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1、基于企业异质性的“临近集中”分析:理论与实证“Proximity-Concentration” with Heterogeneous Firms:Theory and Empirics厦门大学学位论文原创性声明本人呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下,独立完成的研究成果。本人在论文写作中参考其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果,均在文中以适当方式明确标明,并符合法律规范和厦门大学研究生学术活动规范(试行)。另外,该学位论文为( )课题(组)的研究成果,获得( )课题(组)经费或实验室的资助,在( )实验室完成。(请在以上括号内填写课题或课题组负责人或实验室名称,未有此项声明内容的,可以不作特别声明。)

2、声明人(签名): 年 月 日厦门大学学位论文著作权使用声明本人同意厦门大学根据中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法等规定保留和使用此学位论文,并向主管部门或其指定机构送交学位论文(包括纸质版和电子版),允许学位论文进入厦门大学图书馆及其数据库被查阅、借阅。本人同意厦门大学将学位论文加入全国博士、硕士学位论文共建单位数据库进行检索,将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版,采用影印、缩印或者其它方式合理复制学位论文。本学位论文属于:( )1.经厦门大学保密委员会审查核定的保密学位论文,于 年 月 日解密,解密后适用上述授权。( )2.不保密,适用上述授权。(请在以上相应括号内打“”或填上相应内容。保密学位论

3、文应是已经厦门大学保密委员会审定过的学位论文,未经厦门大学保密委员会审定的学位论文均为公开学位论文。此声明栏不填写的,默认为公开学位论文,均适用上述授权。) 声明人(签名):年 月 日摘 要一个国家的某种产品要想占领另一个国家的市场,可以采取两种方式进行。一是通过在国内集中生产并向对方国家出口的方式,另一种是采取临近对方市场生产的方式进行FDI。这两种占领对方市场的方式哪一种更为可取?对它们的选择会受到哪些因素的影响?对于这些问题的讨论就是Brainard(1997)“临近-集中”权衡的主要内容。她的结论是:当运输成本或关税壁垒较高,工厂层面的固定成本相对于企业层面的固定成本较低,FDI就会更



6、结果都得到经验数据的支持。关键词:企业异质性;“临近集中”;新新贸易AbstractThere are two alternative modes of foreign market penetration. One is exporting with concentrating domestic production. The other is foreign direct investment with proximity foreign market. Which mode is more preferable? What factors might effect the selecti

7、on of the two modes? Brainard (1997) “Proximity-Concentration” mainly demonstrated the above questions. Her conclusion is that: When transport costs or tariff barriers are higher, plant-level fixed costs compared to the firm-level fixed costs lower, FDI will be more prevalent. In contrast, exporting

8、 will be more prevalent. Markusen and Venables (1998, 2000) brought the differences of market scale and elements prices in different countries into the “Proximity-Concentration” mode, and drew the conclusions which are larger foreign markets will attract more FDI; while the elements price difference

9、 between the two countries is smaller, FDI is likely to become more prevalent. However, the conclusions above are based on the assumption of firms homogeneity, which would derive out a conjecture. It is that all of the firms in an industry select export or all firms select FDI, which is inconsistent

10、 with the truth of experience. To solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce the theory of heterogeneous enterprises. Helpman et al (2004) introduced Melitz (2003) heterogeneity of the enterprise into the “Proximity-Concentration” theory. Helpman et al (2004) came to the conclusion: among the

11、existing enterprises, enterprises with the lowest productivity can only sale in the domestic market; enterprise with higher productivity can not only sale in domestic market, but also export to foreign markets; and the enterprise with the highest productivity can not only sale in domestic market, bu

12、t also penetrate into foreign markets through FDI. Helpman et al (2004) also pointed out that in the sector whose difference in enterprises productivity is larger, FDI will become more popular. This article first systematically combs out the evolution of the development of “Proximity-Concentration”

13、issue and makes effective integration. Based on the comprehensive summary of the influencing factors of “Proximity-Concentration” issue, the paper sets up a more comprehensive model, compared to the modes of Brainard (1997) and Helpman et al (2004), and re-tests the influencing factors of “Proximity

14、-Concentration” issue by applying the more recent American BEA 2004 statistical data. The empirical results show that the theoretical results are supported by empirical data except the difference of elements prices whose empirical result isnt significant.Key words: Heterogeneous Firms; “Proximity-Co

15、ncentration”; New-New Trade 目 录第一章 导论1第一节 问题的提出1第二节 研究方法2第三节 结构安排2第二章 文献回顾4第一节 新新贸易理论的兴起4第二节 理论综述6第三章 企业同质性下的“临近集中”理论13第一节 “临近集中”基准模型分析13第二节 “临近集中”扩展模型分析18第四章 企业异质性下的“临近集中”理论23第一节 异质性企业基准模型分析23第二节 异质性企业扩展模型分析24第五章 企业异质性下的“临近集中”实证分析28第一节 模型变量和数据分析28第二节 模型设定与结果分析31第六章 结论启示与展望36第一节 本文结论和启示36第二节 本文研究的局限与展望37参考文献38附 录140附 录241后 记43ContentsChapter1 Introduction1Section1 The Presenting of the Question1Section2 The Methodology of this Paper2Section3 The Struct


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