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1、2022年高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块六Unit3Understandingeachother课下作业牛津译林版.单项填空1You cant see well through a telescope unless it is _ correctly to your sight.Aaccustomed BadjustedCadmitted Dadopted答案Badjust “调节”。句意:除非你把望远镜调节到和你视力一致,否则,你就会看不清楚。accustom“使习惯于”;admit“承认”;adopt“采纳”。2There is a growing tendency for people

2、to do shopping on the Internet.But sometimes its difficult to _ the quality of the products.Aassume Bsuppose Cmeasure Densure答案D句意:人们越来越倾向于在网上购物,但有时候很难保证所购商品的质量。ensure“保证,确保”,符合句意。assume“假定,假设”;suppose“料想,假定”;measure“测量,衡量”。3In Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia,the normal greeting is a slig

3、ht bow with palms _ together.Apressing Bto pressCpressed Dbeing pressed答案Cpalms与press在逻辑上是被动关系,故排除A项和B项。D项表示动作正在发生,不符合题意。4You can imagine what great trouble we had _ the new school.Asetting up Bto set upCset up Dto setting up答案A句意:你可以想象我们建立这所新的学校有多难。句中含有have trouble (in) doing这个固定搭配,因为是感叹句,所以trouble

4、在前面,we had setting up the new school是定语从句,修饰trouble,故选A。5He took _ because I said his spelling was bad.Aaction Bcare Cnotice Doffence答案D句意:我说他拼写差,他就生气了。take offence生气,发怒,符合句意。take action采取行动;take care当心;take notice注意。6Lack of money _ her not continuing her studies.Aaccounts for Bcares forCexplains t

5、o Dapproves of答案A句意:缺钱是她辍学的原因。account for说明的原因;care for喜欢;explain to向某人解释;approve of赞成。根据句意知选A项。7I havent decided on the menu yet,let alone _ the food.Abuying Bto buy Cbought Dbuy答案C句意:我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买食物了。let alone“更别提;更不用说”,后跟与前面部分相对应的谓语或名词。这里前面部分是完成时态,所以用过去分词。8My question is why people _ animals a

6、nd use animals to help their own species.Ahave power over Bget away from Cmake room for Dput up with答案A句意:我的问题是人类为什么控制着动物,并利用他们帮助自己。have power over“控制”,符合句意。get away from“逃离”;make room for“给让位置”;put up with“忍受”。9I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A!_ADont worry about itBCongratu

7、lations!Thats a difficult courseCMr.Brown is very goodDGood luck to you答案B句意:“我原来很担心我的化学,但是布朗先生给了我个A。”“祝贺你!这门课程很难。”故答案为B。10After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook over Ctook up Dset up答案C句意:在医学院学了五年后,简在乡下当了一名医生。take up“开始从事”,符合句

8、意。set out“开始,出发”;take over“接管,接收”;set up“建立”。.阅读理解Dwarf Patio Fruit TreesProduct details This selection of three dwarf fruit trees are ideal for smaller gardens where space is very valuable.They can be planted in patio containers and will never grow taller than 2 m. Apple Red Spur 12.99 These specia

9、lly sourced Spur apple trees have an upright,nonspreading habit.Bred in the east of Holland,these dwarf apple trees are used to very cold temperatures in winter.These apple trees will bear an abundance of delicious fruit in late summer/autumn.These apples can produce fruit by themselves.However,a gr

10、eater yield of fruit will be achieved by buying both varieties. Apple Golden Spur 12.99 The same as above,except producing bright green apples. Dwarf Pear Lilliput 12.99 This tree produces delightful flower in spring,followed by fruit in summer.Lilliput pears are similar in taste and texture to the

11、Conference Pear._Name:Miniature Patio FruitPosition:Full sunSoil:Moderately fertile,well drainedRate of Growth:1.5 m2 mFlowering Period:SpringFlower Color:WhiteOther Features:Suitable for containers or small gardensOrigin:EuropeGarden Care:Protect from strong windsGoes Well With:StrawberriesThis pro

12、duct is brought to you by JParker Dutch Bulbs Ltd.,a trusted partner of Mirror Reader Offers.To order any of these items by telephone call 0844 448 2477 and quote mirshop/and the item name. To see our full selection of products on MirrorGarden please click on the link below:_Returns policy If you ar

13、e not satisfied with your purchase,return the goods to us,undamaged and in the original packaging within 14 days for a refund or exchange.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了三种适合庭院栽种的果树,它们在庭院种植方面有其独特的方面。1According to the passage,Apple Red Spur _Acan grow big trees Bdislikes cold temperaturesCmainly flowers in the

14、 late summer Dcan bear more with two varieties together答案D细节理解题。根据文章“Apple Red Spur 12.99”部分,Apple Red Spur最多长到两米高,适应寒冷的冬天,夏末或秋天结果,而如果两个品种在一起结果会更多。2Which of the following conditions can help you exchange your unwanted items?AThe plant was broken into half.BThe packaging was torn open.CThe plant was dying 23 days later.DIt is kept as well as it was bought.答案D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,要想更换或者退回,就要在规定的14天内将完好无损的果树(包括包装)运给卖方。.任务型阅读If youve been hired or gotten to be the owner of


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