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1、 A 级 必备知识基础练 .单词拼写1.In order to ensure success we must have a complete and(细致的)plan.2.U they ran into a snowstorm along the way.3.Even if it was foggy and(潮湿的)this morning,he went jogging as usual.4.We thought of selling the old(家具),but weve decided to hold on to it as it might be valuable.thoroughU

2、nfortunatelydampfurniture5.Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is c to eat animals.6.The b is a small animal like a mouse with wings.It often flies around at night.cruelbat .单句语法填空1.Under our teachers careful(guide),we did the experiment successfully.2.This(advertise)is d

3、esigned to attract the attention of housewives.3.The morning sun rises in the east,giving off its rays all directions.guidanceadvertisementin4.I was very enthusiastic the lecture,but his remark on it made me disappointed.5.No matter you like to do,there is a way to get involved in various activities

4、 on Earth Day.6.He was grateful for and proud his sons remarkable and unique performance.aboutwhatof .用现在完成时和现在完成进行时补全句子I 1._(在中国住了十年).Life 2._(一直很好)to me.I went to college for two years and now I 3._(在一家公司工作三年了).My wife,Lisa,and I 4._(结婚5年了).We 5._(刚刚完成)decorating the bathroom on the second floor a

5、nd we plan to have children in the future.have been living in China for ten yearshas been very goodhave been working in a company for three yearshave been married for 5 yearshave just finished .单句写作1.所有活动都在经验丰富的导师指导下进行。(guidance)Activities all take place _ _ _ _ the experienced tutor.2.不管天气如何,她总是每天步

6、行五英里。(no matter what)Day in,day out,_ _ _ _ _ _,she walks five miles.3.近几周,母亲接连登广告想招聘一名清洁工,但至今没有找到人。(advertise)Mother has been _ _ _ _ for weeks without success.under the guidance ofno matter what the weatheris likeadvertising for a cleaner 4.我的朋友尽了最大的努力来解决这个问题,不管它有多难。(try ones best)My friend_ _ _ _

7、 _the problem,however difficult it was.5.听到那个男孩粗鲁地说话,我们都很震惊。(in a.manner)All of us were shocked to hear the boy talking _ _ _ _.tried his best to solvein arude manner B级 能力素养提升练.阅读理解A(2023浙江杭州四校高二上期末联考)Search“toxic parents”,and youll find more than 38,000 posts,largely urging young adults to cut tie

8、s with their families.The idea is to safeguard ones mental health from abusive parents.However,as a psychoanalyst(精神分析学家),Ive seen that trend in recent years has become a way to manage conflicts in the family,and Ive seen the severe impacts estrangement(疏远)has on both sides of the divide.This is a s

9、elf-help trend that creates much harm.Todays social justice values respond to this reality,calling on us to criticize oppressive(高压的)and harmful figures and to gain power for those who have been powerless.But when adult children use the most effective tool they havethemselvesto gain a sense of secur

10、ity and ban their parents from their lives,the roles are simply switched,and the pain only deepens.Often,what I see in my practice are cases of family conflict mismanaged.I see the terrible effect of that trend:situations with no winners,only isolated humans who long to be known and feel safe in the

11、 presence of the other.The catch is that after estrangement,adult children feel abandoned and betrayed.They carry the ghosts of their childhood,tackling the emotional reality that those who raised us can never truly be left behind,no matter how hard we try.What I have found is that most of these fam

12、ilies need repair,not permanent break-up.How can one learn how to negotiate needs,to create boundaries and to trust?How can we love others,and ourselves,if not through accepting the limitations that come with being human?Good relationships are the result not of a perfect level of harmony but rather

13、of successful adjustments.To pursue dialogue instead of estrangement will be hard and painful work.It cant be a single project of“self-help”,because at the end of the day,real intimacy(亲密关系)is achieved by working through the injuries of the past together.In most cases of family conflict,repair is po

14、ssible and preferable to estrangementand its worth the work.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了面对家庭冲突或隔阂,相比疏远,修复是更好的方法。1.Why do young people cut ties with the family?A.To gain an independent life.B.To restore harmony in the family.C.To protect their psychological well-being.D.To follow a tendency towards social

15、justice.C解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Search toxic parents,and youll find more than 38,000 posts,largely urging young adults to cut ties with their families.The idea is to safeguard ones mental health from abusive parents.”可知,年轻人选择与家庭切断联系是为了保护自己,免于受到心理上的伤害。故选C项。2.What does the underlined word“catch”in paragraph

16、4 mean?A.Response.B.Problem.C.Operation.D.Emphasis.B解析词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“The catch is that after estrangement,adult children feel abandoned and betrayed.”可知,子女选择与家庭疏远后,产生的结果是他们感觉到被抛弃和被背叛,这是一种消极负面的影响。因此,画线词后是在解释这一名词,即catch表示严重的后果或是问题。故选B项。3.What should young adults do to manage family conflict according to the author?A.Break down boundaries.B.Gain power within the family.C.Live up to their parents expectations.D.Accept imperfection of family members.D解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“What I have found is that most of



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