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1、译林版英语5B U5 Helping our parents Checkout time & Writing 教学设计 南通市磨头镇磨头小学 孙兴林教学目标:1.能正确运用现在进行时来描述正在发生的动作或事情。2.能正确运用现在进行时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句交流沟通。3.能通过复习,用现在进行时完成分层写作。4. 学会乐于助人,帮助身边人。学情分析:本单元新的时态”现在进行时”已学完,在此基础上对此时态进行复习并拓展,分层写作,将时态复习与写作相结合。重点难点:1. 灵活运用现在进行时的基本句型(陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及其回答) 2. 运用现在进行时进行分层写作。教学过程Step1 W

2、arm up 1.图片呈现 引出housework T: What are they doing? S: They are doing housework.2.Have a brainstorm about “housework” 【设计意图】(引导学生“发散思维”,说出相关的“家务”词汇,为写作练习做好铺垫。)T:Do you often help your parents do housework?S: Yes.T: What do you often do?S: I often. I often . .T: All of you are good children!Step2 Prese

3、ntation and practice 1 Work in pairs-Checkout time (1)【设计意图】(生生互动,引导学生复习句型,呈现主题词汇“helpful”,承上启下,突出主题。)T:Please look at the pictures. What are they doing now?S: Liu Tao is . Nancy is . Mike is . Wang Bing is . Su Hai is .T: Are they helpful?S: Yes! (简单解释helpful)2 Lets guess【设计意图】(呈现图片,学习关于做家务的新短语,为后面

4、的写作丰富内容。) Teach the new phrases -water the flowers, mop the floor, feed the dog, walk the dog. (领读)3 Lets talk【设计意图】(通过who, what, where三个中心词巧妙引导学生复述语篇中morning和afternoon布朗一家所做的事情,并激发学生思维,想象布朗先生下午在哪,正在做什么,发挥学生的想象力,并自然过渡到evening的听力训练题。) (Talk about Mikes family)T: Do you remember Mikes family? What are

5、 they doing on Saturday morning? (强调说出表示who, what, where的相关信息,用现在进行时的完整句子来表达。)S1: Mr Brown is .S2: Mike i.sS3: Mrs Brown is.S4: Helen is .S5: Tim is.S6: Ben the dog is .T: Well done! What are they doing on Saturday afternoon?S1: Mrs Brown is .S2: Helen is .S3: Mike is .S4: Tim and Jim are .T: I have

6、 a question. Who can tell me ?Where is Mr Brown in the afternoon? What is he doing?S: .T: We are family! Everyone in the family should do housework. Lets do housework together! What are the Browns doing on Saturday evening?4 Listen and number - Checkout time (2)【设计意图】(指导学生上台完成并当即反馈,学生整体正确率高。)录音文字稿:

7、Its Saturday evening. Look at the Brown family. What are they doing now? 1 They are watching TV in the living room. 2 She is reading a book in her bedroom. 3 He is sleeping in the living room. 4 He is chatting on the Internet in his bedroom. 5 He is playing with a toy car in the living room. T: They

8、 are very good. They can help their parents do housework. I hope you can help your parents too because our parents will become older and older. Lets do more and more things you can do.5 Think and say【设计意图】(指导学生合作交流,并上台完成板书,及时反馈学生对于听力语篇的理解。) T: Please say a sentence for every picture.6 Lets talk 【设计意

9、图】(指导学生汇报The Brown family在晚上的行为,引导学生“避免重复,优化句式”,“发挥想象,丰富细节”“结构清晰,篇章完整”,逐渐指导完成一篇完整的范文。)Talk about the Brown familys life in the evening7 Lets write with the help of the three writing tips.【设计意图】(在范文的示范下,指导学生模仿结构书写自己的作文。)Step 3 Consolidation 1 Ask the Ss to write and help each other to amend.【设计意图】(突出

10、学生主体地位,指导学生同伴互助学习,相互评价并相互修改完善作文。)2 Lets show: Ask some of the Ss to show their writings in front. 【设计意图】(给予学生更多的机会展现自我,挑战自我,并引导听的学生回答相关问题,从而促进每位学生参与课堂,人人有任务,人人进步。)3.Watch a video and think “Who can we help?”【设计意图】(英语学习需要关注学生听、说、读、写全方位能力的培养,采取任务型教学引导学生观看视频并回答问题。)4 Affective education : 【设计意图】(突出本课主题“帮助父母”,并进行感情升华,鼓励学生关注身边需要帮助的人并积极地伸出援助之手。)T: We should help the people around us. We should help the people who needs help. Lets be angels to help more and more people around us. Step 4 Homework. (1) Amend and make your writing perfect. (2) Help your parents do housework every day.


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