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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 女性对化妆品的消费特征 姓 名 : 000000 班级、学号 : 000000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 0000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-11-3 2009 年 11 月 3 日20目 录毕业设计任务书 1毕业设计成绩评定表 2答辩申请书 3-5正文6-23答辩委员会表决意见24答辩过程记录表25课 题 女性对化妆品的消费特征一、 课题(论文)提纲引言 1. 女性购买化妆品的特点 1.1 购买目标比较模糊 1.2 容易发生情绪化消费 1.3 环境因素对购物行为的

2、影响大 1.4 追求新鲜、多样化的体验,展示自我 1.5 注重商品的利益与使用价值1.6 购物过程掺杂浓厚的情绪、情感1.7 对细节挑剔1.8 对价格敏感1.9 注重全方位的消费体验1.10 口碑传播的超强影响力2. 女性购买化妆品的心理2.1 注重时尚与美感 2.2 追求个性化 2.3 较强的情感特征2.4 强烈的自尊自重心理 3. 消费层次决定购买力3.1消费者的经济状况3.2 消费者的职业和性质3.3 消费者的年龄总结二、内容摘要现代女性消费心理和消费特点随着社会的发展而发生了重大变化,现代女性消费倾向几乎成为引导女性市场消费的主要因素。她们渴望改变自身,挑战自我,体现个性化,主张自立自

3、强,紧跟时尚潮流,用物质上的满足取悦自身等。她们通过化妆品来增强自己的自信心,更想得到别人的赞许,以消费名牌高档化妆品来显示自己的经济实力,消费层次和品味,向别人夸示自己以获得心理的满足,抓住这些消费特征可以更全面地了解化妆品市场。关键词:化妆品;消费特点;消费心理Modern females consumption psychology and consumption features have changed greatly with the development of the society. The tendency of womens consumption has become

4、the elements which can lead to womens consumption. They desire to change themselves and challenge themselves , show the individuality , claim independence and self-improvement tightly followed by fashion trends and please themselves with material satisfaction, and so on. They increase their confiden

5、ce by using cosmetics and they would like to win praise from others. Some of them are like to buy famous brand of high-quality cosmetics to show their economic strength, consuming level and their taste and showing off to get the satisfaction of psychology. If you catch this consumption features, it

6、will be easier to have a better acknowledge of cosmetic market.Key words: cosmetics; consumption characters; consumption psychology三、参考文献参考文献1Micheal R.Solomon. Consumer behaviorM .北京:中国人民大学出版社.20052傅浙铭.金典培训宝库M.广州:广东经济出版社.20023周军.女性化妆品消费心理M.中国集体经济网.http:/ psychology of womens buying cosmetics000000中

7、文摘要:现代女性消费心理和消费特点随着社会的发展而发生了重大变化,现代女性消费倾向几乎成为引导女性市场消费的主要因素。她们渴望改变自身,挑战自我,体现个性化,主张自立自强,紧跟时尚潮流,用物质上的满足取悦自身等。她们通过化妆品来增强自己的自信心,更想得到别人的赞许,以消费名牌高档化妆品来显示自己的经济实力,消费层次和品味,向别人夸示自己以获得心理的满足,抓住这些消费特征可以更全面地了解化妆品市场。AbstractModern females consumption psychology and consumption features have changed greatly with the

8、 development of the society. The tendency of womens consumption has become the elements which can lead to womens consumption. They desire to change themselves and challenge themselves , show the individuality , claim independence and self-improvement tightly followed by fashion trends and please the

9、mselves with material satisfaction, and so on. They increase their confidence by using cosmetics and they would like to win praise from others. Some of them are like to buy famous brand of high-quality cosmetics to show their economic strength, consuming level and their taste and showing off to get

10、the satisfaction of psychology. If you catch this consumption features, it will be easier to have a better acknowledge of cosmetic market.关键词:化妆品;消费特点;消费心理Key words: cosmetics; consumption characters; consumption psychology.Introduction With the advancing of science technology and development of eco

11、nomy. The power for womens purchasing is stronger and stronger ,and they are more independent on the money .They are attaching importance to their life quality .As an essential thing for womens life , the trend of development for their need for cosmetic things are diversified and individuled. They a

12、re playing an important role in the cosmetic consuming market.In morden society womens position are higher and higher . Their material life are improved gradually ,they will seek for development in mental field.Every women has a mind of beauty ,Shakespear had ever said a sentence :God gives a face t

13、o woman ,and woman gives one face to herself .Thats to say , every one has two faces ,one is born and another is what they want.Many people are making-up by cosmetic things ,which can make them more beautiful ,healthy and younger .They also want to get others approval .Some of them are consuming hig

14、h quality cosmetics to show their actual economic strength ,consuming hierarchy and their taste.Women are thinking of that if their skin dont maintain well after 25 ,they will look older and older. For this kind of psychology ,they depend on various kinds of cosmetics that can guard the skin , then they become the buyer of some cosmetic products . From this we can know the importance of cosmetics for women is beyond our mind .1.The characteristics of womens buying cosmeticsGen


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