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1、感知文体常识感知文体常识本单元写作任务为续写科幻故事,属于读后续写。情节的发展多以时间、地点的转移为线索。写故事时,要展开丰富的想象,适当构思情节,并把故事情节写得生动有趣,同时要合乎逻辑。此外,续写时,要注意续写内容和原文的衔接。续写部分必须忠实于原文的中心、内容与形式。牢记写作素材牢记写作素材(一)增色词汇1.button n.按钮2.predict v.预测3.moral adj.道德的4.automatic adj.自动的5.robot n.机器人6.artificial intelligence人工智能7.switch on/off打开/关闭8.be concerned about担

2、心(二)精彩句型1.Driven by my curiosity and confusion/doubt,I gently pushed the door and entered the room.在好奇心和疑惑的驱使下,我轻轻地推开门并进入房间。2.I walked into the room wanting/hoping/wondering to figure out what was happening.我走进房间,想要弄清发生了什么。3.It was truly amazing to see them interact,as if they were old close friends

3、.看着他们互动真的是太惊人了,他们好像是亲密的老朋友一样。4.I just stood there enjoying this warm scene rather than interrupting them.我没有打扰他们,只是站在那里欣赏着这个温馨的场景。5.It was at that moment that I knew he understood the meaning of my work.在那一刻,我知道他明白了我工作的意义。6.To my great relief,he realised that what I did was noble and selfless.让我欣慰的是

4、,他意识到我所做的工作是高尚且无私的。示例写作步骤示例写作步骤【写作要求写作要求】阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Milton Davidson is a programmer.Joe,his private program,is part of the Multivac-complex and is connected with other parts all over the world.He knows everything.Almost everything.Milton understands more about programming t

5、han anyone in the world,so he has made Joe speak better than any other computer can.Milton has never married,though he is nearly forty years old.He has never found the right woman.One day,he said to Joe,“Ill find her yet,Joe.Im going to find the best.Im going to have true love and youre going to hel

6、p me.Find me true love.”“What is true love?”asked Joe.“Never mind.That is abstract.Just find me the ideal girl.You are connected to the Multivac-complex so you can reach the data banks of every human being in the world.Well eliminate them all by groups and classes until were left with only one perso

7、n.The perfect person.She will be for me.”Joe said,“Im ready.”“Eliminate all men first,”said Milton.Then Milton asked Joe to eliminate any younger than twenty-five;any older than forty;any IQ under 120;any with a height under 150 centimeters and over 175 centimeters.He also gave Joe exact measurement

8、s;he eliminated women with living children;he eliminated women with various characteristics.At last,eight were good matches.But none of them pleased Milton.The next morning,Milton came to Joe and said,“Im going to leave it to you,Joe.All up to you.You have my data bank,and Im going to tell you every

9、thing about myself.You fill up my data bank in every possible detail but take all additions to yourself.”Then as Joe got more and more of Milton in him,Milton adjusted Joe to match him better and better.He thought more like Milton and understood him better.After a careful psychoanalysis,Charity was

10、chosen.However Joe didnt describe her to Milton.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Instead he adjusted the work sheets and job requirements as to get Charity assigned to him._At the very time Milton was released and came back with some other programmers._【审题谋篇审题谋篇】情节Milton wanted to find his true love with

11、 the help of his private program Joe illegally.人物Milton,Joe,Charity已知线索Milton利用Joe的数据库筛选自己想找的未来妻子的人选,结果却不满意;于是Milton将自己的详细信息告诉Joe,希望能帮自己找到真爱;因为操作违法Milton被捕;结果Joe却心生邪念,想取代Milton去见Charity可续写线索根据第一段首句可知Joe想取代Milton,结合第二段首句中的released可知,Milton让Joe所做的事情有可能是违法的,所以才会给Joe可乘之机,根据结局的正面性可知,必须要阻止Joe的不良举动【妙笔成篇妙笔成

12、篇】Instead he adjusted the work sheets and job requirements as to get Charity assigned to him.Joe did it delicately,so no one would know that anything illegal had taken place.Of course,Milton himself knew,since it was he who arranged it and that had to be taken care of too.Milton was arrested.Joe bre

13、athed a sigh of relief as the next day would be Valentines Day.Charity would arrive with her cool hands and her sweet voice.He would say to her,“I am Joe,and you are my true love.”At the very time Milton was released and came back with some other programmers.With every effort,they took control of Mi

14、lton and uninstalled the program.It was at that moment that Milton realized how risky it was to equip a robot with thinking ability.Every coin has two sides.It is the same with the Artificial Intelligence.While it will bring us much convenience in the future,it will have some disadvantages.Not only

15、should we deal with it optimistically,but also be careful about it.针对训练阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“Acknowledged,Detective.This is my.”He hung up and told the driverless UNATS Robotics car to get him down to the railway station as fast as it could,angry with himself and with Adawhose middle

16、 name was Trouble,after allfor making him deal with a robot before hed had his breakfast.The name had been his ex-wifes idea,something shed insisted on.His ex-wife.He hadnt thought of her in years.Well,months.weeks,actually.Shed been a brilliant computer scientist at the UNATS Robotics School at the University of Toronto.Now she was settled in her own research lab in Beijing,providing the kinds of software solutions for robot applications.He itched to wiretap her,to read her email or listen in o



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