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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!满分:100分,限时:60分钟.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1.It is reported that cancer can be controlled at a temperature lower than 110 below zero.Really? nice surprise!A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.What an答案C本题考查感叹句的结构。感叹名词surprise要用what,先排除A;此处surprise是可数名词单数,故what后要用不定冠词a。2

2、.Do you have in Beijing?Yes. My aunt and uncle live there. A.classmatesB.cousinsC.partners D.relatives 答案D根据答语的“我姑姑和叔叔住在那里”可推断,问句问的是“你在北京有亲戚吗”,所缺的词是relatives,故答案为D。3.He is so brave.We all him for his courage.A.warnB.punishC.admireD.remind答案C根据本题语境可知,我们都钦佩他的勇气,故所缺的词是admire。4.I said thanks to him beca

3、use he promised me with English.A.help B.helpingC.to helpD.helped 答案Cpromise to do sth.意为“承诺做某事;答应做某事”。5.The English teacher was a little disappointed when he knew that they ended up about it in English.A.talk B.talkingC.talkedD.to talk 答案Bend up后若跟动词,只能跟动名词,故答案为B。6.Who broke the window? .A strong w

4、ind broke it last night.A.SomebodyB.AnybodyC.Nobody D.Everybody答案C考查不定代词的用法。句意:是谁把窗户打破了?没有人,是昨天晚上的一场大风弄破的。somebody意为“某人”;anybody意为“任何人”;everybody意为“每个人,大家”,均不符合题意。故选C。7. fine weather it is!Lets go on a picnic!A.What aB.WhatC.HowD.How a 答案B本题考查感叹句的结构。感叹不可数名词weather要用what,对应的句式结构是“What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语

5、!”。8.Please call me at six tomorrow. I cant be late for the important meeting.No problem. Ill surely you.A.remindB.beatC.warnD.order 答案A根据题干中的“请明天六点给我打电话。那个重要的会议我不能晚到”可知,答语的含义是“没问题,我会提醒你的”,故所缺的词是remind。9.Lei Fengfor many years,but his spirit is still encouraging us.A.died B.has died C.was dead D.has

6、 been dead答案D句意:雷锋已经死了许多年了,但他的精神仍在激励着我们。本题考查动词时态。由设空处后的for many years可知应用现在完成时且动词用延续性动词。故答案为D项。10.Mrs. White has seven pounds because she hardly ever exercises. A.laid outB.given outC.put onD.ended up 答案C根据题干中的“因为她几乎不锻炼身体”可推断,她已经胖了七磅了,故put on符合题意。11.I hope I will win the English speaking competition

7、 tomorrow. A.What a pity!B.Congratulations! C.Good luck to you!D.I dont think so.答案C题干中提到了“我希望我能够在明天的英语演讲比赛中获胜”,此时对应的答语是“祝你好运”,故答案为C。12.My mother cooks delicious food every day. Ive six pounds. I think you should do more exercise. A.put awayB.put offC.put on D.put up 答案C结合题干中的“我妈妈每天给我做可口的食物”可推断,此处表示

8、“我胖了六磅”,故put on符合题意。13.Have you read the novel by Han Han?No, I havent. I will read it this afternoon.A.writeB.wroteC.writtenD.writing答案C本题考查过去分词作后置定语的用法。written by Han Han修饰novel,故答案为C。14.Michael likes the teachers are humorous and creative. A.which B.what C.who D.whom 答案C句意:迈克尔喜欢幽默而又富有创意的老师。定语从句修饰

9、先行词the teachers,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故who符合题意。15.I dont knowhe will come tomorrow. he comes, Ill tell you. A.if;Whether B.whether;Whether C.if;That D.if;If 答案D句意:我不知道他明天是否会来。如果他来了,我会告诉你的。第一空表示“是否”,要用if或whether;第二空表示“如果”,只能用if,故答案为D。.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals

10、 in China. During the Festival, Chinese people have many activities. They paste up Spring Festival couplets(春联), greeting the New Year and saying16to the old year. On the first day of the Spring Festival, people17 wearing new clothes. Nowadays, children get18pockets from their parents and their rela

11、tives by web chat. It is a good time for people to visit relatives and friends. More importantly, the Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in19parts of the world.The Spring Festival was20in the UK from 1980. Every new year, people also get together and have lots of activities. Th

12、ey sing songs, dance21music, share photos with friends or watch22in the cinema. Additionally, the Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living in the US. They23in a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year. Chinese New Year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations

13、 across Australia. Thousands of people come to Sydneys Chinatown. They enjoy fireworks(鞭炮)and lion dances. The family dinner on New Years Eve is an important tradition for Chinese24they were born in Singapore or moved there from China. They usually hold it at25because having it in a restaurant takes

14、 away the meaning of the tradition.16.A.yesB.goodbyeC.no17.A.hang upB.hang backC.hang out18.A.greenB.goldenC.red19.A.otherB.othersC.another20.A.congratulatedB.celebratedC.happened21.A.onB.inC.to22.A.TVB.matchesC.movies23.A.putB.joinC.live24.A.ifB.weatherC.whether25.A.homeB.outdoorsC.restaurant答案语篇解读春节是中国最重要的节日之一。本文介绍了中国人过春节时的一些传统,还介绍了世界上其他国家的人是怎样庆祝春节的。16.B新年是辞旧迎新的时候,say goodbye to意为“向告别”。17.C春节第一天,人们穿着新衣服出去闲逛,hang out“闲逛”符合题意。18.C孩子们能够收到父母和亲戚的“红”包,故所缺的词是red。19.A不仅


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