人教版英语必修三:随堂演练 21含答案解析

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1、 精品资料随堂演练及时体验 巩固提升.选词填空strength, power, energy, forceShe is said to have the _ to foretell (预测) the future.A good rest will call your _ back.Electricity gives us _ and makes machines work.Cooking in a microwave takes less time and _.Matters of this kind should be solved in a peaceful way instead of

2、by means of _.答案powerstrengthpowerenergyforce.短语填空1Dont try to cheat in the examination. You wont _ it.答案get away with2Sometimes, _ is not necessarily harmful, for example, white lies.答案telling lies3Tom is seriously ill and I think he _ see a doctor at once.答案ought to4The party must try to _ the sup

3、port it has lost.答案win back5The food in Yong Huis restaurant helps people _, because it contains much fiber instead of fat.答案lose weight.翻译句子1他坐在扶手椅上读报纸。_答案He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper.2现在是六点,他一定到家了。_答案Its six oclock. He must have arrived home.3那要比在他自己餐馆里吃一顿美味还要贵。_答案It cost more than a good meal in his own restaurant.4他很快让大家发笑了。_答案He soon had them all laughing.5或许通过打折优惠和换新标牌,他就能赢回顾客。_答案Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.



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