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1、命题点6 连词本类考题解答锦囊连词分从属连词和并列连词,答题时需注意: 1根据全文逻辑发展顺序正确选择并列连词或从属连词。 2从属连词如:because与so,though,although与but,if与andor等不肯色同时使用。 3正确使用并列连词,or,but和and高考最新热门题 1.(NMET 20典型例题trying to improve the situation since it doesfft seem to work 【答案】 siliceGbut这两个句子是转折关系。命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查连词。对于此知识点,要求同学们的根据特定语言环境中,根据上下文联系与逻辑,选

2、择正确的连词。2. (NMET 20典型例题t has been five years when you graduated, but those memories are as sweet as ever before. 答案:将when改为since谓语动词为现在完成时,要与since引导的时间状语连用。3. (NMET 20典型例题)Im the captain of our school team so with my fellow players wffve won several games.答案:soand该题考查句式中的逻辑关系。withmyfellowplayerswevew

3、onseveralgames一句中的状语withmyfellow players易干扰,可调整为wevewonseveralgames with my fellow players与Im the captain Of our school team之间有并列关系而无因果关系。 题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题模拟)If I took off my glasses in the water,I couldnt see anything, but this increased my fear. 【答案】 butand. 前后关系是并列。2.(典型例题拟) I enjoyed the classes,

4、 but I told my daughter to value her school time.答案:butso前后关系是并列。 新高考命题探究 1.连词 (1) Im sorry,and I wont be able to come tonight. 答案:and改为but,Im sorry,but是一个固定说法。(2) He is not only a football player and also a famous writer. 答案:and改为butnotonlybut also,固定搭配。(3) What he said at the meeting was either im

5、portant nor true. 答案:either改为neither,neithernor,“既不也不”。(4) You must get up early tomorrow, for I will go there alone. 答案:for改为or,or,则,符合句意。(5) Without both money or talent, science wolud progress slowly. 答案:or改为and,bothand固定搭配。(6) Though we got very tired,but we didnt stop Working in the factory. 答案

6、:去掉but,though不能跟but连用。(7) Where Peter goes, he is welcome. 答案:Where改为Wherever,Wherever引导让步状语从句,“无论彼得到哪里”。(8) Youll miss the train until you hurry up. 答案:until改为unless,unlessif hot除非,如果不,符合句意。(9) If you are there or not doesnt matter much. 答案:If改为Whethter在句首引导名词性从句,用whether不用if.(10)The book is intere

7、sting so it has many stories of adventure. 答案:so改为because,because引导原因状语从句,符合句意。(ll)You wont know the value of health after you lose it. 答案:after改为until,notuntil,直到才。(12)Our flight from Beijing to London was delayed because the heavy fog. 答案:because后加of.because of后加名词、代词作宾语。(13)Read the text slowly s

8、o you may understand the story better. 答案:so后加that so that引导目的状语从句。(14)Do you know how Jane is getting on well with her classmates? 答案:how改为that that引导一个宾语从句,或去掉well,由how引导宾语从句。(15)For you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me? 答案:For改为Sincefor引导的并列分句不能放在句首。(16)It was already ten

9、oclock that we got to the park yesterday morning. 答案:that改为when这不是一个强调名型,it指时间;when引导一个时间状语从句。(17)We know nothing about the man besides that he is from London. 答案:besides改为exceptbesides,除之外还有;except,除之外。(18) Teachers should have patience, so children would never learn anything. 答案:so改为orotherwiseoro

10、therwise,否则。(19)My brother is in favour of playing football,when my sister insisted on swimming. 答案:when改为whilewhile而,然而。(20)The reason why Michael has made such great pro gress is because he has never wasted his time. 答案:because改为thatThe reason is that,that引导表语从句,解释、说明reason的内容。2.强调句 (1) Where was

11、it she found her lost necklace? 答案:it 后加that强调句式的特殊疑问句,疑问词+iswasit+that+句子其他部分。(2) It is the people who is really powerful. 答案:who is 改为who are本句强调的是主语the people,谓语用复数(3) It were Tim and Jim who cleaned the room. 答案:were改为was强调句式为h iswas+被强调部分,不管被强调部分在句中是什么成分,也不管被强调部分的单复数,句式一律是it wasis+被强调部分。(4) The

12、re is not everybody that can draw so well. 答案:There改为It本句为强调句,其结构为hiswas+被强调部分+that+句子其他部分。(5) Bob hoped it would be him who would be invited. 答案:him改为he强调句式强调的是主语,用主格。(6) It is at the gate where she will be waiting for me. 答案:where改为that强调句式中只能用that引导句子的其他部分;如果强调的是主语,指人,可以用who引导句子其 他部分。(7) It was the first newspaper which was printed on a moving train. 答案:which改为that同上。(8) It was because the bus broke down on the way to the station we missed the train. (9) Is it Tom that you aw yesterday? (10) It was noon that we got to the small village.


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