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1、 A Perfect Wife-英语阅读翻译In the beginning of their acquaintance he had gone even further and ascribed intellect to her; but a few months of marriage had shown this to be merely one of the many delusions created by perfect features and noble expression. Everything about her had been smooth and definite,

2、 even the tones of her voice and the way her light brown hair, which she wore a la Pompadour, was rolled stiffly back from her forehead and coiled in a burnished(铮亮的,光滑的) rope on the top of her head. A serious young man, ambitious to attain a place in the world more brilliant than the secluded(隐藏的)

3、seat of his ancestors, he had been impressed at their first meeting by the compactness and precision of Victoria”s orderly mind. For in that earnest period the minds, as well as the emotions, of lovers were orderly. It was an age when eager young men flocked to church on Sunday morning, and eloquent

4、 divines discoursed upon the Victorian poets in the middle of the week. He could afford to smile now when he recalled the solemn Browning class in which he had first lost his heart. How passionately he had admired Victoria”s virginal features! How fervently he had envied her competent but caressing

5、way with the poet! Incredible as it seemed to him now, he had fallen in love with her while she recited from the more ponderous passages in The Ring and the Book. He had fallen in love with her then, though he had never really enjoyed Browning, and it had been a relief to him when the Unseen, in com

6、pany with its illustrious poet, had at last gone out of fashion. Yet, since he was disposed to admire all the qualities he did not possess, he had never ceased to respect the firmness with which Victoria continued to deal in other forms with the Absolute. As the placid years passed, and she came to

7、rely less upon her virginal features, it seemed to him that the ripe opinions of her youth began to shrink and flatten as fruit does that has hung too long on the tree. She had never changed, he realized, since he had first known her; she had become merely riper, softer, and sweeter in nature. Her a

8、dvantage rested where advantage never fails to rest, in moral fervour. To be invariably right was her single wifely failing. For his wife, he sighed, with the vague unrest of a husband whose infidelities are imaginary, was a genuinely good woman. She was as far removed from pretence as she was from

9、the posturing virtues that flourish in the credulous(轻信的) world of the drama. The pity of it was that even the least exacting husband should so often desire something more piquant than goodness. 经过三十年的幸福婚姻,他仍能时常提示自己,维多利亚拥有除了危险触摸人性的脆弱每魅力(虚弱,弱点)。尽管她的完善削减了乐趣,尤其是爱情的乐趣,他慢慢感觉到丈夫在她的自然冷淡高傲(冷淡,严寒)。他仍旧坚持,在道德陈

10、词滥调的衰减(陈词滥调,平凡),于名誉的骑士风范。在他年轻的泛着余辉的维多利亚时代,和优雅的女性化风格已经软化的礼貌,假如不是本性,人。在这个好玩的时代的完毕,当女性被从生物学factsintosa奇妙的力气,维琪涅斯李特佩吉,一岁的富有家庭的小儿子,娶了维多利亚布鲁克,一个烟草种植园主的大女儿,他抛弃了他的种植园和转换成香烟烟草发了财。在维琪涅斯曾训练严格的传统敬重每一个女人谁没有弯腰愚蠢的美德,她的性别特有的是其中他倾慕维多利亚的缘由。她不只是虚心,这在九十年月是正常的,但她是漂亮的,这是不寻常的任何十年。 在他们相识的开头,他走得更远,给予她才智,但几个月的婚姻已经说明,这仅仅是一个完善




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