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1、Module 5 Cloning二. 教学目标:本模块话题是“克隆”,阅读课文的第一部分介绍小说弗兰肯斯坦的故事梗概,第二部分是小说节选。 要求学生掌握相关词汇,培养相关语言技能。 (一)单词短语clone terrify wrinkled wing chase disgust emotion fiance murder refuse burn out breathe vein contrast with rush throw oneself on fear make a sound again and again nightmare gene identical beneficial by

2、mistake cure treatas imaginary head incredible nonsense acid bacteria embryo enzyme tissue organism stem cell upbringing genetic make-up genetics transparent twisting fundamental component pea procedure unzip a sequence of insert be identical to controversial valid optional reproduce exceptional con

3、tradictory vice virtue flexible compulsory regulation handy resist sow rot pest rely on biodiversity breed analyze suspect saliva spit fingernail code as follows sci-fi eccentric accompany knock out get out of control as far as we know absorb sample intact break down arise vice versa bring back to l

4、ife violence (二)重点单词短语terrify wrinkled wing chase disgust emotion fiancee murder refuse burn out breathe vein contrast with rush throw oneself on fear make a sound again and again beneficial by mistake cure treatas incredible nonsense upbringing make-up transparent twisting component a sequence of b

5、e identical to valid optional exceptional virtue regulation handy resist sow rely on breed analyze suspect as follows sci-fi accompany knock out get out of control as far as we know absorb sample break down arise bring back to life violence (三)语言要点归纳:1. In 1816,a nineteen-year-old Englishwoman calle

6、d Mary Shelley wrote a novel called Frankenstein.1816年,一位名叫玛丽舍利的年仅19岁的英国女士写了一本名叫弗兰肯斯坦的小说。该句中两个called短语都是过去分词作定语。(1)单个分词作定语前置,分词短语作定语则后置。如:a flying kite一个正在飞的风筝Do you know the boy lying under the big tree?你认识那个躺在大树下的男孩吗?(2)现在分词与过去分词作定语的区别:从逻辑意义上讲,现在分词与被修饰的词之间有主谓关系,可替换成主语语态的定语从句;过去分词则表示被动,可替换成被动语态的定语从

7、句。如:The girl sitting under that tree is my sister.坐在那棵树下的女孩是我妹妹。对比:The girl who is sitting under that tree is my sister.Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.被邀请参加聚会的艺术家大部分来自南非。对比:Most of the artists who were invited to the party were from South Africa.从时间概念上讲,现在分词作定语,表示动作正

8、在进行;而过去分词则表示动作已完成或没有一定的时间性。boiling water滚开的水boiled water开水falling leaves正在落下的叶子fallen leaves落叶a boy sitting on the left坐在左边的男孩a teacher respected by all受人尊敬的老师注意:如果作定语的动作和谓语动作有先有后,不能使用现在分词作定语,应使用定语从句。The teacher scolded the student breaking the window.()The teacher scolded the student who had broken

9、 the window.()老师批评了砸坏窗户的学生。做一做 练一练The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A. having writtenB. to be written C. being writtenD. written 2. create v.创造,创建识同辨异create,discover与invent(1)create“创造,创建”,是指产生以前没有的东西,也可指精神上的东西。如:God created the world.上帝创造了

10、世界。Shakespeare created quite a number of characters in his plays.莎士比亚在他的戏剧中创造了大量的人物。(2)discover“发现”,是指发现原来存在而没有被人所知的东西。如:They dug up the road and discovered a box hidden under it.他们挖路时发现了一个盒子。(3)invent“发明”,是指发明原来不存在的新东西,往往是具体事物。Paper was invented in China.纸是中国发明的。It is well known that Thomas Edison

11、invented the electric lamp.众所周知,托马斯爱迪生发明了电灯。做一做 练一练Oil has been _ under the North Sea.A. invented B. found C. created D. discovered 3. make宾语宾补 make一词可搭配的宾语补足语有以下几种情况:(1)名词作宾补We have made him our monitor.我们推选他为班长。类似:make London the base使伦敦成为根据地;make her his wife使她成为他的妻子;make it a rule使之成为习惯;make oth

12、er peoples experience your own使别人的经验成为自己的(2)形容词作宾补The news of her death made us sad.她死亡的消息使我们悲伤。(3)介词短语作宾补 Please make yourself at home.请不要客气。(4)不带to的不定式They made me retell the story.他们要我重讲一遍这个故事。(5)过去分词作宾补The strange noise made the child frightened.奇怪的声音使孩子感到恐惧。(6)现在分词作宾补In harvest time,they made t

13、he tractors working all night long.收获季节他们让拖拉机整夜不停地工作。注意:作宾语的不定式短语或从句多用it作形式宾语,构成:make it形容词名词不定式从句。如:They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important job.他们想让公众清楚他们做的是一件重要的工作。He makes it a rule to take part in some physical labor though he is old.虽然年龄已大,他仍习惯于参加一些体力劳动。(7)makeoneselfp.p.,此结构中make作“使、令”解。make oneself understood使被理解;make oneself heard使被听见Her voice was so low that she couldnt make herself heard.她的声音太小,别人听不到她讲的话。Will you plea



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