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1、Book4Unit2 Working the landLanguage Points【学习目标】1. 通读课文,理解文章长难句。2. 通过查阅词典掌握struggle, decade, thanks to, rid of, be setisfied with, therefore的用法,并运用。【学习重点,难点】掌握struggle, decade, thanks to, rid of, be setisfied with, therefore的用法,并运用。【课型】语言知识运用课【回顾预习】 掌握相关词汇,并熟读课文。【新知识学习】Part1. Class Report:part 2. Se

2、lf-learning:(自主学习):Step1. Read the passage carefully again, and try to find the following phrases from the text:1.做研究 _ 2.为而奋斗 _3.出生于 _ 4. 当他年轻时_5.寻找 _6.欠发达国家 _7由于,多亏了 _ 8. 联合国_9.使摆脱或除去 _10.对感到满意_11. 关心_12.宁愿 _ 13.喜欢做_14.而非,而不是_ 15. 梦想着_16.很久以前_ 17. 像一样大 _ 18.以至于_Step2. 查阅词典,完成下面词汇拓展练习: 1、分析sunburnt

3、的构词法:_,本单元同样构词法的词汇还有:_ 2. graduate V. _ 固定搭配:毕业于:_n. 毕业生,研究生_adj.毕业的_固定搭配:毕业于:_ 3. 饥饿 n._ adj.饥饿的_v.渴望_固定搭配:渴望得到_ 4. disturbing adj._ adj.忧虑的_v.搅乱,打扰,使焦虑_ 5. satisfied adj. _adj.令人感到满意的_或者_, v.让某人感到满意_n.满意,欣慰_,固定搭配: 令某人感到满意的是_ 6.equip v. _ 过去式_过去分词_现在分词_n.设备_一件设备_7. freedom n._ adj.自由的_Step 3.Langua

4、ge points:1.的确,他那被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和手臂,以及他那消瘦而结实的身躯,就跟千百万中国人民一样,过去50年来,他一直努力帮助他们。_1)、本句中包含一个_从句,从句部分是:_,先行词为:_2). struggle 的用法:. He has been struggling to succeed in his business. He has been struggling for success in his business. We have to struggle against /with all kinds of difficulties. The lion made a

5、 sudden angry noise and struggled to its feet. After a long struggle, she gained control of the business.Your own sentences:_3). decade:_, 同样表示时间的词还有:_2. 由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中有了更多办法。_1). thanks to:_. Thanks to your timely help, I managed to finish the work on time. The accident was due to his carele

6、ss driving. Owing to your timely help, we finished the work ahead od time. As a result of the bad weather, the football match was cut off.Your own sentences:_2). rid v._,过去式: 过去分词: 现在分词: . A movement to rid the world of nuclear weapons(核武器)will break out. We are moving, so we have to get rid of a lo

7、t of our furniture.Your own sentences:_3. 袁隆平对他的生活很满意。_be satisfied with: _. Youve done very well. Im very satisefied with you. There was satisfied look on his face. Much to my satisfaction, my boss agreed to my suggestion.Your own sentences:_Task3.Discussion and presentation(合作探究)小组讨论自主学习中的问题,并进行展示

8、和点评,点评过程中要注意补充和质疑。Task4. Practice (当堂达标) 1. The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle_. Ato be heard B. to have heardC. hearing D. being heard2. Your education will _ you to earn a good living. Work hard from now on. A. associate B. equip C. relate D. feed3. - Robert is in

9、deed a wise man. - Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice. A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking4. I regret _ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing B. having informed C. to inform D. to informed5. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss. A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supportsTask 5【总结提升】1. 用至少三个本节课所学知识点编一段短文,话题不限:


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