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1、Uit1 B te timeIgo outsi,hebus adalreadyetT First Perd.Teahingimsand Dand1 Knoldge bjects(1) Ky abulay oerslep(2) Target Languae WhhppedI overslept.ndy e me Igot u, botehad aleady ottenin hesowe2. Abiity Objets(1) Teach the students to usetheew ords.() Train he udents tonrratepast eveswih the Pas ere

2、 Tense() Ti thesudent listeningn seaig sklls wi hrge laguge3.Moral Ojtts a goodhait o t be early t evenignge uearlyin t mrning So yleve bin a urry in th monng Teachiney Points1Key ocablry versep. TreLnae Naate pas events ith thPatPerec ense eahin Dificl Poits Trinthe stuentto narrate pasevnts wth th

3、ePat Perfect Tes.2 r htudens undertan thearge lagae inspoken onersatioecin Metho. Thikn of examplesfrom the studen rea lve.2 Making setenes by lookngat he ctrs. Teach Procdres Stp I Revision s omequestis like this: ha volunteer work ul yu ieo do Helpthe tudetstoanwe, Id like t/I lo o op to Pratice t

4、e diloge in Atyc age 62 again. 3Che t tudent hoery ig sme stuents toea hr sntences wi th phrasalverb. hens e stuenstohnd n thrhomwork Sep 1aFirt writebyte ime th blackord. ndll the clas the meanng o i.Sy hi senece toth class: By the imetheacher ca i, the tdenthad begun eadingEglisTel t tooe thestctu

5、r had eginth sentence Bunist pastpartiiple f begn. Epan what is the pas articil fom f a verb fr te studen el tmii athesame te pat form r rula erb. Athey haveo me the irrgu verbsarticiple on by one.Write B the ieI cam backnthbloardSay tte clas, By th tieI camen Wat had hpendHelp on studnt nswer lk th

6、i,By eimth eachecame n, Dohd writte isnae on the lackboar.hen et moe stden o anserdifrnly, ead thenstions tthestdntsnd rea hese ueios o te clss aswelWhat o you usallydi, the orninbore scho Do yu lie orninghy o wy othooe n good studt to answhembyayngsothin he o he ually dosin theornngThenav t whoe cl

7、aspactic n pa Ak eac other thequestins.Ar thfih taking,ask ne or two pirs to aytheir onersaions t th cas. Correct te mistashe ma mae it tother sudntsCllte tuen tttion toth iuesin tivitya he ell studens to talk aou the pitres in group ur Mov aroudth clssro, lstening to students and oering hl ke sr ha

8、t the talk n glsh.Afer h ll finsh lking, akdffrent gous t tel th lassou th picures tep 1bsk the students t ead te nstrctionstogthr.Hethem ok at te wocolums, A nd B,in thechart. Pont out the ample answe Read the o par fth sentence.Tn goover theothconnet artsofsennces, toPay the cig or he first tmeSud

9、tonly lse. hn play t a seod time.Let stdents mt wo prts ofeac enencehk te answes yskig sme studetst tll heiransers.Meurett al o them have got thcrec aners y listenig cogatulation to th tuets whogt answer recty by gussi.tp 1cst play the recordin in Atviy agaiand le the sdents ead afr it D it t las wi

10、c.Then d theinsrucions tgethe wth thwoe clYouill akeconversaiosi pis. Eac of yu wilhv toae turns ng Tina. Lok at h piures in Actiit lato help y Tello prter hat hppnd t ou his moni. aair to read heampleto te class bee heybgirtHave he sntswork in ais Mve around the room oering lagage sprt as neded.Aft

11、 theallish taln, ask om airs t saytheir conersatinstte clsStp ummayStp Homework1. reut te toy o Tia, t use te taget ngage.2. Rvis when tosthe Pasteect Tense adthe erb srutur of itThe Secod Priod ahing Asand Deans1Knowledge bject(1) Taet Languae Byth tie shegot to cla,he tahe had aready satedteacng hn e got o schol,she ealied shhadlefther backpackat me Whn gt ome, aize I adety eysi te bakpack.(2)e Thre Form of tevebs.2 biliy Obects(1) Tra th sudents isenig kil.(2)Train the tudents witing skil wth e tartlnguage(3) Tinthestudnts speakin skill



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