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1、【驿站传书】【驿站传书】项目介绍:两个或两个以上的队伍同时进行。每个队纵向排成一列,将信息从队尾传至第一个人。项目目标:1 理解有效的沟通机制的重要性;2 学习如何突破思维定式, 持续不断地进行创新;3 提高解决问题的能力;4 提高决策能力;5 理解如何灵活地面对环境的变化PostingBrief introduction:Two or more teams play together. Each team sit down in a line and deliver a message silently from the last one to the first one. The team

2、, which completes the task most quickly and accurately, will win.Objectives:1 Understand the importance of communicate system;2 Learn to think out of box, keep innovating;3 Strengthen problem-solving capability;4 Foster decision making capability;5 Understand to be flexible to the changes of environ

3、ment.【穿越电网】【穿越电网】项目介绍: 每个小组的学员都必须在规定的时间内穿越面前的一张大网,项目进行中,任何人的任何身体部位不得触网。(一个网洞仅限一人次使用,一旦触网或一个人通过后将被封掉)项目目标:1 学习有效利用资源;2 提高计划和实施的能力;3 理解精确执行的重要性4 增强理性决策能力;5 理解合理分工、各尽职守的重要性;6 理解合作的重要性。Spider WebBrief introduction All the members pass through the web with irregular holes in limited time.Objectives1 Use

4、resource effectively and efficiently;2 Develop effective planning and implementation skills;3 Foster rational decision making behavior;4 Understand the importance of rational assignment and accountability;5 Understand the importance of collaboration;【孤岛求生】【孤岛求生】项目介绍:参与者被分成三组,分派到三个分隔开的岛上,在有限的时间里共同完成设

5、定的任务。项目目标:1 学习如何确定工作的优先顺序,将时间和精力放在最需要的地方;2 理解组织、特别是跨部门的关系中有效沟通特别是主动沟通的重要性;3 学习在做判断和行动之前去理解他人和数据;4 理解在跨部门间分享信息和合作的重要性; 5 学习打破思维惯性。Lonely IslandBrief Introduction The team members are divided into 3 groups and deploy on 3 separated islands to complete own task within a certain time.Objectives1 Learn t

6、o concentrate his/her efforts on the more important priorities; 2 Understand the importance of effective communicate in organization esp. across functions;3 Try to understand the people and data before making judgment and acting; 4 Understand the importance of sharing information and cooperating acr

7、oss functions. 5 Learn how to break up the usual thinking way;6 Learn it takes time to make decision, but should not hesitate too much if decision is made already.【有轨电车】【有轨电车】项目介绍: 全组成员站在两块木板上,双手抓住木板两侧的绳子,一同前进项目目标: 理解个人行为对整个团队的影响 体验团队和谐的快乐 学习目标导向 融合团队Trolley BusBrief Introduction: All the team membe

8、rs stand on two pieces of board , clutch at the rope of the board and move together to the destination.Objectives: Understand how individual behavior influences the whole organization; Enjoy the happiness of perfect teamwork; Learn to be target-oriented; Synchronize the team。【罗马炮台】【罗马炮台】项目介绍: 在古罗马的战

9、场上,一支野战部队得到攻城任务,他们需要运用指定材料搭建起宏伟的罗马炮架,迅速投入战斗,发射炮弹攻击目标,并赢取战争的胜利。项目目标:培养全体成员计划、组织、协调能力。培养决策和统筹意识以及合理利用资源的能力。培养团队通过寻找问题,调整技术,改进产品质量的能力。【越 障】【越障】项目介绍: 全队名学员都必须在规定的时间内利用培训师交给的一些简单的工具,翻越面前的一张大网,所有的工具也必须被运到网的另一侧。项目进行中,任何人的任何身体部位和所有的工具不得触网。项目目标: 计划的前瞻性,人力资源的合理配置 角色的合理分配与运用,避免“熟练工”对团队造成的负面影响Get Over BarrierBr

10、ief introduction: All the participants must cross a huge web with some simple tools in a limited time. Objectives: Understand the importance of plan with foresight; Understand use the human resource effectively;【七巧板】【七巧板】项目介绍: 一个团队分成几个工作组,模拟企业中不同部门或者各个分支机构,完成一系列规定的拼图任务。项目目标:1 培养团队成员主动沟通的意识,体验有效的沟通渠道

11、和沟通方法。2 强调团队的信息与资源共享,通过加强资源的合理配置来提高整体价值。3 体会团队之间加强合作的重要性,合理处理竞争关系,实现良性循环。4 培养市场开拓意识,更新产品创新观念。5 培养学员科学系统的思维方式,增强全局观念。6 体会不同的领导风格对于团队完成任务的影响和重要作用。Tangram Brief introduction: The whole group is divided into seven teams. Through cooperating in the fulfillment of a complicated task. The ultimate objectiv

12、e is to achieve reconstruction of the team. Objectives1 Initiate communication promptly, experience ways and methods leading to effective communication and to the team success.2 Highlights information sharing: by appropriately allocate information, improve the teams value as a whole.3 Highlight the

13、importance of cooperation between teams, balance the competition and cooperation.4 Experience how different ways of leading influent the task fulfillment.【逐鹿中原】【逐鹿中原】 项目介绍: 几个队共同参与的团队项目。各队同时向场地中的桶内投球,投球过程中,每一轮次的规则发生变化,最终进行积分评比。 项目目标: 团队在面对市场变化时有效转型,从被动等待机会转向主动寻求机会。 不断适应变化的市场规则。 突破思维定式。 通过竞争与合作的游戏,烘托

14、热烈的团队士气。 Making the kingBrief introduction: It is an activity for several teams joining together. The participants shoot the balls into the baskets while the rules changed in different turns. At last there will be a champion.Objectives: While the market change, the team should seek the opportunity p

15、ositively not wait passively. Adapt the team to the changing rules continuously. Think out of box. Lift up team moral by competition and cooperation.【罐头鞋】【罐头鞋】项目介绍: 参与者站在两块搭在三个油桶上的木板上,在人与板都不能碰触地面的前提下达到目的地。项目目标: 1 理解如何建立有效的途径去搜集信息;2 提高沟通技巧,克服沟通障碍;3 理解如何合理分工;4 学习如何系统思维;5 学习有效地倾听。Can ShoeBrief introduction All the members stand on a wood block put on 3 cans and get the destination without touching the ground no matter the block or people.Objectives 1 Learn h



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