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1、UNIT3Howdoyougettoschool?课时课时3SectionB(1a-1e)一、一、根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。每空词数不限。1.I will meet my friend at the trainstation(火车站).2.2023连云港灌南县月考改编Please wait for me at the busstation(公共汽车站).3.There is a busstop(公共汽车停靠站)near here.trainstationbusstationbusstop一一二二三三4.You can ride to the subwaystati

2、on(地铁站).5.It takes me 20 minutes to get to my grandparentshome(祖父母的家).subwaystationgrandparentshome一一二二三三二、二、单项选择。单项选择。(C)6.2023长春期中 do you the subway in your city?Its so great.A.What;likeB.How;think ofC.What;think ofD.How;thinkC一一二二三三(C)7.2023德州禹城市期中It me half an hour the train station.A.takes;get

3、toB.take;to get toC.takes;to get toD.take;getting toC一一二二三三(C)8.My father usually goes to work bike but today he goes to work a bus.A.by;byB.on;byC.by;onD.in;toC一一二二三三(C)9.My uncle lives Beijing.He lives there with his son.A.in;inB./;/C.in;/D./;in点拨:live是不及物动词,不能直接跟地点名词,Beijing是名词,所以live后加介词in;there

4、为副词,所以live there 之间不用介词。故选C。C一一二二三三(D)10.【易错题易错题】How far is it from the subway station to your home?Its walk.A.five minuteB.five minutesC.five minutesD.five minutesD一一二二三三 三、三、完形填空。完形填空。Today is Saturday.Bob leaves home early.He 11 the subway to the train station.12 does he want to go?Bobs grandma 1

5、3 in Maple Town.(C)11.A.needsB.drivesC.takesD.sees(A)12.A.WhereB.HowC.WhatD.When(D)13.A.comesB.dancesC.playsD.livesCAD一一二二三三Bob likes to see her and help her do some housework.Mom is busy,so she cant go with Bob.But Bob is not 14.His grandma will meet him at the Maple Town Station.(B)14.A.freeB.afra

6、idC.happyD.lateB一一二二三三Maple Town is 113 kilometers away 15 the city.It takes Bob about two 16 to get there by train.Its not boring on the train.Bob takes the phone with him,17 he can play games and listen to music.(D)15.A.toB.inC.atD.from(A)16.A.hoursB.minutesC.weeksD.months(B)17.A.orB.soC.butD.when

7、DAB一一二二三三Time goes 18.At 11:05 am,the train gets to the Maple Town Station.Bob takes his bag and gets off the train.Many 19 are at the station,but Bob sees his grandma quickly.He is very happy and 20 to her.Have a good time in Maple Town,Bob!(A)18.A.quicklyB.farC.reallyD.never(C)19.A.friendsB.trainsC.peopleD.villagers(D)20.A.thinksB.givesC.takesD.runsACD一一二二三三


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