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1、 英语听力练习网:天堂馅儿饼店英语听力练习题目:Heavenly Pies Restaurant 1. What does the man order? A. T-bone steakB. chicken fried steakC. broiled chicken 2. What does he eat with his meal? A. friesB. breadC. rice 3. What does he have to drink? A. small juiceB. medium juiceC. large juice 4. What kind of dressing does he

2、ask for? A. FrenchB. ItalianC. ranch 5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today? A. The baker was hurt at work and can”t prepare them.B. The oven is broken and hasn”t been repaired.C. The restaurant has decided to only sell ice cream. 答案 1. chicken fried steak 2. rice3. small juice4. ranch5. Th

3、e baker was hurt at work and cant prepare them. 英语听力原文 Waiter: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order? Man: Uh . . . yes. I”d like the chicken fried steak. Waiter: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal? Man: Umm. I”ll take the rice? Waiter: Would you care for anythin

4、g to drink? Man: Yeah. I”ll take a medium orange juice. Waiter: I”m sorry. We only have large or small. Man: Well, in that case, uh, I”ll have a small one. Waiter: Okay. A small juice. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad. It comes with the fried steak. Man: What dressings do you

5、 have? Waiter: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch. Man: Oh! Ranch, please. Waiter: Would you like anything else? Man: Well, I”d like to see your pie menu. That”s the main reason why I like to dine here. Waiter: Oh, I”m so sorry, but we aren”t serving pies today. Man: Huh? I thought this

6、 was Heavenly Pies Restaurant. Waiter: Well, it usually is, but, Dave, our baker, slipped in the kitchen on a banana two days ago, and hurt his leg. Oh He”ll be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we”re serving ice cream sundaes instead. Sorry. Man: Wow. I”m sorry to hear that. Well in that

7、 case, I”ll have an ice cream sundae. Woman: I”ll be back with your order in a few minutes 英语单词词组 1. meal (noun): a portion of food served and eaten at one time - This restaurant serves delicious meals at a reasonable price. 2. care for (verb): informal, to want or wish for something - Would you care for another drink? 3. dine (verb): to eat dinner - How about dining at my house tonight? 4. injure (verb): to cause physical damage to someone - He injured his back when he tried to lift those heavy boxes.


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