七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil导学案5

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《七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil导学案5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil导学案5(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品资料Unit 3 Is this your pencil Class _ Name _【学习目标】通过本课时学习,学生能熟练掌握97页上Section A的单词pencil-welcomeI. 教与练(Teaching and practice) 【自主学习】(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 语音训练1.跟读下列音标和单词。a/e/nameeraserbaseballgame/atbagthanksdade/i:/mee-mailheshe/e/helpwelcomesetpencili/a/minelibraryfindfine/hisdictiona

2、ryringino/notebooknothosezero/orangenotboxlost/sonsomecomebrotheru/ju:/excusecomputermusicstudent/upcupunclemust学习任务二:会读写97页上Section A的单词pencil-welcome 过程:(1)小组合作读单词,相互检查读音,并记忆单词10分钟 (2)从每个小组里挑几名同学展示,其他同学默写在学案上,小组长交换批改。铅笔_书_橡皮_箱;盒_铅笔盒;文具盒_书包_词典;字典_他的_我的_她的_原谅;宽恕_(I的宾格)我_劳驾;请原谅_感谢;谢谢_老师;教师_关于_(询问消息或提

3、出建议)怎么样?好吗?_你的;你们的_为了;给;对_为而感谢_帮助;援助_受欢迎的_别客气。_31 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 第二课时 单词语音学案 Class _ Name _【学习目标】通过本课时学习,学生能熟练掌握97页上Section B的单词baseball-a set of I. 教与练(Teaching and practice)【自主学习】(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 语音训练1.跟读下列音标和单词。oo/u:/ tooschoolbagclassroomcool/goodbooklooknotebookir/

4、:/firstgirlskirtbirthor/:/morningshortsportstorear/:/carcardstarpartyee/i:/greenseethreebeefea/i:/pleaseeasyeatteacherer/brothermotherfatherteacher/:/herhersterm学习任务二:会读写97页上Section B的单词baseball-a set of 过程:(1)小组合作读单词,相互检查读音,并记忆单词10分钟 (2)从每个小组里挑几名同学展示,其他同学默写在学案上,小组长交换批改。棒球_表;手表_计算机;电脑_游戏;运动;比赛_卡片 _学

5、生卡;身份证_笔记本_戒指_袋;包_在里_图书馆_请求;要求;询问_请求;恳求(给予)_(过去式、过去分词found)找到;发现_一些;某些_有些;有的_教室_电子邮件_ 32 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 第三课时 语法知识学案 Class _ Name _I. 教与练(Teaching and practice)【自主学习】(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 学习名词单复数变化规则及发音规律1.写出下列名词(n.)的复数形式,进一步熟知单词。a pencil-_(复数) a book-_(复数) an eraser-_(复数) a

6、box-_(复数) a schoolbag-_(复数)a dictionary-_(复数) a teacher-_(复数) a cup-_(复数) a watch_(复数)a knife(小刀)_(复数)a potato-_(复数) a tomato- _(复数)a boy-_(复数) a baby-_(复数)【知识归纳】名词复数的规则变化。 在一般情况下,词尾后加_. 以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,词尾加_ 以f或fe结尾的词,_ 以o结尾的词,词尾加_但是有下列词加es:negro,hero,potato,tomato 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,_ 注意:元音字母加y结尾的词,_学习任务二:

7、 句子单数变复数1 Present new sentences with these pictures.利用图片练习新句型利用铅笔图片练习 T: whats this? S: _T:Is this your pencil? S: _(肯定回答)T:What are these? S: _T:Are these your pencils ? S: _(肯定回答) S: _(否定回答)利用某位同学的橡皮进行对话练习 T: whats this? S: _T:Is this your eraser? S:Yes,it is. Its my eraser.=(mine)(肯定回答)T:What are

8、 these? S: _T:Are these your erasers ? S: _(肯定回答) S: No, they arent. Theyre his erasers=(his).(否定回答)利用某位同学的书包进行对话练习T: whats this? S: _T: Is that his schoolbag? S: No, it isnt. Its her schoolbag=(hers).(否定回答)T:What are these? S: _T:Are these your schoolbags ? S: _,They are my schoolbags=_(肯定回答) S: No

9、, they arent. Theyre his erasers=(his).(否定回答)【当堂检测】句型转换,按照要求转换句子。1、This is my schoolbag.(变为复数形式) some schoolbags.2、Those are schoolbags.(变为单数形式) a schoolbag.3、Is this your book?(变为复数形式) your .4、These are my friends. (变为单数形式) friend.5、Are those his keys. (变为单数形式) key.6、This is an eraser. (变为复数形式) some .7、What is this ? (变为复数形式) ? 8. It is an apple. (变为复数形式) 9. He



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