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1、船泊码头库区实用英语一港口单位名称1. China commodity inspection and testing bureau 中国商品检验局2. China marine bunker supply corporation 中国船舶燃料供应公司3. CHINA MSA china sea administration4. China national charting corporation 中国租船公司5. China ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司简称COSA 沿用PANAVICO6. China ocean shipping company chart

2、ering department 简称COSCHARD中国远洋轮船公司租船部(中远租)7. China ocean shipping company 简称COSCO 中国远洋运输公司8. China ocean shipping supply corporation (简称SUPCO)有些国家称为ships chandler 中国外轮供应公司9. China ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司10. Frontier inspection station 边防检查站11. Harbor administration bureau (harbor bure

3、au ) 港务局12. Harbor supervision office ( harbor officer)港务监督13. Quarantine office 卫生检疫所14. The customs 海关 15. The .office of the register of shipping the peoples republic of china中华人民共和国船舶检验局办事处16. The joint inspection party-inward and outward 进出口联合检查组17. CHINA MARITIME 中国海事18. China maritime bureau

4、(China maritime safety administration)中国海事局二航海文件和船舶证书1. Application for bunkers 加油(燃料)申请书2. Application for tally 理货申请书3. Boat note 订载单 定舱单 4. Cargo receipt 交货收据5. Cargo tally sheet 理货记数单 6. Certificate of port of registry 船籍港证书7. Certificate of survey船舶检验证8. Classification certificate 船级证书9. Damage

5、d cargo report 货物残损报告单10. Declaration 申报单 11. Delivery order/note 交货单12. De-ratting certificate 除鼠证书13. De-ratting exemption certificate 免予除鼠证书14. Dock receipt 码头收据 15. Dock sheet 码头货单16. Free quarantine 防疫通行证17. Freight list 载货清单18. Guarantee 保证书19. Hatch list 分舱单 20. Inhibition certificate 抑制剂证书 2

6、1. Inspection certificate 验讫单22. International loading certificate 国际载重证书23. Inward manifest 进口舱单 24. License 许可证25. Loading list 装货清单 26. Manifest 舱单 27. Maritime declaration of health 航海健康声明书28. Mates receipt 收货单 29. Navigation certificate,seaworthiness certificate 适航证书30. Notice of arrival 到货通知单3

7、1. Notice of claim 索赔通知 32. Notice of readiness 备妥通知书33. Outward clearance certificate 出口结关证书34. Panama canal tonnage certificate 巴拿马运吨位证书35. Parcel receipt 小包收据36. Safety radio telegraphy certificate无线电报安全证书37. Sailing orders 开航通知 38. Ships safety certificate 船舶安全证书39. Shippers export declaration 货

8、物出口申请书 40. Shipping list 装货通知书 41. Shipping permit 准运单42. Short/overloaded cargo list 货物溢短单 43. Sues canal special tonnage certificate 苏伊士运河专用吨位证书44. Tally daily report 理货日报告45. Tally sheet 理货单 46. Tally shift report 理货工班报告47. The approved oil washing manual 认可的原油洗舱手册48. Tonnage dues certificate 吨税执

9、照49. Wireless installation inspection certificate 无线电安全证书三 各类泵和阀门3-way valve1. air diaphragm pump气泵2. Ball valve 3. Bleed-valves放气阀,抽空阀4. block valves /deluge valve/sluice gate valve切断阀/泄洪阀/水闸5. Blow down valve 排污阀6. Central fugitive pump 离心泵7. deluge valves泄洪阀8. double block双道截止阀9. Emergency shut-d

10、own valve10. Excess flow valve流量限制阀11. Fire & bilge pump 消防和污水泵12. Fire hydrant valve 阻火阀 13. Gear pump 齿轮泵 14. Globe valve 截止阀15. inlet valve进气阀16. jockey pump稳压泵17. Needle valve 18. on process control valve工艺调节阀19. Pneumatic pump气动泵20. Pneumatic valve气动阀21. Safety valve 22. Sampling valve 23. Scre

11、w pump 螺杆泵 24. Solenoid valve 螺线阀 25. steam trap 疏水阀 ,汽水分离装置26. submerge pump 潜水泵27. suction and discharging valve of the pump泵的出入口阀28. Swing check valve 快开阀29. Tank inlet (outlet ) valve 大罐进出口阀30. Throttle joint 节流阀接31. valve reverse单向阀32. vent valves排空阀四各类船名1. Air cushion craft 气垫船2. Barge carrier

12、 载驳货船3. Barge 驳船 4. Bulk-carrier 散货船 5. Bunkering tanker 供燃料船 6. Cargo liner 定期货船 7. Coaler 运煤船 8. Combination ship or semi-container ship 混合装运船,半集装箱船9. Convertible container ship可变换的集装箱船10. Craft 船,艇,舰 11. Crew boat (船员)联络船12. Customs launch 海关艇 13. Deck van ship 甲板集装箱船 14. Diesel 柴油机船 15. Dredger

13、挖泥船16. drifter 漂网渔船17. drill ship 海底钻探船18. Dry cargo ship 干货船 19. Dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)20. Electric motor ship 电动船 21. Ferry boat 轮渡船 22. Fire boat 消防船23. Float on/off ship 驳装式(集装箱)船24. Freighter 货船25. Fruit carrier 水果船26. Full container ship 全集装箱船 27. Garbage /sludge/ sewage boat 垃圾船 28. Grain carrier 运粮船 29. Hydrofoil (wing ship)水翼船30. Ice-breaker 破冰船 31. Junk 木帆船 32. Large bulb-bowed ship 大球鼻首船33. Lash (lighters aboard



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