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1、-WORD格式-可编辑-PEP小学英语四年级下册总复习资料一、要求能在四线格里准确听写的单词(四会单词:听、说、认读、写)1.er / ?/(在末尾 : 小饥饿音) water 水tiger 老虎sister 姐妹computer 电脑dinner 晚餐2. ir / ?/(大饥饿音) girl 女孩bird 小鸟ur / ?/ (大饥饿音)nurse护士hambur ger 汉堡包3. ar / :/ ( 牙医音 )arm 胳膊 car 小汽车 card 卡片 f ar mer 农民al/ ?/ (恍然大悟音)ball 球tall 高的wall 墙4. or / ?/ (恍然大悟音)hors

2、e马 f ork 叉子w+or/ ?/ (大饥饿音)homework 作业 world map 世界地图5.le /l/(变异小饥饿音)apple 苹果people 人table 桌子litt le 小的uncle 叔叔二、要求能听说认读的单词(三会单词:听、说、认读)Unit 1My school.first floorsecond floorteachersofficelibraryplayground一楼二楼教师办公室图书馆computer roommusic roomart room操场计算机房音乐教室美术教室Unit 2What time is it?breakfastlunchdi

3、nnerEnglish classmusic classPE classget up早餐午餐晚餐英语课音乐课go to schoolgo home go to bed体育课起床去上学回家上床睡觉Unit 3Weather.coldcoolwarmhot寒冷的凉爽的温暖的热的sunny windycloudysnowy rainy-阳光的多风的多云的下雪的多雨的Unit 4 At the farm.tomatopotatogreen beans carrot特殊的变复数: tomato-tomatoes 西红柿西红柿土豆豆角胡萝卜Potato - potatoes土豆horsecowsheeph

4、enSheep-sheep绵羊Scarf-scarves围巾马奶牛绵羊母鸡Unit 5 My clothes.Pants,shorts,socks,gloves,sunglasses用的clothespantshatdress时候直接用复数, 如:衣服裤子帽子连衣裙Those are your socks. 这是我的袜子。skirtcoatsweatersocks女裙外衣毛衣短袜shortsjacketshirt短裤夹克衫衬衫Unit 6 Shopping.glovesscarfumbrellasunglasses手套围巾雨伞太阳镜prettyexpensivecheapnice美观的昂贵的便

5、宜的好的三、要求能理解会背的对话(注意粗体部分的问答)Unit 1 My school.1、A: Excuse me. Wheres the teachers office?(打扰了,教师办公室在哪?)B: It s on the second floor(.它在二楼。 )A: OK. Thanks. (好的,谢谢。 )A: Hi. Is this the teachers office? Where 对地点提问。 表 示 在 几 楼 上 , 要 用 介 词on , 如 :onthefirstfloor.在一楼。 Thefirst表示第一的,序数词在使用时前面一定要加the, 表示事物的排列顺

6、序。 当用 Isthis,?Isthat,?提问时,一般用肯定回答 是: Yes, it is . 否定是 : No , it isn t.(你好,这是教师办公室吗?)C: No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.(不,不是。教师办公室在图书馆旁边。)A: Hi, Miss White! Here s my homework.(你好,怀特老师!这是我的作业。)D: Thank you, Mike. ( 谢谢你,迈克。 )A: Bye, Miss White. ( 再见,怀特老师。 )Welcome to + 地点 ( 欢迎

7、来2、A: Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.到某处)。How many 对数量提问。(欢迎来到我们的学校!这是我的教室。 ) 含有助动词的一般疑问句B: It s so big! How many are there in your class?的问和答; does 用于单三形(它好大呀!你们班有多少个学生? )式,其它人称用 do。A: Forty-five students. (45 个学生。 )B: Is that the computer room? (那是计算机房吗? )A: No, it isnt. It s the teac

8、hers office. (不,不是。它是教师办公室。)B: Do you have a library? (你的学校有图书馆吗? )A: Yes, we do.Its on the second floor. This way, please.(是的,有。它在二楼。请这边走。 )Unit 2 What time is it?1、A: Hi! School is over. Let s go to the playground.(你好!放学了。让我们一起去操场吧。 ) Itstime to + 动词 原形B: OK.(好的。 )It s time to go home.A: What time

9、 is it now? ( 现在几点了? ) It s timefor+ 名词ItB: It s 5 oclock. (五点整了。 )s time for home.该是 , 的时候了。C: Time to go home, kids. What time对钟点提问。(该回家了,孩子们。 )What time is it? = What s the time?A: What time is it? (几点了? )B: It s 6 oclock. Its time for dinner. (六点了,该吃晚饭了。 )A: Oh! Let s go! (哦,我们走吧! )2、A: Oh, It s

10、 6:30. It s time to get up.( 哦,六点半了,该起床了。)B: Breakfast is ready. (早餐准备好了。 )A: Hurry up! It s time to go to school. (快点,该上学了。 )B: OK. (好的。 )C: What time is it ?(几点了? )A: I m ready. (我准备好了。 )一般疑问句Canyou,? 的Unit 3 Weather.回答形式有两种,肯定回答1、A: Mum, what time is it? ( 妈妈,几点了? )是:Yes,Ican.否定回B: It s 11:00. (十

11、一点了。 )答是 :No,I cant.句A: Can I go outside now?一般疑问Can I,?的回答形式(我现在可以出去吗? )也有两种,肯定回答是:B: No, you cant. It s cold outside.Yes,youcan.否 定 回(不,不行。外面冷。 )答是 :No,youcant.B: Have some lunch, Mike. (迈克,吃午餐吧。 )A: OK. Can I have some soup? 好(的,我可以喝些汤吗? )B: Yes, you can.(是的,可以。 )B: Be careful! It s very hot. (小心

12、,很烫的。 )当问某个地方的天气如 何时 , 要用2、A: Hi, Chen Jie! This is. ( 你好,陈洁!这是马克。 )Whats theweathB: Hi, Mark! What s the weather like in New York?erlikein+地(你好,马克!纽约天气怎么样? )名?如: Whats theA: It s rainyHow. about Beijing? Is it cold?weatherlikein(是下雨天。北京呢?天冷吗? )Beijing?北京的天气B: No, it isnt. It s 26 degrees(. 不,不冷。是 26 度。 )A: 26 degrees! Thats cold! (26 度! 那太冷了! )B


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