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1、Treatment of Grammatical Information inNumber of English Nouns in ECLDsA Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theDegree of Master of ArtsByZheng YapingSupervised by Prof. Zou XiaolingMajor: Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsCollege of Foreign Languag

2、es ofChongqing University, Chongqing, ChinaOctober, 2011M.A. Thesis of Chongqing University摘要中文摘要中国的外语学习者习得英语名词的难点不在于掌握语义,而在于如何正确使用这些名词。按名词的语法特征分类,名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。但是可数名词和不可数名词,并没有明确的界限。有些名词既可以用作可数名词也可以用作不可数名词,甚至一些不可数名词也可以用作可数名词或以复数形式出现。英语名词数的变化,会导致其句法特征、搭配等用法的变化,同时也会带来语义的变化。因此,英语名词数的属性是中国英语学习者掌握名词语义


4、等语法信息的表现载体入手,借鉴国外英语学习词典的优势,找出国内英汉词典的不足。通过研究发现,我国的英语学习词典在英语名词数的语法信息的处理方面还存在以下问题:缺少数的属性与用法的标注、标注与用法不一致、缺少例证和释义等对数的用法的解释说明及相同用法词条处理方式不一致等问题。本文通过借鉴外国英语学习词典编纂的经验,总结了英汉学习词典中英语名词数的语法信息的呈现方式,以期给予我国英汉学习词典的编纂以重要启示。关键词:英汉学习词典,数,语法标注,语言迁移,标记理论IM.A. Thesis of Chongqing UniversityAbstractAbstractThe difficulty of

5、 Chinese EFL learners in acquiring English nouns is not thesemantic meaning but the usage of the words. According to grammatical features,English nouns can be classified into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. However,there is no absolute boundary between countable nouns and uncountable nouns. S

6、omenouns can be both countable and uncountable. Uncountable nouns even can becountable or in plural form. The inflection with regards to number of English nouns caninfluence syntactic features, collocations, and other usages of them and brings about thechanges of semantic meanings. Therefore, number

7、 information is the difficult point forChinese EFL learners to acquire English nouns.Taking Chinese EFL learners special difficulties and needs as the starting point,this study tries to find out the underlying reasons of Chinese EFL learners difficultiesby comparing the differences in expressing num

8、ber of nouns between the two languagesbased on transfer theory and markedness theory. Chinese and English belong todifferent language families, so they often have different forms of expression. Chinesehas no definite grammatical category of number and has no number inflection. Pluralmeaning is often

9、 implied in the syntactic structure or in the context by bare noun. Andplural meaning can also be expressed by the suffix “们”, numerical adjectives such asmany, numerous and each, quantifiers, and reduplications. The grammatical number ofEnglish nouns, however, is far more complicated than that of C

10、hinese nouns. Englishnouns express number category by inflection as well as quantifiers at times. Thedifference in expressing number of nouns between Chinese and English is the mainobstacle for Chinese EFL learners to acquire number of English nouns. In the study,several noun entries are selected as

11、 the representatives to be analyzed from theperspective of grammatical codes, definitions, examples, and user-friendly columns sothat ECLDs can learn from the foreign ELDs to improve themselves.The study finds that Chinese ECLDs have the following problems in treatinggrammatical information of numbe

12、r of English nouns: lack of grammatical codes,examples or definitions, inconsistency between examples and grammatical codes orbetween the presentations of nouns of the same kind, etc. In this study, suggestions onpresenting the grammatical information of number of English nouns are proposed inhopes

13、of drawing lexicographers attention in compiling ECLDs.IIM.A. Thesis of Chongqing UniversityAbstractKey words: English-Chinese Learners Dictionary, Number, Grammatical Information,Language Transfer, Markedness TheoryIIIM.A. Thesis of Chongqing UniversityTable of ContentsTable of Contents中文摘要.IABSTRACT . IICHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION . 11.1 RATIONALE OF THE PRESENT STUDY . 11.1.1 Learn


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