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1、Module 1Lost and foundModule 1易错考点专练易错考点专练 here is/are的用法的用法易错点津:易错点津:Here are可数名词复数;可数名词复数;Here is可数名词单可数名词单 数数或不可数名词;或不可数名词;Here代词代词is/are。一、用一、用Here is或或Here are填空。填空。1.some sausages on the shelf.2.a lot of crayons on my sisters desk.3.an orange for your sister.4.some yellow ducks behind you.5.so

2、me orange juice in the glass.6.three new bridges over the river.Here areHere areHere isHere areHere isHere are二、二、单项填空。单项填空。(D)7.Here my sisters English tapes.A.isB.amC.beD.areD(C)8.2023安庆期中Lucy,here a pair of nice gloves for you.A.beB.amC.isD.areC(B)9.I left my eraser at home.Can I use yours?Of cou

3、rse.A.Here is itB.Here you areC.Here are itD.Here are youB “找一找找一找”look for才可以才可以“找到找到”find易错点津:易错点津:find“找到,发现找到,发现”,指找的结果;,指找的结果;look for“寻寻 找找”,指找的动作。,指找的动作。一、用一、用look for或或find的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.My pet dog is lost.Please help me it back.2.What are you doing?I my camera.3.Where is my watch?I cant

4、it.4.David,maybe you can your wallet in the lost and found box.find am looking forfindfind二、单项填空。二、单项填空。(B)5.2023滁州月考Where is Niuniu,Betty?I dont see it this morning.I dont know,Mum.Im it too.A.seeingB.looking forC.findingD.watchingB(C)6.You can all kinds of interesting books for children in the rea

5、ding room.A.loseB.look forC.findD.watchC 辨析辨析hundred/thousand的用法的用法易错点津:易错点津:hundred/thousand前可加具体的数字,前可加具体的数字,hundreds/thousands of前不能加具体的数字。前不能加具体的数字。一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.You can see (hundred)of things in the lost and found box.2.There are about two (thousand)trees in the park.hundr

6、edsthousand二、单项填空。二、单项填空。(C)3.You can see kinds of animals in the Beijing Zoo.A.hundredsB.hundred ofC.hundreds ofD.eight hundredsC “谁的谁谁的谁”whose和和who易错点津:易错点津:who“谁谁”,whose“谁的谁的”;whose后可加名后可加名 词词,whose也可单独使用。也可单独使用。一、用一、用Whose或或Who填空。填空。1.is the man in a white T-shirt?He is my uncle,Bob.2.is the mobile phone?The mobile phone is my cousins.3.is singing in the next room?It is Ms Liu.4.schoolbag is this?I guess its Lilys.WhoWhoseWhoWhose二、对画线部分提问。二、对画线部分提问。5.This is Miss Zhous camera.camera is this?6.Lucys aunt is working at the police station.is working at the police station?WhoseWho


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