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2、大意题指针对段落或短文的subject(主题)、main idea(主题思想)、title(题目)或purpose(目的)拟题。尽管题型或用词不尽相同,但所针对的都是段落(或短文)的主旨大意。以下是针对段落(或短文)的主旨大意所设立的常见题型:1. What is the main idea of this paragraph(passage)?2. What is the authors main point?3. The main idea (central thought)of the paragraph(passage)is-4. Which of the following sent

3、ences best expresses the main idea?5. What does the paragraph (passage)mainly suggest?6. The main point of the paragraph(passage)is-7. The paragraph (passage)centers on the point that-8. The author seems to be especially interested in-9. The topic sentence of the paragraph(passage)?10. What topic is

4、 treated in this paragraph(passage)?11. What the paragaph (passage) tells us would be summarized by the sentence-12. The best summary of the paragraph (passage)is that -13. The paragraph (passage)informs us that-14. We can infer from the paragraph (passage)that-15. What does this paragraph (passage)

5、 imply?16. What is the subject of this paragraph (passage)?17. Which of the following can be concluded from the information presented in this paragraph (passage)?18. What conclusion can be drawn from this paragraph (passage) ?19. The (main) subject of the paragraph (passage) is-20. Which of the foll

6、owing best states the theme of paragraph (passage)?21. The paragraph (passage) states (illustrates, discusses, deals with, is concerned about, describes)-22. The main purpose of this paragraph (passage) is that -23. What is discussed (talk about)in this paragraph (passage)?24.The main (primary)purpo

7、se of the paragraph (passage)?25. What is the authors main purpose?26. The primary objective of the paragraph (passage) is-27. The paragraph (passage) indicates that-28. Which of the following is true?29. Which of the following would be the best title for this paragraph (passage)?30. The title of th

8、is paragraph (passage) would be-31. The title that best expresses the main idea is-在各类英语考试阅读理解题中,推断主题大意题所占比例较大,几乎每一文章都设一个主旨题。出题者意在通过此题考查考生语篇能力。那么,怎样才能准确地把握住短文的主旨大意呢?从以下的实例说明我们便可得到满意的回答。All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather condition an enormous amoun

9、t of information about wealth condition existing at a time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, frosts, droughts, and all climatic

10、 conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “out-look” which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day out-looks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masse

11、s, frosts and storms.大至每篇文章,小至每一段落,都必然有一个主题。这是因为任何文章(或段落)都是为了向读者说明一个段落或阐述一个观点。因此,我们在实际处理这一类型的题时,最关键、最根本之处就在于怎样去分析、把握文章(或段落)的主题。一篇文章(或一个段落)可以有很多的次要思想(minor ideas)h和论证性细节(supporting details),但中心论点或主题思想(theme,main idea)一般只有一个。中心思想起主导作用,论据是主题的从属,它们之间是“主干”与“分枝”的关系。在考试中,如果这种关系没弄清楚,必然导致判断错误。现以上文为例,综观全文,我们发

12、现,原文从第二句开始以下各句都是围绕着第一句这个中心来解释:Why should they develop this ability?作者是从几个方面加以解释:一是map信息包容量大;二是覆盖面大;三是速度快;再就是可作为期三十天的气象展望;还可有效地预报灾难性天气。而作为一个学地理的学生看懂这样的气象图是必不可少的。所以说原文第一句和下文是一种主从关系。了解了这一点,就不难推断出本段的主题思想了。Question:What is the main idea of this passage?AWeather maps are very impotant to students of geogr

13、aphy.BWeather maps can have a 30-day “outlook”.CStudents of geography should be able to make weather maps accurately.DThose who major in geography should possess the ability to have a good understanding of a weather map.有些考生认为,只要选择答案在原文中能找到对应的句子就肯定是正确答案了,其实这是一种误解,实际上有时能直接找到答案的选择项正好与正确答案相反。从以上的四个选择答案

14、看,我们都能在原文中找到相应的句子,但它们并非都是文章主题思想。A项只说气象图对学习地理的学生十分重要,但未进一步说明在哪一方面重要。假设A项是本文的主题思想,那么,文章的下一步发展就应该对这一论点作进一步的论述,只有这样,才能说服读者。但原文的发展并非如此,所以A项非正确答案。B项更不能充当本文的主题。因为,它只是说明weather map 中的一个功能。整篇文章都未涉及students要去制做weather map,因而C项也与原文大相径庭。只有D项与原文的主题句相吻合。从以上的分析,我们可得出这样的结论:辨认主题句是获取段落(或短文)主旨大意的关键所在。何谓主题句呢?凡表述段落(或短文)


16、或段落)的重心没有显示出任何方向性,所以读这种结构的文章(或段落)要找出其主题就不那么容易,须把每个句子所陈述的意思读都认真理解之后才能确定主题是什么。现请看下面的例子:Joshna Bingham studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation .He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and later ,Boston College provided him with an excellent


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