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1、精品文档文档七年级英语完形填空题精选 RUYA 整理2021年1月七年级英语完形填空题精选一上册一完形填空 (10 分 )Joan is _36_ American girl. _37_ family is in New York. She is thirteen. She_38_salad a lot.Now,Joan is_39_China. ShelikesChinese food. _40_lunchshe likeseatingchickenand carrots.She studiesin No.2 Middle School. ShereadsChineseeverymornin

2、g. She likes_41_Chinese _42_ class. She usually_43_Chinese afterclass, too.She _44_ TV on Sunday evenings. It s relaxing at home. She likes helping others.She likes _ 45_tennis.() 36. A.aB. theC. an() 37. A.HerB. SheC. His() 38. A.likesB. likeC. boing() 39. A. onB. atC. in() 40. A. OnB.ForC. In() 41

3、. A. speakingB. speaksC.speak() 42. A. onB. ofC.in() 43. A. readingB. readsC. to read() 44. A.watchB. watchsC. watches() 45. A.playingB. makingC. doing二完形填空 (10分 )Cinderella lives with a very mean冷酷的 family. She has to do all the housework.She makesthe beds. She doesthedishes. She26themeals. She eve

4、n takes27the garbage垃圾 .One day the family goes to a28at the prince s palace皇宫 . Cinderella is29. She says,“ I want to go and dance, too!Suddenly a fairy princess comes and says,“ I can30you. She gives Cinderellaa party dress and a pair of glass31 . Then she says,“ Come home early. My magicends at m

5、idnight. I m just learning thisjob.Cinderella goes to the party and32with theprince.Sheforgets about33 .Then she sees a clock. It is almost midnight. Cinderella34home, but she loses oneof her glass shoes on the way.The prince wants to marry Cinderella, but all he has is the glass shoe. Many womentry

6、 on the shoe, but it doesn t fit. The prince35,“ Everyone has such big feet! Then oneday, Cinderella tries it on, and it fits!The prince and Cinderella get married, and they live happily ever after. 26. A. eatsB. cooksC. buysD. gives 27. A. withB. upC. inD. out 28. A. partyB. movieC. picnicD. concer

7、t 29. A. happyB. sadC. excitedD. tired 30. A. seeB. takeC. helpD. bring精品文档1七年级英语完形填空题精选 RUYA 整理2021年1月 31. A. shoesB. hatsC. pantsD. gloves 32.A. singsB. dancesC. playsD. talks 33.A. clothesB. foodC. musicD. time 34.A. goesB. walksC. runsD. gets 35.A. thinksB. hopesC. findsD. knows三完形填空 . 15 分AJane

8、is41English girl. She is a student. She42 sports. She has abrother.43name is Jack. He likes sports ,too.They are in the same school .They playsports44. They have a nice house(房子 ) and a happy45 .() 41. A. aB. anC. the() 42. A. likeB.isC. likes() 43.A. HisB. HerC. He() 44.A. every nightB. every dayC.

9、 in the classroom() 45.A. houseB. familyC. classBHello, everyone . My name is Ted . I like(喜欢 )46 very muchand I oftenplaysports with my friends after school . We play many kinds (种类 ) of47games . We all likeplaying48. We all have soccer balls . My friend Jack likes volleyball very much . Hehas four

10、49. My friend Tim likes ping-pong and he can play it very50 . He51sixping-pongballs . Ilike all the ball games52Icantplaythemall .Ihave agreat53collection(收集 ) . I have four baseballs,seventennisrackets,andtwobasketballs . There are54 sports clubs in our school . We like55very much .()46. A. sportsB

11、. gameC. English()47.A. ballsB. ballC. school()48.A. basketballB. soccerC. baseball()49.A. volleyballsB. volleyballC. basketball()50.A. wellB. goodC. nice()51.A. haveB. hasC. is()52.A. andB. butC. so()53.A. sportsB. classC. school()54.A. noB. aC. many( 许多 )()55.A. themB. itC. we四、完形填词. 10 分Hello! My

12、 name is Mike. I am from the USA. Now I m in China with my p76. I like China.I like Chinese food, too. I have b77 at home.I eat eggs, b78 and bananas. I don t l79 milk.I have no time 时间 to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our schoolis good. I can have different不同的f 80 for lunch. I eat r 81, meat and vegetables.Sometimes 有时 I have noodles and dump


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