢在网上购物吗?25:不管你是否喜欢,淘宝就是你的选择。26:我最喜欢的歌手是Judy。27: 在日本,百分之四的人在23岁的时候就结婚了。28:我的姐姐经常帮我妈妈做家务。29:他一整个下午都坐在电视机钱。30:你们家有多少人?七:将下列短文翻译成英文。1:下个星期一就是中秋节了。我想和我的家人一起过。平时我没有很多的时间可以和我的父母呆在一起。所以我想在这个中秋节和他们一起吃晚饭。我想和妈妈一起去超市买菜,然后一起做菜。我妈妈很擅长烧菜。我爸爸很喜欢吃我烧的鱼。晚饭之后,我想和爸爸妈妈一起吃月饼(moon cake),然后一起去看电影。我和爸爸妈妈已经十年没一起看电影了。你呢?你有什么计划吗?你会怎么过中秋节呢?


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