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1、课时提能练(二十八).阅读理解(2020福建福安六中月考,D)For many foreigners who have visited or worked in China,one of their strong impressions is that the country is very safe.Here,you can go out alone late at night to eat at a food stand without feeling nervous. You can also let your younger children ride public transport

2、 all by themselves without worrying about their safety.This year,2018,marks a special anniversary of the launching of the reform and openingup policy, which took place two score years ago in China. Over the past few decades,the country has achieved fast economic growth, while social peace and stabil

3、ity have been maintained (维护) to the fullest extent at the lowest cost. Of course, there are still unsolved problems. However, from the overall aspect, Chinese society remains harmonious and safe. In my eyes,this should be attributed (归于) largely to the cultural, economic and political environment o

4、f the country.A society can be stable and orderly only when its people can lead a prosperous (繁荣的) life. After the introduction of the reform and openingup policy, China achieved fast economic growth and significant scientific and technological progress. In the meantime,the Chinese government has ta

5、ken various measures such as those to fight corruption, reduce poverty and promote the rule of law, in order to uphold social equity. Thanks to these efforts, the potential factors that might cause social problems have been greatly reduced.Apart from government departments including the police and j

6、udicial (司法的) departments, the general public also contributes much to social governance. The development of information technology has created new ways of linking the police and the public. By jointly fighting crimes in such ways,the public and the police have developed an everincreasing level of m

7、utual trust and positive interaction.The safety and stability in China did not come easily.Rather, it should be attributed to the efforts made by 1.3 billion people. For both Chinese and foreigners living in the country,the sense of safety and security is very precious.【语篇解读】本文为说明文。实行改革开放政策以来,中国经济飞速

8、发展,社会安定,人民安居乐业。本文介绍了中国社会处于稳定状态的几个因素。1The main idea of the passage is that _.AChina has achieved fast economic growth and people are becoming richBthe Chinese government has taken various measures to settle social problemsCthe police and judicial departments work more effectively to maintain social s

9、tabilityDvarious factors contribute to the stability and safety of present ChinaD主旨大意题。本题题干意为:本文的中心思想是_?本文第一、二段引出中国社会稳定和安全这一话题,接下来作者解释了其原因,故答案为D项(各种因素促成了目前中国的稳定和安全)。A项:中国经济增长迅速,人们富裕起来;B项:中国政府采取了各种措施来解决社会问题;C项:公安和司法部门工作更有效以确保社会稳定。以上三项都是本文的一些细节,不是本文的主旨,故被排除。2When was the reform and openingup policy la

10、unched in China?AIn 1968.BIn 1978.CIn 1988.DIn 2008.B细节理解题。本题题干意为:中国是什么时候实行改革开放政策的?根据第二段第一句“This year,2018,marks a special anniversary of the launching of the reform and openingup policy,which took place two score years ago in China.”可知答案为B项。3Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?

11、AMost foreigners lack a sense of safety when staying in China.BGovernment departments play an important role in keeping social peace and stability.CPeoples prosperous life in a country can lead to a stable and orderly society.DFour basic reasons are listed throughout the passage for Chinas stability

12、 and safety.C推理判断题。本题题干意为:从本文中可以得出下列哪项结论?根据第三段第一句(只有当人们过上富裕的生活时,社会才会稳定、有序。)可知答案为C项(一个国家的人们的富裕生活会导致一个稳定、有序的社会)。4What is the tone of the text?ANegative.BPositive.CHumorous.DDoubtful.B推理判断题。本题题干意为:本文的基调是什么?通过阅读本文可推知,本文作者对中国的发展现状持积极乐观的(positive)态度,故答案为B项。.完形填空(山东潍坊一中2021届开学质检)Melbourne Girls College is

13、getting rid of all dustbins and asking students to take their rubbish home to encourage them to move towards zero waste.Starting next Monday, the college will gradually 1 all the rubbish bins in five weeks in classrooms and the yard, 2 1400 students and 140 staff to find their own home for chip pack

14、ets and juice boxes. Volunteer students will 3 daily noncompulsory food inspections in which children bringing “zero waste” lunch boxes will be 4 . Students using only 5 packaging will receive a token (礼券)to win prizes such as keepcups.The rubbish that students take home may still go to landfill(废物填

15、埋场) via their home bins, 6 the new policy will help persuade 7 to buy fewer packaged items and reuse containers. Most issues around carrying rubbish home, such as smell and mess, can be solved. 8 tuna (金枪鱼)in a tin, for example, can 9 the schools compost(堆肥)bin and the tin can be 10 before its taken home.The college principal Karen Money acknowledges that some parents may not have the time or means to avoid 11 in singleuse packaging, “but its 12 to get as many people as we can to avoid it. We talk a lot, 13 educators, about the bad problems the world 14 , and if we dont start pu


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