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1、Module 1My First Day at Senior HighSection Writing写作指导.佳作展示与背诵假设你叫李华,是一名高一新生,对新学校的一切都感到新鲜和好奇。请根据下面的提示以及图画给你的美国网友Peter发一封电子邮件,向他描述你在高中第一天的所见、所闻及所想。要点如下:校园位置:位于山脚下,它后面有一个公园;校门前有一条宽敞的街道直通商业区(business district)。21世纪教育网校园内:中心有一个喷泉(fountain)和一面国旗,教学楼和多媒体教室(multimedia classroom)引人注目,到处是花,树木成荫。师生情况:老师和学生都很友

2、好。整体感受:注意:1.词数:100左右;2.文章开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。发件人: L收件人:P主题:添加附件内容:Dear Peter, How are you?I want to tell you something about my first day at my Senior High school.Best wishes,Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:发件人:L收件人:P主题:21世纪教育网21世纪教育网添加附件21世纪教育网内容:Dear Peter,How are you?I want to tell

3、 you something about my first day at my Senior High school.My new school is located at the foot of a mountain.Behind the school lies a beautiful park and a wide road before our school gate runs to the business district.Entering the school,I first saw a fountain and the national flag in the centre.Fl

4、owers and rows of trees can be seen everywhere.It is beautiful and amazing.What impressed me most was the modern teaching buildings and multimedia classrooms.What the teacher taught all appeared on the screen in the front of the classroom.The teachers and the classmates were all kind and helpful.I b

5、elieve that with excellent teachers helping me,I will make great progress in the wonderful school.Best wishes,Yours,Li Hua.思路点拨1本文的格式为电子邮件,其内容为“我在新高中的第一天”,主要运用记叙加描写的形式。2时态上记叙“第一天”发生的情况要用一般过去时,描写学校及老师、同学的通常情况,自己的感受时用一般现在时态。3写出的文章可分为三部分,第一段介绍学校的位置及周边环境。第二部分介绍校园布局及师生状况。最后一部分写出“我”的感受。4(1)相关常用短语描写地点和方位:i

6、n the middle of,in front of,behind,between,next to,on the left .,lies/stands in .,be located/situated in .,at the foot of,in the center,On/To the east/west is/lies .相关建筑物:national park,business district,fountain,garden,teaching building,multimedia classroom,office building,library,lecture hall,scien

7、ce laboratory,art room,dormitory,medical centre,gym,canteen,garden .相关形容词:new,beautiful,wide,small,lovely,amazing,modern,kind,helpful,excellent,wonderful,close .其他:enter,impress,appear,tell English jokes,make progress .(2)相关常用句型The school is located/situated at .The school lies in/on/to .The buildin

8、g is surrounded by .Behind it lies .There be .in the middle/center of .经典句式1Behind the school lies a beautiful park and a wide road before our school gate runs to the business district.本句是由and连接的两个并列句,前面的句子中运用了倒装结构。2Entering the school,I first saw a fountain and the national flag in the centre.entering the school作句子的状语,是动词的现在分词形式,enter与句子的主语I为主谓关系,且与句子的谓语saw几乎同时发生。3What impressed me most was the modern teaching buildings and multimedia classrooms.What impressed me most是主语从句,what在主语从句中作主语。此表格高度可根据版面自行调整,不是估计高度来源:21世纪教育网提示:用最精炼的语言把你当堂掌握的核心知识的精华部分和基本技能的要领部分写下来并进行识记。


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