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1、An Analysso HamletsagicImageAbsac: amlet has een a contrvesal characterin te wordf litrture。 Te rasns of hsragiciae ve een beinrguedby sholars ndcrtics orceturie。lougtere re many autitate commenso this issue, there i stillnt aatsfinonehus thistheisaims tgve n analysis o Hamlts tragic imai moe compeh

2、ensivewy one purposto gaom acs to bettr understanding o HamtThis thesis firsl ispla th eatres of Hmlets tragic iag, ndhe analyzs te rsons o Hmlets traic imgein the ligof oth objcive reasons nd ujectve reason. ndfinaly itdrws a nlusion tha Hames tragic iag s caused b many ascs,bu nt impybecuse ofthe

3、weknssof s ownpsonaity orheeninment that he lie n。 Key words: Hmle; raic imge;reaso哈姆雷特的悲剧形象剖析摘 要:哈姆雷特这一形象历来是一个很有争议的人物,形成他悲剧形象的原因更是被众说纷纭.虽然有很多关于这方面的权威性的评论。但是至今都没有一个令人满意的评论。所以,为了达到更深入了解莎士比亚作品的目的,这篇文章试图从更全面的观点来剖析哈姆雷特这一悲剧形象。这篇论文首先分析了哈姆雷特悲剧形象的特征表现,然后从客观和主观两大方面, 对哈姆雷特这一悲剧形象进行剖析。从而得出结论,哈姆雷特的悲剧形象的形成是由多方面共同

4、作用形成的,而不是由于单方面的性格特点或者他所处的社会环境造成的。关键词: 哈姆雷特;悲剧形象;原因CTENTSnrodcto1. h Geerl Idea of Hame12。 Te Fetures oHamletsag mage32.1 umnis of amle2。2Compl Chacteristic of Hmlt42。Delay in Acion42。4Trid ofHaml。 asons of HamtsTg Iage531uecivRons53。11 Weans of ersnalty53.1. solatin froossble Forcs7。3 Rigosupestiion

5、 ofHamlet931。4 dius Comlex of Hame1032bectve Resos1121Social tatu Hamle113.2。 SocialRey143.3 imittion oSkespeare14。 Concluin16Bblioraphy18 / ntrotin aspea s conided by ost to be the geatst witer f allime, and Hamlet s withot qesion hakeseaesgeaest ay. Hamlet is a bliant playa aasterpee; its certanyo

6、ne of te cornrstoesof nglshliteratue。Thee are so man mmoral phraes an lins ihis play, the mostfmou bg “to be o nttb”t ay rae, Hamlet isne of he most fmus works oShapeare。 Mor s beetten outhe caracerHamle thn any othfiguesn itory,ecepChris, soitl canededsome fur hudrdyrs fter it w wten. Hamlet isthe

7、most cmple ne of Shakespeares pls。 Many of h temes coverarelov vrus hat, actio erunonaction, rvene, ndjalousy。 dt agumen Hamlts rgiimae is ag tehottst oics。 Suc as charer citis te Romnics ad。 . Bradle, Freudian pyhoaayis, Bkhtinscrnival theor, fminist rticism andso on Athough therear manyauthortati

8、commentsn thisis, thre isnota satisfyin n.Thusthsthesis ams togie an anal on Hamets trgi iagein mor coprehesive ay on t prpose o gi sme acces to betternerstanding ofSakepeareplaywriing, a wl ahisspca plays。 Firs, illoffer he genl ide ofamlt。 Then, will disly som fetureof Hamletragc mage in argcpersp

9、ectie.And after tht, we nalys i etail onh caueof amlets tagcmage。 And fial we wi drw a cluso on the socil meaningf Hletagic imag.。TGnealIda of Hamletale tes a sryaot thDnma pince Hamlts rvee plan Haets fatrdiedtwo onhs bef the stor beins。Hs fther was Kig of Denark andHmlt wa hisonlso. Theking ida st

10、ran deh hile hewsseepin in te arden his ctle It was believed that he hd ben bitten to dby a poios snak He was uch a wie adknd kin tha hewaovedyallthe eplein the atonis on, Halet, of oue, lovedimfar more than anyn ele n the wold。Hamletwasso sad and orrowful athe eestoppe waring black lthe.Teewas some

11、thig else whih ad Hamet even sadder. mothr, Gerde, mriedamlets uce,Cladius, wh was rter hlte kngfter Haes ather ed,Clauis bece ing of nma and ried GrtrdeYoung Hamet di nt lie hm ecauseewsnt as wie and kid as h athr.He ws a man of unkndly aratr。 Hame id nti the laswt mhomrr such a man e bcer with bot

12、hof them an a to despise h othe a wels his unlThee of the ctle was inging Iw xtlmidnig. uenly a ghoin theform o telate kng appeare in the daknss lked pal an sad。 Lookng at host, thetw guards of hecste and Hrtio,alets best frend, weresurrisd and trifed.Thy wondred f omething ad ws going to hppn in Denmrk。 Tey ecidedto t heir rincewat ey had een 。Te netdayent amet ad told hi that they ad seen ghstfKng amlet Haetdubtedit atfirst, ut wntedto makse


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