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1、UNIT 10Youre supposed to shake hands.UNIT 10写作能力提升练写作能力提升练 中西文化在餐桌礼仪等方面表现不同假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Wendy将来中国做一名交换生,她写信询问中国的风俗习惯请你根据以下要点提示给她写一封回信要点提示:1.吃饭时;2.到家里做客时 谋篇布局遣词造句基础句式 Different countries have different customs.提升句式 Each country has its own customs.升华句式 As we all know,different countries have differen

2、t customs.beginning基础句式1 You cant start eating first if there are older people at the table.提升句式1 Its not good to start eating first if there are older people at the table.升华句式1 When youre eating dinner,its impolite to start eating first if there are older people at the table.body基础句式2 When you go o

3、ut with people,you should choose a good place.提升句式2 When you choose a meeting place,it must be found easily.升华句式2 When you go out with people,you should choose a meeting place that is easy to find.基础句式 Have a safe trip!提升句式 Have a safe trip!I hope to see you!升华句式 Have a safe trip,and I look forward

4、to meeting you soon!endingDear Wendy,As we all know,different countries have different customs.So the manners in China are very different from those in your country.Let me tell you something about the customs and manners in our country.连句成篇When youre eating dinner,its impolite to start eating first

5、if there are older people at the table.Its polite to ask them to start first.Never use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.Never stick your chopsticks into the food.In our country,youre supposed to shake hands with the hosts when you meet each other for the first time.Youre not supposed to kiss them.You can say“nihao”to them.When you go out with people,you should choose a meeting place that is easy to find.Its important to arrive at the meeting place on time.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.Have a safe trip,and I look forward to meeting you soon!Yours,Li Hua


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