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1、Unit 1 高频词汇1. 根据中文写出相应的单词 1. 快乐的_ 2.工作努力的 _ 3. 耐心的_ 4. 聪明的_ 5 很可能adv._ 6 忘记v._ 7 气味 _ 8 . 照顾 _ 9. 想念_ 10. 玩笑_ 11. 笑v._ 12. 仍然是. _ 13. 严厉的_ 14 鼓励v._ 15 成功的_ 16 . 支持n._ 17 成员_ 18 段落_ Unit 2 高频词汇1. 根据中文写出相应的单词1. 地址_ 2. 问候n._ 3. 接收者_ 4. 日期_ 5. 楼梯_ 6. 台阶_ 7. 电梯_ 8.完成_ 9. 滑雪_ 10.塔 _ 11 更喜欢_ 12 完美的._ 13 海岸

2、_ 14 位于_ 15 南方_ 16. 优秀的_ 17 百货商店_ 18 可能的_ 19 欧洲_ 20 .葡萄酒_ 21 旗帜_ 22 法国_ 23. 法国的_ Unit 3 高频词汇1. 根据中文写出相应的单词1. 瞎的_ 2. 道歉v_ 3 允许进入._ 4 宠物_ 5 表示。的意思_ 6 有用的_ 7 无线电广播_ 8 节目_ 9 任何地方_ 10 机场_ 11 底部_ 12 醒来_13 带领_ 14 没有什么_ 15 攀爬_- 16 出现_17 最后_ 18 毛巾_ 19 吠叫v _ 20 扮演._ 21 黑暗的_ Unit 1高频词组 1 除之外;也_ 2 照顾_ 3 嘲笑 _ 4

3、讲笑话_ 5 对.要求严格_ 6 放弃 _ 7 上班_ 8 夜以继日_ 9. 充满_ 10.放弃_ 11. 擅长_ Unit 2高频词组 1 百货公司_ 2.更喜欢_ 3.去度假_ 4.去观光_ 5 以而闻名_ 6(国家)的首都 _ 7 名胜古迹_ 8. 比如_ 9为什么不_10. 西欧 _ 11 最著名的街道 _ 12. 酿造葡萄酒 _ 13 在海岸线上 _ 14 乘坐电梯 _ Unit 3高频词组 1.到达_ 2.独自_ 3.带着某人到_ 4.入睡_ 5 醒来_ 6 蹲下_ 7 赚消防车_ 8.在某人的帮助下_ Unit 1-3主要考点Important points of the exa

4、m unit 1 考点有哪些? 1 forget 反义:_ forget to do forget doing Eg. Dont forget _ (turn off) the light before you leave. I forgot _ 2. My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.with引导的介词短语修饰名词。 China is an old country _ a long history. She is a girl _ thick glasses. We write _ pens. 3. take care of Grandm

5、a took care of my family. 同义句转换: Grandma _ _ my family. 4. make sb do 5. remain I hope we will always remain friends. Remain the door _ ( opening) 6.祈使句之特殊句型: Never give up and you will be successful. Never give up, or you will be a loser. 7 介词后+doing give up doing/ be good at doing 8. 冠词的用法 a / an

6、/ the /零冠词 9. play 乐器/球类/棋类 自己回忆学过的有关单词有: Unit 2 考点有哪些? 1 such as/ for example English is spoken in many countries, _ Australia, Canada and so on Many people here, _, John, would rather have coffee. 2 be famous for / be famous as China is famous _ its history. China is famous _ a beautiful country.

7、3 lie v.位于 (过去式_ ) China lies _ the east of Asia.China faces the Pacific _ the east. Japan lies _ the east of China. v. 说谎 (过去式 _) n. 谎话 4 preferto I prefer staying at home to going out. 5 try doing/ try to do 6 why not do 同义转换 Why not visit France this year? 7. 专有名词和连词 and but or Unit 3 考点有哪些? 1 st

8、art to do/ doing 2. 到达的三种说法: arrive/reach/ get 3. sometime/sometimes/some time/ some times (1) Ill stay here for some time我将在这儿呆一段时间。(2)Kate will be back sometime in February凯特将在2月某个时候回来。(3)Our school is some times larger than theirs我们学校比他们学校大几倍。(4)Joan goes to school on foot,but sometimes by bike琼步

9、行上学,但有时也骑自行车去。 4.反身代词和介词牛津英语广州版七年级下 单词短语复习版 一、 单词填空 1. China is a big country with very long c_on the east and south. 2We went s_ in the city 3The reporter is i_the famous leader. 4A building was on fire last night and some people were s_hurt. 5. I cant finish the work w_ your help. 6. You need to r_yourself after long and tired work. 7. When there is a fire, try to find the fire e_. 8. It was a really bad car accident. He was lucky to be a_. 9. When I was young, I had a happy c_. 10. Dont w_ the food in the canteen. If you ca



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